Closed devtobi closed 4 years ago
README is updated with more information about our project. Screenshots of the Fimga prototype is missing right now.
@C-RJonsson I would not add screenshots of the figma prototype but screenshots of the final product. You could already screenshot the screens that are done. (for now only the registration process I think). And once we finished all the screens (hopefully after this sprint) you can add the remaining screenshots.
Final screenshots of the FiTrack app was added (homepage, workout, workout summary, and past workouts) to README.
The README has to be made more informational. Maybe take a look at other projects on GitHub for inspiration?
Description, Feature List, Screenshots, Authors, important milestones should be in the Readme.. Should also mention it was created as part of a class in university (and mention the class and university)
Maybe additionally find some more things