I have try to implement the volume control for linux and I have the error amixer: Unable to find simple control 'Master',0, I know why, I don't have a Master but on your code, for linux var tempProcess = StartBashProcess($"amixer -M set 'Master' {percent}%"); you specify on it the Master
Can you take on argument of Player ctor, in case of linux, the control interface and by default Master ?
I have try to implement the volume control for linux and I have the error
amixer: Unable to find simple control 'Master',0
, I know why, I don't have aMaster
but on your code, for linuxvar tempProcess = StartBashProcess($"amixer -M set 'Master' {percent}%");
you specify on it theMaster
Can you take on argument of
ctor, in case of linux, the control interface and by defaultMaster