mobilityDCAT-AP / controlled-vocabularies

Controlled vocabularies defined by mobilityDCAT-AP
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Referencing to data categories from EC Delegated Regulations #8

Open peterlubrich opened 3 months ago

peterlubrich commented 3 months ago

We plan to reference all “categories” & “sub categories” (from our Controlled Vocabulary Mobility Theme ( to the corresponding data categories from EC Regulations.

Reason: see Wikipage, section 3.2.

There will be an additional entry under each “category” & “sub category” in our Controlled Vocabulary. We will use the property “dcatap:applicableLegislation” for that addition. This will be done in a future version of the Controlled Vocabulary.

By the way: there was already a referencing to the EC Regulations for the Coordinated Metadata Catalogue:

We need volunteers to re-do such referencing in the Controlled Vocabulary "Mobility Theme".

marioscrock commented 3 months ago

[Decision during Meeting 27]: organise a dedicated task force on this within SubWG4.4

peterlubrich commented 1 week ago

Decisions Meeting 24.06.04:

  1. Arrange bilateral call Christian + Ed + Peter ; ask Timo/Chrysostomos about other mapping actions for DRs
  2. work towards 1:1 mapping between Controlled Vocab vs. DRs; check potential overlaps
  3. Use Excel table for Controlled Vocab "mobilityTheme" to denote links to DRs
peterlubrich commented 1 week ago

I propose to expand the Excel table for "mobilityTheme" as follows:


@marioscrock : please let me know if I can proceed this way

marioscrock commented 6 days ago

I propose to expand the Excel table for "mobilityTheme" as follows: [...]

Yes, this is what I had in mind. I will then work out how to ensure that the association in the column is also automatically serialised in RDF.

  • New column "dcatap:applicableLegislation" - reusing definition and range from the same property in mobilityDCAT-AP 1.0.1. It links to the relevant Delegated Regulation via the ELI identifier.

Yes, I agree on the property chosen and the usage of ELI identifiers. You can use the comma to list multiple ELI identifiers for the same row if needed.

  • New column "mobilitydcatap:delegatedRegulationCategory" - this is a new property which we would define in a future release of mobilityDCAT-AP. It denotes exactly the relevant data categories under the relevant EC Delegated Regulations.

I would like to discuss this one a little bit further. Do we expect a 1:1 match between our vocab and the delegated regulation categories? In this case, this can be seen as an "alternative label" of the same concept in the controlled vocabulary. I am not sure if it makes sense to add to mobilitydcatap: two properties to specify "two types" of categories (mobilityTheme and delegatedRegulationCategory). I would prefer to keep this association in the controlled vocabulary to reduce the "burden" on the user filling out the metadata fields. Finally, I am not convinced of having a property (mobilitydcatap:delegatedRegulationCategory) that requires "complex string" values. From the example provided, it seems that also the values in the last column could be represented hierarchically, e.g., 1 -> a -> ii. If this property is needed, we should either define these as alternative labels of the concepts already defined in our controlled vocabulary (thus already having a IRI) or define new identifiers (IRI) for these categories. An alternative option may be to keep this info only in the Excel as "provenance information" but without serialising it in RDF.

peterlubrich commented 6 days ago
  • New column "mobilitydcatap:delegatedRegulationCategory" - this is a new property which we would define in a future release of mobilityDCAT-AP. It denotes exactly the relevant data categories under the relevant EC Delegated Regulations.

I would like to discuss this one a little bit further. Do we expect a 1:1 match between our vocab and the delegated regulation categories? In this case, this can be seen as an "alternative label" of the same concept in the controlled vocabulary. I am not sure if it makes sense to add to mobilitydcatap: two properties to specify "two types" of categories (mobilityTheme and delegatedRegulationCategory). I would prefer to keep this association in the controlled vocabulary to reduce the "burden" on the user filling out the metadata fields.

Well, there is (unfortunately) no 1:1 mapping. The cardinality of the (proposed) property "mobilitydcatap:delegatedRegulationCategory" is indeed 0..n !! There are constellations like this:

Finally, I am not convinced of having a property (mobilitydcatap:delegatedRegulationCategory) that requires "complex string" values. From the example provided, it seems that also the values in the last column could be represented hierarchically, e.g., 1 -> a -> ii. If this property is needed, we should either define these as alternative labels of the concepts already defined in our controlled vocabulary (thus already having a IRI) or define new identifiers (IRI) for these categories. An alternative option may be to keep this info only in the Excel as "provenance information" but without serialising it in RDF.

Agree, let's discuss a proper solution to represent the codes/hierarchies in the Del. Regs.

marioscrock commented 6 days ago

@peterlubrich if it is 0..n the idea of using alternative labels is valid, we can add as many alternative labels as we want. If we have also the case that a single Del.Reg. Category corresponds to multiple Mobility Theme it is still "technically feasible" but I would say less "logically consistent".

peterlubrich commented 1 day ago

I propose to expand the Excel table for "mobilityTheme" as follows:

  • New column "dcatap:applicableLegislation" - reusing definition and range from the same property in mobilityDCAT-AP 1.0.1. It links to the relevant Delegated Regulation via the ELI identifier.
  • New column "mobilitydcatap:delegatedRegulationCategory" - this is a new property which we would define in a future release of mobilityDCAT-AP. It denotes exactly the relevant data categories under the relevant EC Delegated Regulations.

@marioscrock : please let me know if I can proceed this way

I completed the expanded Excel file, as proposed above: mobility-theme_added_applicableLegislation_240628.xlsx

There are now additional columns:

The reason for the multiple values is the 0...n cardinality, as discussed above.

To do: We need to sort out how to do the RDF representations correctly. @marioscrock had some suggestions above. The expanded Excel file serves as a starting point for a future revision of the Controlled Vocabulary.