The OCPP 2.0 release of OCPP has been deprecated, so this value OCPP20 must now be used for OCPP
2.0.1 implementations in the NetworkConnectionProfile. Note that OCPP 2.0.1 does have its own
Websocket subprotocol name: ocpp2.0.1.
This now state clearly in 2.1 as a value in OCPP 2.1, 19.26. OCPPVersionEnumType as OCPP201 - OCPP version 2.0.1. websocket subprotocol: ocpp2.0.1
19.26. OCPPVersionEnumType
OCPP20 The OCPP 2.0 release of OCPP has been deprecated, so this value OCPP20 must now be used for OCPP 2.0.1 implementations in the NetworkConnectionProfile. Note that OCPP 2.0.1 does have its own Websocket subprotocol name: ocpp2.0.1.
This now state clearly in 2.1 as a value in OCPP 2.1, 19.26. OCPPVersionEnumType as OCPP201 - OCPP version 2.0.1. websocket subprotocol: ocpp2.0.1