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Creating Heroku App Does Not Work #60

Closed garethedavies closed 7 years ago

garethedavies commented 7 years ago

Good morning,

I am currently following the instructions on getting the Heroku app and Slack app created. Everything seems to work fine but when I create the app in Heroku and click on the URL, I am just presented with a white page. I am following all of the instructions from but it just presents a white page. This has happened 3 times now.

Are you aware of any issues currently with creating the app in Heroku?



OrKoN commented 7 years ago

Hello Gareth,

sorry about that. I have not tried to start a new instance for a long time and some of our dependencies introduced breaking changes. I have locked down the dependency versions so now everything should work again 👍 Thanks for letting us know.

Best regards, Alex

garethedavies commented 7 years ago

Incredible! All working!

Thanks for such a quick reply and resolution!
