mobiquity-networks / MNNotificationsManager-iOS-SDK

Mobiquity Networks iOS SDK, the precise location platform for mobile apps
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unable to run app in simulator #8

Open golenkovkostya opened 7 years ago

golenkovkostya commented 7 years ago

After update to new version i can't run app in simulator screen shot 2017-03-10 at 01 21 32 screen shot 2017-03-10 at 01 22 11

dnapolitano commented 7 years ago

That's normal, actually. Please load it to a physical test device. Although simulators would have loaded with the prior generation, they would not have worked/tested correctly, due to lack of Bluetooth support in simulators.

golenkovkostya commented 7 years ago

It's very difficult and time consuming not being able to test the app in the simulator and we have to have all devices with full range of screen sizes to test layouts.

dnapolitano commented 7 years ago

Apologies regarding that last. I'll check with the primary developer on why we cannot support simulators (we didn't leave them out deliberately, as I'm sure you already understand). My best advice here is to add us last after you've otherwise tested screen layouts through simulators. There are two points I hope are helpfully in support of this: 1) We do not impact screen presentation and can be safely added last; 2) It only takes a few minutes to integrate the SDK (drag and drop the framework, create the mobiquity.plist, add the #import reference, override the two delegate calls with the provided code blocks). So with any luck, not that inconvenient. We understand this is not ideal, but we hope this suggestion is helpful. Sorry about the fact that we cannot run in simulators.

golenkovkostya commented 7 years ago

it will take too much time each time when need to test layouts remove sdk, then comment all imports and after tests return it back.

dnapolitano commented 7 years ago

Thank you for the extra level of detail. We'll try to come back to you with the best answer possible, but do keep in'd only need to comment out the import statement (it's really just one import statement, not multiples) and then un-comment it after simulator testing. You wouldn't need to remove the framework, plist, etc. You'd simply disable the framework import and that should do it. It may get a little more complicated if you're making any custom callbacks to us (demographics, custom variables, or the like)--but otherwise, it's really just the one line you can comment and then reverse.

dnapolitano commented 7 years ago

A bit more detail for you: we didn't build support for simulators (a fat framework) because, in addition to our not working in simulators (lack of Bluetooth support in simulators), Apple rejects any apps built with a framework that includes the simulator slice. A bug in Xcode (that's been around for over 2 years) doesn't properly strip out the simulator slice from fat frameworks. So we'd hurt more than we'd help for a lot of partners. For the moment, our best advice is either integrate us after simulator testing or simply disable us during simulator testing by commenting out the one #import line for the framework. When you've completed simulator testing, restore the #import line.

golenkovkostya commented 7 years ago

ok, thank you

dnapolitano commented 7 years ago

FYI, with thanks for your feedback: for our next build, we're going to limit most of the logging to our "debug" build. So the release version will be much less verbose in logging. When we do so, keep in mind you'll only need to delete the framework within your project and then drag and drop the updated one into the embedded binaries area in the same way you placed the original. No other work will be needed to upgrade the SDK. Again, our thanks!

golenkovkostya commented 7 years ago

i can't use IB_DESIGNABLE feature. I get same error shown on the screenshot above

dnapolitano commented 7 years ago

Which version of the SDK are you integrating, please?

golenkovkostya commented 7 years ago


dnapolitano commented 7 years ago

Sorry for the delayed response. Nothing with the SDK (including today's 2.5 release) has changed on our side (with respect to simulator compatibility/support). Our best advice remains, please, to comment out our SDK's IMPORT line when performing simulator testing. In our shop, we have not worked specifically with IB_DESIGNABLE, but we will in fact try to put together a small test project with it soon so that we can explore any better feedback/assistance/potential workarounds for you.

dnapolitano commented 7 years ago

Please note: we have just released version 2.5.2, which now includes a fat framework and should support your simulator needs. The repository is updated with all the documentation you need, but please note we strongly encourage the use of Cocoapods with this in order to strip out the simulator slice before submitting to Apple.