mobizel / SyliusExportPlugin

Add a route to export sylius resources using grid
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SyliusExportPlugin VS SyliusImportExportPlugin #1

Open oallain opened 4 years ago

oallain commented 4 years ago


What feature does this plugin provide compared to


smildev commented 4 years ago


This plugin only provide export of sylius resources. The main difference is that it automatically add a new bulkAction to all sylius resources. Each sylius resource has a new 'bulkAction' and a new route (ex: sylius_admin_customers_bulk_export).

It also provide a new bulkAction 'export' to the grid.

For the moment there is only 'csv' export. Exported resources are filtered by the grid. It also use the grid to define exported fields.

The documentation (and some improvements) will be available in following days.

oallain commented 4 years ago

Hi @smildev ,

Interesting :+1: , it would have been cool if it were integrated into the already existing plugin, what do you think?

smildev commented 4 years ago

I think it could be defined as a new ResourceImporter.

First, I want to release a stable version with doc in the following days. After, I could work to integrate it with SyliusImportExport plugin.

oallain commented 4 years ago

Nice ! I can help you for integration.

smildev commented 4 years ago

Hi @oallain ! What kind off integration were you thinking off ?

I think i can't integrate this plugin in yours (due to exporter difference).

Maybe i can add the same new 'bulkExportAction' and add a new GridResourceExporter compatible with your "Exporter pattern" ?

oallain commented 4 years ago

Hi @smildev,

Yeah, IMO add the same new 'bulkExportAction' and add a new GridResourceExporter compatible with SyliusImportExportPlugin "Exporter pattern" is a good idea :+1:

Your way of exporting and that of SyliusImportExportPlugin are not incompatible. They are even complementary because they do not export exactly the same data.