mobizt / Firebase-ESP-Client

[DEPRECATED]🔥Firebase Arduino Client Library for ESP8266, ESP32 and RP2040 Pico. The complete, fast, secured and reliable Firebase Arduino client library that supports RTDB, Cloud Firestore, Firebase and Google Cloud Storage, Cloud Messaging and Cloud Functions for Firebase.
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Firebase Storage Upload stops without any error message #635

Closed JoergTiedemann closed 7 months ago

JoergTiedemann commented 7 months ago

Hi I use the lib in latest version 4.4.10 on esp32-cam and store jpg files to firebase storage with this function

    if (Firebase.Storage.upload(&fbdo, STORAGE_BUCKET_ID /* Firebase Storage bucket id */, filename /* path to local file */, mem_storage_type_sd /* memory storage type, mem_storage_type_flash and mem_storage_type_sd */, BUCKET_PHOTO /* path of remote file stored in the bucket */, "image/jpeg" /* mime type */,fcsUploadCallback)){
      Serial.printf("\nDownload URL: %s\n", fbdo.downloadURL().c_str());

I use a sd-mmc card for local storage from where the picture was taken

Normally this work's fine and in the callback function I see the progress of upload But sometimes the upload stops without any error message. The FCS_UploadStatusInfo.Status has the value fb_esp_fcs_upload_status_error, but ErrorMsg is empty What could be the reason? Here the callback function

void fcsUploadCallback(FCS_UploadStatusInfo info)
    if (info.status == fb_esp_fcs_upload_status_init){
        Serial.printf("Uploading file %s (%d) to %s\n", info.localFileName.c_str(), info.fileSize, info.remoteFileName.c_str());
    else if (info.status == fb_esp_fcs_upload_status_upload)
        Serial.printf("Uploaded %d%s, Elapsed time %d ms\n", (int)info.progress, "%", info.elapsedTime);
    else if (info.status == fb_esp_fcs_upload_status_complete)
        Serial.println("Upload completed\n");
        FileMetaInfo meta = fbdo.metaData();
        Serial.printf("Name: %s\n",;
        Serial.printf("Bucket: %s\n", meta.bucket.c_str());
        Serial.printf("contentType: %s\n", meta.contentType.c_str());
        Serial.printf("Size: %d\n", meta.size);
        Serial.printf("Generation: %lu\n", meta.generation);
        Serial.printf("Metageneration: %lu\n", meta.metageneration);
        Serial.printf("ETag: %s\n", meta.etag.c_str());
        Serial.printf("CRC32: %s\n", meta.crc32.c_str());
        Serial.printf("Tokens: %s\n", meta.downloadTokens.c_str());
        Serial.printf("Download URL: %s\n\n", fbdo.downloadURL().c_str());
        DiagManager.PushDiagData("Erledigt: %s",fbdo.downloadURL().c_str());
    else if (info.status == fb_esp_fcs_upload_status_error){
        Serial.printf("Upload failed, %s\n", info.errorMsg.c_str());

Thanks for any help in forward and kind regards Joerg

mobizt commented 7 months ago

It can be ESP32 core filesystem issue, you should use SdFat library instead.

And update your ESP32 Arduino core SDK.

JoergTiedemann commented 7 months ago

Which version of core sdk did you recommend 2.0.14 ?

mobizt commented 7 months ago

Why? Update means the latest in general as it is purpose of using more stable and lesser bugs core.

JoergTiedemann commented 7 months ago

Okok it was just a question I update to 2.0.14

JoergTiedemann commented 6 months ago

Hi I've tried to use SDFat in firebase libray but no way i got compilation error message:

.pio/libdeps/esp32dev/Firebase Arduino Client Library for ESP8266 and ESP32/src/rtdb/FB_RTDB.cpp: In member function 'uint8_t FB_RTDB::readQueueFileSdFat(FirebaseData*, SdFile&, QueueItem&, uint8_t)': .pio/libdeps/esp32dev/Firebase Arduino Client Library for ESP8266 and ESP32/src/rtdb/FB_RTDB.cpp:1355:17: error: 'FBUtils::idle' is not a class member Core.ut.FBUtils::idle(); ^~~~~~~ .pio/libdeps/esp32dev/Firebase Arduino Client Library for ESP8266 and ESP32/src/rtdb/FB_RTDB.cpp:1362:29: error: 'FBUtils::idle' is not a class member Core.ut.FBUtils::idle(); ^~~~~~~ *** [.pio\build\esp32dev\lib83a\Firebase Arduino Client Library for ESP8266 and ESP32\rtdb\FB_RTDB.cpp.o] Error 1 I have added the folowing to CustomFirebaseFS.h

`#include //

undef DEFAULT_SD_FS // remove SD defined macro

undef CARD_TYPE_SD // remove SD defined macro

static SdFat sd_fat_fs; //should declare as static here

define DEFAULT_SD_FS sd_fat_fs

define CARD_TYPE_SD 1

define SD_FS_FILE SdFile `

The question is: what I have to do to integrate SdFat to firebase library ?