mobizt / Firebase-ESP32

[DEPRECATED]🔥 Firebase RTDB Arduino Library for ESP32. The complete, fast, secured and reliable Firebase Arduino client library that supports CRUD (create, read, update, delete) and Stream operations.
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HELP - Firebase Timeout no matter what I do #112

Closed Keegan-Cruickshank closed 3 years ago

Keegan-Cruickshank commented 3 years ago

Hey there,

I have the following code. It was a part of a much larger sketch but I have taken out the firebase parts and refined them. No matter what I do, I cannot get firebase to connect. I did a few weeks back but then I moved to other parts of the sketch and when I came back it no longer works. If someone could take a 2 second look. I'm sure they will see what I am missing.

#include <Arduino.h>
#include <FirebaseESP32.h>
#include <FirebaseJson.h>
#include <ArduinoJson.h>

StaticJsonDocument<200> doc;
FirebaseData firebaseData;

int RED = 0;
int BLUE = 0;
int GREEN = 0;

String esid = "Charge House 2.0";
String epass = "fairenough";

String location1 = "/lamps/";
String deviceID = "42272cac-ff77-4e6d-8dc0-320bca2378ef";

void streamCallback(StreamData data) {
  if(data.dataType() == "int") {
    if(data.dataPath() == "/color/r") {
      RED = data.intData();
    } else if (data.dataPath() == "/color/g") {
      GREEN = data.intData();
    } else if (data.dataPath() == "/color/b") {
      BLUE = data.intData();
  } else if (data.dataType() == "json") {
    deserializeJson(doc, data.jsonString());
    RED = doc["color"]["r"];
    GREEN = doc["color"]["g"];
    BLUE = doc["color"]["b"];

void streamTimeoutCallback(bool timeout)
    Serial.println("Firebase Timeout");

void setup() {
  WiFi.begin(esid.c_str(), epass.c_str());
  Firebase.begin("", "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx");
  Firebase.setStreamCallback(firebaseData, streamCallback, streamTimeoutCallback);
  if (!Firebase.beginStream(firebaseData, "lamps/42272cac-ff77-4e6d-8dc0-320bca2378ef")){

void loop() {


The dev key has been removed for security but confirmed to be correct on my side. Here is a quick snapshot of my simple database:

Screen Shot 2020-11-11 at 7 44 25 am

Keegan-Cruickshank commented 3 years ago

Screen Shot 2020-11-11 at 7 52 56 am

As you can see, this is my serial output

mobizt commented 3 years ago

Check your internet connection.

In Arduino IDE, choose the example BearSSL https request and run it. It should ok if your internet is ok.

mobizt commented 3 years ago

No need to use delay in the stream timeout callback.

The library tries it best to resume the stream connection by restart the WiFi and resume.

If it fails to resume, your internet connection is the problem.

Keegan-Cruickshank commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the tips. Turned out, with verbose logging, that it was a memory issue. Couldn't start TLS with only 70kb ram. Using the NimBLE library instead of bluedroid solved my issue. I can now use Wi-Fi, bluetooth and firebase while still having heaps of memory.