mobizt / Firebase-ESP32

[DEPRECATED]🔥 Firebase RTDB Arduino Library for ESP32. The complete, fast, secured and reliable Firebase Arduino client library that supports CRUD (create, read, update, delete) and Stream operations.
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Patch fails if more than 2 key-value pairs #124

Closed ishdemon closed 3 years ago

ishdemon commented 3 years ago
void pushValues()
  Serial.println("push values");
  FirebaseJson updateData;
  updateData.set(TEMPS, t);
  updateData.set(HUMIDITY, h);
  updateData.set(VOLTAGE, voltage);
  updateData.set(POWER, power);
  updateData.set(TANK, tank_percent);
  updateData.set(SUMP, sump_percent);
  if (Firebase.updateNode(firebaseData2, sensor_path, updateData))



This fails saying BAD REQUEST CHECK NODE PATH.. but when i only send two key - values it works. How to send all of them?? I already tried setwritesizelimit

mobizt commented 3 years ago

Error is in your code which would be

  1. one or more of these variables i.e. t, h, voltage, power, tank_percent and sump_percent which is/are string contains some invalid characters which break the JSON structure.
  2. similar to 1, unless TEMPS, HUMIDITY, VOLTAGE, POWER, TANK, SUMP may contain invalid characters.
  3. sensor_path contains invalid token (string).

There is no such error in function operation in this simple case and I already test your code.

mobizt commented 3 years ago

You can serialize JSON to string like this

String s;

If the printed string is blank or invalid, there are characters that are not allow in the node key/value, You may need to use the escape char e.g. \\ for \ and \" for ".

ishdemon commented 3 years ago

@mobizt Thanks. One sensor library was sending Nan as default. Bdw great library, just refactored my existing project which was using Blynk to Firebase. One thing i noticed that it kinda slows down my SimpleTimer tasks which works fine when used along Blynk. I guess HTTPS (Mbed TLS) is the reason. DoesEnableClassicRequest will force it to use HTTP and make things a lot faster??

mobizt commented 3 years ago

Firebase requires secure connection using SSL/TLS encryption on port 443 and in others google cloud services.

The SSL client is not a problem only ssl handshake for the beginning of every new connection takes time. If the connection established, the consequence request can be faster as long as the tcp session is kept alive.

ESP32 has two cpu cores, the tasks can run independently based on priority that will interrupt low priority task.

If the multiple socket connections were opened (Firebase and Blynk) they shared the same WiFi radio and some connection can be interrupt or timed out. Async SSL clients which open multiple sockets connections are not suitable for low memory device.

ishdemon commented 3 years ago

No i am not using Blynk and Firebase together..I just noticed the Timer tasks were not executing at defined intervals when i implemented with firebase. As you said it is a bit heavy for esp32, one instance for stream ,one for patch.

mobizt commented 3 years ago

I said the same thing. Don't reply with old quoted message as it costs the server data and we talk only two.

It depends on the timer library it may implement its own which may has the low priority. Use the hardware or os timer or change the library.