mobizt / Firebase-ESP32

[DEPRECATED]🔥 Firebase RTDB Arduino Library for ESP32. The complete, fast, secured and reliable Firebase Arduino client library that supports CRUD (create, read, update, delete) and Stream operations.
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Save Data to Internal Memory (SPIFFS) when offline then send it to database after online again #19

Closed komputerboy closed 5 years ago

komputerboy commented 5 years ago


I am new using this great ESP32 Firebase library, so i have question. Can i save data to internal memory (like SPIFFS, etc) when there is no WiFi connection detected and then send it to Firebase after online (Connected to Wifi)?


mobizt commented 5 years ago

From this example, you can enable Error Queue by set max queue in Firebase.setMaxErrorQueue with number greater than 0.

//Set maximum queues that allow in Error Queues collection or enable it
Firebase.setMaxErrorQueue(firebaseData, 10);

If Firebase operation failed due to network problem, that process (task) will add to Error Queue collection which you can track its queue id of your last failed Firebase operation.

All queues in Error Queues collection are waiting for WiFi for available to run process or task in queues if Firebase.beginAutoRunErrorQueue or Firebase.processErrorQueue was call.

If you want to save these queues to file (SD or SPIFFS)

Firebase.saveErrorQueue(firebaseData, "/test.txt", QueueStorageType::SPIFFS);

Then you can clear all queues if you don't want it to resume (re-process the queue tasks) at this time.


And restore queues from file later with

 if (Firebase.errorQueueCount(firebaseData, "/test.txt", QueueStorageType::SPIFFS) > 0)
    Firebase.restoreErrorQueue(firebaseData, "/test.txt", QueueStorageType::SPIFFS);
    //Delete queue file if you want
    Firebase.deleteStorageFile("/test.txt", QueueStorageType::SPIFFS);

When there are queues already added to Error Queues collection, run the Error Queues with

//Run Error Queues Automatically with or without callback
Firebase.beginAutoRunErrorQueue(firebaseData, callback);

Or run it manually in loop()

//Run Error Queues Manually

Please note that, the process or task in Error Queues collection will be removed from Error Queues collection when that task was successfully done (read or store database data successfully).

komputerboy commented 5 years ago

okay thanks for reply and explanation,

I have tried Your Example about retry and queue and somehow i have this error, Could you please solved it?

Arduino: 1.8.9 (Windows 7), Board: "ESP32 Dev Module, Disabled, Default, 240MHz (WiFi/BT), QIO, 80MHz, 4MB (32Mb), 921600, None"

Retry_and_queue:38:15: error: variable or field 'callback' declared void

 void callback (QueueInfo queueinfo){


Retry_and_queue:38:15: error: 'QueueInfo' was not declared in this scope

Retry_and_queue:38:16: error: variable or field 'callback' declared void

 void callback (QueueInfo queueinfo){


Retry_and_queue:38:16: error: 'QueueInfo' was not declared in this scope

Multiple libraries were found for "WiFi.h"
 Used: C:\Users\SAMSUNG\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\esp32\hardware\esp32\1.0.1\libraries\WiFi
 Not used: C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\libraries\WiFi
Multiple libraries were found for "FirebaseESP32.h"
 Used: H:\kuliah\arduino\project\libraries\Firebase-ESP32-master
 Not used: H:\kuliah\arduino\project\libraries\arduino_167856
 Not used: H:\kuliah\arduino\project\libraries\Firebase_ESP32_Client
exit status 1
variable or field 'callback' declared void

This report would have more information with
"Show verbose output during compilation"
option enabled in File -> Preferences.

im not changing anything from example code

mobizt commented 5 years ago

Ok I look into the error. In H:\kuliah\arduino\project\libraries

Delete these folder Firebase-ESP32-master, arduino_167856 and Firebase_ESP32_Client.

Then re-install Firebase ESP32 Library again (please download from Github to get the latest version 3.1.0).

komputerboy commented 5 years ago


Now i works. Thank You. One more question is there any way to increase maximum queue? maybe with increasing SPIFFS partition size?

mobizt commented 5 years ago

Maximum is 255. Do you want more than 255 queues?

komputerboy commented 5 years ago

if it could, Absolutely yes

mobizt commented 5 years ago

I don't recommend because it may bring your device low memory and reset since each queue uses internal RAM (not PSRAM) to keep firebase path and data objects for each task (integer, float, double, boolean, string object and blob).

komputerboy commented 5 years ago

well, its okay if it couldn't. Thank You I will close this issue. I think this is the best Firebase ESP32 library

komputerboy commented 5 years ago

Wait, so it is use internal RAM to keep firebase path and data objects, So i cant use this method if i use deep sleep mode in ESP32?

mobizt commented 5 years ago

Don't understand. This is normal and the only way MCU to work with data. Depending on the algorithm you designed, you can restore queues from file after wake it up.

komputerboy commented 5 years ago

okay i will try it, is it compatible with Deep Sleep/Light Sleep Mode or not?

EDIT: It is work with Deep Sleep Mode.

mobizt commented 5 years ago

The library relies on core WiFi library, nothing to say compatible or compatible.

Up on your design and manage to turn off RAM/WiFi for deep sleep or stay connected to AP in light sleep.

usrdes commented 5 years ago

Hi Mobizt

Is it possible to "setfile" from SPIFF as follows: Firebase.setFile(firebaseData, path, "/myfile.txt", StorageType::SPIFFS) I see your QueueStorageType in your answer above, but it means one has to setup a que. How about just reading from SPIFFS storage and doing file I/O from firebase?

Thank you

mobizt commented 5 years ago

I will add this feature in the next library update.