mobizt / Firebase-ESP32

[DEPRECATED]🔥 Firebase RTDB Arduino Library for ESP32. The complete, fast, secured and reliable Firebase Arduino client library that supports CRUD (create, read, update, delete) and Stream operations.
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Simultaneous data sent from streamCallback getting ignored #208

Closed Ritwik1798 closed 2 years ago

Ritwik1798 commented 2 years ago

I have been working on a IoT device and everything works great. But when I update multiple variables simultaneously, the firebase values are updates but nothing reflects on the device.

Please let me know if I'm missing out on something!

The code is below: (Tried updating STATUS for SWITCH21,22,23,24 from android app simultaneously, doesnt reflect anything on device)



define FIREBASE_HOST "xxxx"

define FIREBASE_AUTH "xxxx"

String path = "/SHS002"; FirebaseData firebaseData; FirebaseJson json; FirebaseData fbdo1; FirebaseData fbdo2;

//void allowMultipleRequests(bool enable); //#define FIREBASE_LOCAL_IP "/NODE_IP/IP_M1_C1" int state1, state2, state3, state4;

String device1, device2, device3, device4;

int sch1, sch2, sch3, sch4, on_prev = 3;

char dev1[20], dev2[20], dev3[20], dev4[20];

void printResult(StreamData &data);

void streamCallback(StreamData data) { yield(); if (data.dataPath() == "/SWITCH21/STATUS") { state1 = data.intData(); EEPROM.write(240, state1); EEPROM.commit(); Serial.println(state1); } else if (data.dataPath() == "/SWITCH22/STATUS") { state2 = data.intData(); EEPROM.write(250, state2); EEPROM.commit(); Serial.println(state2); } else if (data.dataPath() == "/SWITCH23/STATUS") { state3 = data.intData(); EEPROM.write(260, state3); EEPROM.commit(); Serial.println(state3); } else if (data.dataPath() == "/SWITCH24/STATUS") { state4 = data.intData(); EEPROM.write(270, state4); EEPROM.commit(); Serial.println(state4); if(state4!=0) on_prev = state4; EEPROM.write(280, on_prev); EEPROM.commit(); } if (data.dataPath() == "/SWITCH21/SCHEDULE") { sch1 = data.intData(); Serial.println(sch1); } if (data.dataPath() == "/SWITCH22/SCHEDULE") { sch2 = data.intData(); Serial.println(sch2); } if (data.dataPath() == "/SWITCH23/SCHEDULE") { sch3 = data.intData(); Serial.println(sch3); } if (data.dataPath() == "/SWITCH24/SCHEDULE") { sch4 = data.intData(); Serial.println(sch4); }

} void printResult(StreamData &data) {

if (data.dataType() == "int") Serial.println(data.intData()); else if (data.dataType() == "float") Serial.println(data.floatData(), 5); else if (data.dataType() == "double") printf("%.9lf\n", data.doubleData()); else if (data.dataType() == "boolean") Serial.println(data.boolData() == 1 ? "true" : "false"); else if (data.dataType() == "string" || data.dataType() == "null") Serial.println(data.stringData()); }

void streamTimeoutCallback(bool timeout) { if (timeout) { Serial.println(); Serial.println("Stream timeout, resume streaming..."); Serial.println(); } }

void firebase_initialization() {


if (!Firebase.beginStream(fbdo1, path)) { Serial.println("------------------------------------"); Serial.println("Can't begin stream connection..."); Serial.println("REASON: " + fbdo1.errorReason()); Serial.println("------------------------------------"); Serial.println(); }

Firebase.setStreamCallback(fbdo1, streamCallback, streamTimeoutCallback); }`

mobizt commented 2 years ago

Nothing is the issue unless the path you checked from data.dataPath() is not what you expected .

You should debug what's the path returned from data.dataPath().

Ritwik1798 commented 2 years ago

The paths are updated on server and device when triggered one at a time but when more than one of them are triggered simultaneously, the changes are not reflected.

To give you more clarity, /SWITCH21/STATUS when triggered reflects changes properly but when /SWITCH21/STATUS, /SWITCH22/STATUS are triggered simultaneously, only one of them is updated.

mobizt commented 2 years ago

You may use the outdated version which the later versions come with the javascript test that test the stream performance and data will not missed.

You should update the library.

mobizt commented 2 years ago

When you updated the library, please follow the stream usage example here.

There are many changes since the old version you used.

Ritwik1798 commented 2 years ago

Thank you so much! The latest version resolved all the issues.