mobizt / Firebase-ESP32

[DEPRECATED]🔥 Firebase RTDB Arduino Library for ESP32. The complete, fast, secured and reliable Firebase Arduino client library that supports CRUD (create, read, update, delete) and Stream operations.
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ESP32 Multipath Streaming with large Json tree #262

Closed Liew279 closed 1 year ago

Liew279 commented 1 year ago

Hi, I'm new to GitHub, and also firebase. I was wondering if the multipath.ino example can be extended to larger Json trees.

For example: { "System":{ "FoodDispenser": { "DateTime":{ "DateTime0": "XXXXX", "DateTime1": "XXXXX" }, "Dispense": 1 }, "WaterDispenser": { "Level": "YYYY", "Dispense":1 } } } If I used /System as the parent node and /FoodDispenser and /WaterDispenser as child nodes, would the multipath feature still give the specific nodes that have changed?

Will appreciate the help. Thanks!

Liew279 commented 1 year ago

Apologize for the formatting. Basically I'm asking if my chosen child node has many more subchilds, would the callback still give the specific node down to the bottom?

mobizt commented 1 year ago

The multiPathStream is the normal Stream with JSON pre-parsing for the specific child nodes via stream.get function.

Normally you should get the values from parsing as manually JSON parsing.

Instead of using multiPathStream, I recommend using Sream instead and parse the stream data yourself.

For Realtime stream event data reading, you should keep the data under stream path small as possible.

The data under stream path should not grow or append the new data to it which you should think of time for large data transferring as well as the device memory limit in mind.

Liew279 commented 1 year ago

Thanks a lot man! I know what I need to learn now