mobizt / Firebase-ESP32

[DEPRECATED]🔥 Firebase RTDB Arduino Library for ESP32. The complete, fast, secured and reliable Firebase Arduino client library that supports CRUD (create, read, update, delete) and Stream operations.
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HELP #85

Closed Rebehy closed 4 years ago

Rebehy commented 4 years ago

Hi all,

ESP32 - Firebase RTDB.

I am hoping this is something simple. I am having some trouble with readtimeout. I am able to read strings up to around 12kb but as soon as my string gets a little longer and takes over say 10 sec, it fails with a read Timeout error. I have tried to set this using;

Firebase.setReadTimeout(firebaseData, 60000);

But this still doesn't work.

Also sometimes as my string get towards the point where it stops reading I occasionally get a data type mismatch without changing anything but the length of the string. I am fairly new to all this and any help would be appreciated.

My goal are strings of around <20kb, which I am currently transferring in packets of 20b from my Thunkable app to my ESP32 using BLE. This is taking around 3 minutes. Because I am able to write to firebase from Thunkable, reading into my ESP32 from the db would be a much preferred solution for me.

Thanks in advance. Eddie

-- void FirebaseComm(){ Firebase.begin(FIREBASE_HOST,FIREBASE_AUTH); Firebase.setReadTimeout(firebaseData, 60000); Firebase.setwriteSizeLimit(firebaseData, "large"); int t=millis(); if (Firebase.get(firebaseData,"/esptest")){ Serial.println("found path"); if (firebaseData.dataType()=="string"){ Serial.println("getting string"); Serial.println(firebaseData.stringData()); Serial.println(millis()-t); } else{ Serial.println(firebaseData.errorReason()); Serial.println("should print error"); } } else { Serial.println(firebaseData.errorReason()); Serial.println("Can't resolve firebase"); } }

on success: found path getting string "my long string here" 7847

on fail: read Timeout Can't resolve firebase

Also getting; found path getting string "my long string here..." 7982 data type mismatch

mobizt commented 4 years ago

The Firebase.setwriteSizeLimit is for database writing and does not related to the database reading.
I also correct the description of function due to copy and paste error.

Please try to change the tcp client timeout defined in FirebaseESP32HTTPClient.h on line No. 96

From uint16_t tcpTimeout = HTTPCLIENT_DEFAULT_TCP_TIMEOUT; // default is 5000 milliseconds to uint16_t tcpTimeout = 12000; //12 seconds

Rebehy commented 4 years ago

Please try to change the tcp client timeout defined in FirebaseESP32HTTPClient.h on line No. 96

From uint16_t tcpTimeout = HTTPCLIENT_DEFAULT_TCP_TIMEOUT; // default is 5000 milliseconds to uint16_t tcpTimeout = 12000; //12 seconds

Worked!! :) Thank you.