moble / PostNewtonian.jl

Orbital dynamics and waveforms for binary black-hole systems, in the post-Newtonian approximation
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Documentation issues #24

Open vijayvarma392 opened 1 year ago

vijayvarma392 commented 1 year ago

In this page:, the link "Waveforms" section of the manual. gives a File not found error.

image image
vijayvarma392 commented 1 year ago

On a similar note, in this page:, shouldn't h[1, :] correspond to the (2,-1) mode?

vijayvarma392 commented 1 year ago

This page says TaylorT4 and TaylorT5 are available, but I'm getting errors like:


Relatedly, it would be good to have the defaults for these parameters in the documentation:


For example, is an array format ok for the Rotor, or does it need to be a quaternionic object or some such?

vijayvarma392 commented 1 year ago

If this is int, how does one enter half integers like 3.5?


Also, do we want to make PN orders for phasing and spins available as separate options?

vijayvarma392 commented 1 year ago

I like that t=0 is set to the time where Omega=Omega_i, so that if Omega_1 < Omega_i, negative times correspond to earlier frequencies. But this should be noted in the docs of

vijayvarma392 commented 1 year ago

For the returned variables in, is it possible to add a _to_dict() option so that the variables can also be accessed by name in Python? I see a way to do that in Julia, but not in Python at the moment.

vijayvarma392 commented 1 year ago

The docs should also say what waveform convention we looks like the old SpEC convention? Should we switch to the new one with the minus sign?