Closed shivanshrajpoot closed 4 years ago
I'm facing the same issue
Also here after upgrading my react-native project to 0.62
I temporarily resolved it by using react-dom as dev dependency, but obviously it's not the right way.
npm i --save-dev react-dom
I downgraded to
"mobx-react": "=6.1.7",
and its OK now
I'm facing it using react-native version 0.61.1. I realized that is stopped working on the last week. We didn't change any dependency related to mobx-react but our CI builds stopped working. We are using
"mobx-react": "^6.1.1",
When we clean the build cache (deleting /node_modules) in a development machine the problem appears.
I apologize for the issues, small oversight from yesterday's release. Please upgrade to 6.2.1 and mind following instructions in
@FredyC Upgrading to 6.2.1 and adding observer batching seems to have fixed the react-dom issue, but may have introduced another.
Since upgrading I now sometimes have crashes with
TypeError: Object.defineProperty() called on non-object
at defineProperty (native)
at setHiddenProp (mobx-react)
Removing the import for observer batching stops this from happening. I can't reproduce it reliably. This is on react-native 0.62.1, mobx-react 6.2.1, mobx 5.15.4, mobx-state-tree 3.15.0
@AndrewMorsillo Please open a new issue and try to reproduce with React as I cannot imagine how React Native could be problematic in that sense.
This thread has been automatically locked since there has not been any recent activity after it was closed. Please open a new issue for related bugs or questions.
Intended outcome
App Should Compile
Actual outcome
error: Error: Unable to resolve module
: react-dom could not be found within the project.How to reproduce the issue
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