mobxjs / mobx-state-tree

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Validate state tree instances instead of snapshots in the `` override #2182

Open airhorns opened 4 weeks ago

airhorns commented 4 weeks ago

What does this PR do and why?

This fixes a bug where within .is on models with snapshot processors, we validated against the model snapshot, instead of the model node when given a node. This means that two different models with compatible snapshots would not .is instances of each other normally, but once a snapshot processor is added, they would. This adds a test capturing this case that I verified failed on master and passes now.

The PR that introduced this behaviour of validating the snapshot was introduced here:, and I think was actually targeting a different use case -- passing snapshots to .is, not passing instances. The behaviour that PR added was to validate against the processed version of a snapshot if passed a snapshot, which this PR maintains. But, if passed an instance, that PR elected to snapshot it as well, which I don't think is necessary, and breaks the substitutability of snapshot processed instances with their unwrapped counterparts.

Steps to validate locally

Tests should capture this mostly, but, I am not super aware of the coverage of this thing, so looking for any and all feedback on if this approach makes sense.

coolsoftwaretyler commented 4 weeks ago

Thanks for the PR, test, and description @airhorns!

This strikes me as a potentially breaking change, so I'd like to take it a little slowly. The code looks good to me, but I want to leave this open for other comments, and I want to think on it before we merge.

The tests illustrate the change quite well, but is there any chance you could describe a real world scenario that this would improve? I do not use the .is explicitly that much.

airhorns commented 4 weeks ago

That makes sense, let us take our time! I feel like the strongest justification in my mind is aligning the behaviour of .is on snapshot-processed instances with that of plain old models. It makes sense to me that an empty snapshot processor shouldn't change the behavior of anything about a model, but it currently does, which violates Liskov substitutability and is just in general surprising.

I found this because we added a snapshot processor to one of our models in Gadget and then a whole bunch of unions which included that model started selecting it for a type, because all it's properties were optional, and any snapshot thusly matched. Any instance does not though. A complicated example but shows that the substititibility thing is valuable!

coolsoftwaretyler commented 4 weeks ago

Thanks, @airhorns! That's really helpful context. I'll bring this up at the maintainer meeting tomorrow.

I've also gone ahead and published a preview release with this change. You can try it out with version 6.0.1-pre.1, and I'll see if I can solicit other folks to do the same (I'll try it out with my app/test suite at least):

coolsoftwaretyler commented 3 weeks ago

Hey @airhorns - I'm talking with Jason later today on the maintainer meeting, so I'll bring this up there. But for posterity/open discussion, I'm a little concerned this will break some existing expectations in our type checking:

It looks like our TypeChecking error strings want to flag compatible snapshots:

function toErrorString(error: IValidationError): string {
  const { value } = error
  const type = error.context[error.context.length - 1].type!
  const fullPath = error.context
    .map(({ path }) => path)
    .filter((path) => path.length > 0)

  const pathPrefix = fullPath.length > 0 ? `at path "/${fullPath}" ` : ``

  const currentTypename = isStateTreeNode(value)
    ? `value of type ${getStateTreeNode(value)}:`
    : isPrimitive(value)
    ? "value"
    : "snapshot"
  const isSnapshotCompatible =
    type && isStateTreeNode(value) &&

  return (
    `${pathPrefix}${currentTypename} ${prettyPrintValue(value)} is not assignable ${
      type ? `to type: \`${}\`` : ``
    }` +
    (error.message ? ` (${error.message})` : "") +
      ? isPrimitiveType(type) || isPrimitive(value)
        ? `.`
        : `, expected an instance of \`${(type as IAnyType).name}\` or a snapshot like \`${(
            type as IAnyType
          ).describe()}\` instead.` +
            ? " (Note that a snapshot of the provided value is compatible with the targeted type)"
            : "")
      : `.`)

This is a minor concern for me, because it's not on the critical path for most people (we don't type check in production anyway). But I'm curious if you think the original error behavior is incorrect or unhelpful, or if there's a way this change might preserve that behavior.

coolsoftwaretyler commented 2 weeks ago

Hey folks, I haven't heard much pushback at all and I'm feeling pretty solid on this one.

@thegedge - would you mind writing up what you said to me about the snapshot in distinction at the maintainer meeting?

Once you do that, I'll merge. I'm considering marking this as a breaking change, but with a very very straightforward migration path (none required really), just a clearer definition of what we mean when we talk about is equality.