mobxjs / mobx.dart

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Support late observables #919

Closed tomwyr closed 8 months ago

tomwyr commented 1 year ago

Currently, it appears not to be possible to declare a store observable that uses the late keyword. An attempt to set the observable value for the first time causes mobx to read it first throwing LateInitializationError.

class CounterStore extends _CounterStore with _$CounterStore {}

abstract class _CounterStore with Store {
  late int counter;

The above will generate:

mixin _$CounterStore on _CounterStore, Store {
  late final _$counterAtom =
      Atom(name: '_CounterStore.counter', context: context);

  int get counter {
    return super.counter;

  set counter(int value) {
    _$counterAtom.reportWrite(value, super.counter, () { // <- reads value before the initialization has had a chance to happen
      super.counter = value;

  String toString() {
    return '''
counter: ${counter}

Consider generating code in a way, that reads the current value only if the observable is not late or it's already been initialized.

amondnet commented 8 months ago

mobx_codegen: 2.5.0