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How to wait ObservableFuture.status in function? #984

Open Poloten opened 7 months ago

Poloten commented 7 months ago

I need to open Menu after get data. But after I wait getData method, the List is empty, but if I click second time, the data is exist. Help me please. 1) What's the better pattern ? Maybe I do this wrong. 2) Why I need to wrap parent and child widgets in Observed ? (If I wrap only parent, status in child updated only once).


  ObservableMap<String, ObservableFuture<List<UiItem>>> send = ObservableMap.of({});

  setDefault(String currency) {
    if (send[currency] == null) send[currency] = ObservableFuture.value([]);

  Future<void> getSendMenu(String currency) async {
    if (send[currency] == null) setDefault(currency);

    send[currency] = ObservableFuture(getSendMenuItems(currency));

    await send[currency];

child widget

 ObservableFuture<List<UiItem>>? menuObject;

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Observer(builder: (_) {
      return OutlinedButton(
        onPressed: () => getMenu().then((_) async => {
             // menuObject?.result  - is exist after second click;
              showMenu(context, menuObject?.result)
        loading: menuObject != null && menuObject?.status == FutureStatus.pending,
        icon: icon ?? icon,
        text: '$text',

parent widget

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  final store = Provider.of<MenuStore>(context);

 return Expanded(
    flex: 1,
    child: Observer(builder: (_) {
      return PopupMenuFuture(
        getMenu: () => store.getSendMenu(currency),
        icon: Icons.south_east,
        menuObject: store.send[currency],
        text: 'SEND',

flutter_mobx: ^2.2.0+2