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Cannot access '__WEBPACK_DEFAULT_EXPORT__' before initialization in react-router-dom v6 loader #3895

Open vaynevayne opened 5 days ago

vaynevayne commented 5 days ago

can't use mobx in react-router-dom v6 loader function , Is there a problem with my writing?

  "mobx": "5.15.4",
    "mobx-react": "6.1.8",
// appStore.tsx
class AppStore {
  @observable isLogin = false
  @observable users = []
const appStore = new AppStore()

export default appStore

// store/index.tsx
import appStore from './appStore'
const store = {

export default store
// index.tsx
import store from './store'
class Root extends React.Component {
  render() {

    return (

          <Provider {}>
                <Spin indicator={<LoadingOutlined spin />} size="large" />


ReactDOM.render(<Root />, document.getElementById('root'))
// router.tsx
import appStore from '@/store/appStore'
const rootLoader: NonIndexRouteObject['loader'] = async () => {
  const isLogin = !!Cookies.get('token')

  if (!isLogin) {
    return redirect('/login')

   const resList =  Promise.all([useZustandStore

  return resList ?? null

const router = createBrowserRouter([
    path: '/',
    // 模拟 RouterProvider支持 children
    Component: App,
    id: 'root',
    ErrorBoundary: ErrorBoundary, // 错误冒泡到根 至少保证根有error
    loader: rootLoader,
    children: [
        index: true,
        Component: inject('appStore')(
          observer(props => {
            const { userType, routerPathInfo } = props.appStore
            const use_type = userType[userType.length - 1]
            const path = routerPathInfo[use_type]
            console.log('Navigate', path)

            return <Navigate to={path}></Navigate>

            // const firstAuthPath = useUserStore(state => state.firstAuthPath)
            // return <Navigate to={firstAuthPath}></Navigate>
vaynevayne commented 5 days ago
import { observable, action } from 'mobx'

class Polyfill2 {
  // antd message, modal, notification 静态方法兼容自定义,兼容 360 等低版本内核
  @observable modalConfig = {
    type: '',
    content: '',
    title: '',
  @action setModalConfig(config) {
    this.modalConfig = {...config}
  // 默认配置
  @observable messageConfig = {
    type: 'info',
    content: '',
    duration: 3,
  @action setMessageConfig(config) {
    this.messageConfig = {...config}

const P = new Polyfill2() // 
export default P

I searched and said that new cannot be executed here. Is that the reason? How should I modify it?

kubk commented 5 days ago

I see a mix of Mobx, Zustand (useZustandStore?) and react router. Could you create a clear reproducible issue here with only necessary code?

Also I see people encountering the same issue even without Mobx: