moby / buildkit

concurrent, cache-efficient, and Dockerfile-agnostic builder toolkit
Apache License 2.0
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ERROR: failed to solve: DeadlineExceeded: context deadline exceeded #4327

Closed epasveer closed 3 months ago

epasveer commented 11 months ago

Sorry for the vague error message.

We have a docker image that runs some things. Most times, it runs fine. Occasionally, it errors at the very end with a vague error message that is not from the yml file but I think is from the docker image exiting/ending. (All our commands run fine in the container. It is failing after the last one completes).

We run the image from a github action, if that matter.

The question is:

Thanks in advanced.

2023-10-04T20:39:13.3582748Z #24 exporting to client directory
2023-10-04T20:39:14.5610603Z #24 copying files 28B
2023-10-04T20:39:19.7302573Z #24 copying files 1.75GB 5.2s
2023-10-04T20:39:24.6910750Z #24 copying files 3.81GB 10.2s
2023-10-04T20:39:29.7983597Z #24 copying files 5.89GB 15.3s
2023-10-04T20:39:35.6174985Z #24 copying files 7.41GB 21.1s
2023-10-04T20:39:49.8824772Z #24 copying files 7.69GB 35.4s
2023-10-04T20:39:54.8880765Z #24 copying files 10.02GB 40.4s
2023-10-04T20:40:04.0740589Z #24 copying files 10.52GB 49.4s done
2023-10-04T20:40:04.0741210Z #24 DONE 50.7s
2023-10-04T20:41:33.3139725Z ERROR: failed to solve: DeadlineExceeded: context deadline exceeded
2023-10-04T20:41:33.3615053Z ##[error]Process completed with exit code 1.
2023-10-04T20:41:33.4182323Z Cleaning up orphan processes
[epasveer@ws7-01 ~]$ docker --version
Docker version 20.10.8, build 3967b7d
[epasveer@ws7-01 ~]$
tonistiigi commented 11 months ago

@crazy-max I remember you made some fixes in this area, does this look related? Although I think your fixes were for local images copy while this looks like files copy.

@epasveer Is there a reason you are exporting 10+GB with local exporter? The size itself shouldn't be limited but maybe there is a better solution for what you are doing. We have seen issues with grpc streams locking on big local exports but that looks to be a different case.

What deadline is exceeded?

This name comes from Go stdlib from a context created with context.WithTimeout reaching its maximum time. It is not clear where this timeout is coming from as we don't set time-based limits for the build or export. If there is a way we can reproduce this to debug further then let us know.

--debug should show a stacktrace although these context timeout errors are notoriously hard to debug because the stacktrace shows the function that got canceled, instead of what triggered the cancellation. It should still show if something got canceled in the middle of exporting or somewhere else.

crazy-max commented 11 months ago

@crazy-max I remember you made some fixes in this area, does this look related? Although I think your fixes were for local images copy while this looks like files copy.

You recall right, the fix was in filsync.DiffCopy: which is called when exporting to local client in so maybe this kind of errors start to surface since that fix.

tonistiigi commented 11 months ago

@crazy-max iiuc that function isn't really called in local export as that would call NewFSSyncTargetDir

jedevc commented 11 months ago

@epasveer could you share your buildkitd logs? There might be something relevant in there (e.g. some errors get full stack traces, which could be quite useful if that's the case here).

epasveer commented 11 months ago

First, let me thank everyone for replying. (I'm a "docker build" newbie).

could you share your buildkitd logs?

To be honest, I don't we are running that daemon anywhere. We are enabling buildkit when we run "docker build".

The first "build" builds the base image. The second build uses that and compiles/builds our code base. I'll include the 2 dockerfiles in the following comments.

- name: refresh docker base image
        run: DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build --tag c7build:base --secret id=github,src=github_in.txt --file ${{env.basedockerfile}} .
  - name: run the build
        run: >
             DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build 
             --build-arg branch2build=${{env.BRANCH_NAME}}
             --build-arg bfbranch=${{ github.event.inputs.bluefin_branch }} 
             --build-arg swbranch=${{ github.event.inputs.sw_branch }} 
             --build-arg mtcbranch=${{ github.event.inputs.mtc_branch }} 
             --build-arg ptbbranch=${{ github.event.inputs.ptb_branch }} 
             --build-arg bassbranch=${{ github.event.inputs.bass_branch }}
             --secret id=github,src=github_in.txt 
             -o ${{env.outputdir}}${{}}/${{ env.BRANCH_NAME }} 
             --no-cache -f ${{env.dockerfile}} .
epasveer commented 11 months ago

BASE docker file.

[epasveer@ws7-02 build-docker]$ cat ./c7-build-base.docker
# trial centos7 build docker
ENV container docker

LABEL description="c7 build server base" \

# install build reqs
# TODO minimize this list
RUN yum update -y \
    && yum install -y centos-release-scl epel-release \
    && yum install -y \
    binutils-devel \
    bison \
    bzip2 \
    bzip2-devel \
    ccache \
    cmake3 \
    cmake \
    cvs \
    devtoolset-8 \
    flex \
    freetype-devel \
    gcc-c++ \
    gcc-gfortran \
    ghostscript \
    git \
    git-lfs \
    gtk2 \
    ImageMagick \
    libffi-devel \
    libnl3-devel \
    libudev-devel \
    libX11-devel \
    libXext-devel \
    libXtst \
    make \
    mesa-libGLU-devel \
    mpich \
    patch \
    poppler-utils \
    python-backports-lzma \
    subversion \
    svn \
    texinfo \
    texlive-comment \
    texlive-latex \
    texlive-subfigure \
    texlive-wrapfig \
    texlive \
    unzip \
    wget \
    which \
    zlib \
    && yum clean all

# add a nice build user
RUN useradd -ms /bin/bash build
USER build
WORKDIR /home/build
# java complains about ASCII if you don't have this
# intelmkl sucks and needs these
ENV USER build
# avoid "host key verification failed." error accessing git repo
RUN mkdir -p -m u=rwx,go= .ssh \
    && ssh-keyscan >> /home/build/.ssh/known_hosts
# This is a kludge to fix OPENCPS-3335.
# The solution in OPENCPS-3238 has not worked. BuildKit has more aggressive
# caching than plain docker making it near impossible to invalidate the cache
# for only one RUN step.
# See those two tickets and OPENCPS-3329 for further details.
RUN true
# Optimisation: clone the thirdparty packages folder into the base image
RUN --mount=type=secret,id=github,dst=/home/build/.gitconfig,uid=1000 \
    mkdir -p builds/trunk/downloads \
    && pushd builds/trunk/downloads \
    && git clone<XXXXXXX>>/thirdpartysource.git packages \
    && popd

# The checkout/build instructions follow from here
[epasveer@ws7-02 build-docker]$
epasveer commented 11 months ago

COMPILE code base docker file.

Running this image with "docker build" fails sometimes afer exectuing the last COPY.

[epasveer@ws7-02 build-docker]$ cat ./c7-build-a-branch.docker
# syntax=docker/dockerfile:experimental
# centos7 build from git
FROM c7build:base as builder
ENV container docker

ARG branch2build
ARG bfbranch
ARG swbranch
ARG mtcbranch
ARG ptbbranch
ARG bassbranch

LABEL description="c7 build via git" \
# checkout using secret gitconfig, download_build has git needs
    echo "Building for XXXX branch: $branch2build" \
    && echo "Building for XXXX branch: $bfbranch" \
    && echo "Building for XXXXX branch: $swbranch" \
    && echo "Building for XXXXX branch: $mtcbranch" \
    && echo "Building for XXXXX branch: $ptbbranch" \
    && echo "Building for XXXXX branch: $bassbranch" \
    && echo "Building for thirdpartysource branch: main"
RUN --mount=type=secret,id=github,dst=/home/build/.gitconfig,uid=1000 \
    mkdir -p builds/trunk/download_build_logs_build \
    && pushd builds/trunk/ \
    && source scl_source enable devtoolset-8 \
    && git clone -b $branch2build opencps \
    && git clone -b $bfbranch bluefin \
    && git clone -b $swbranch opencps_sw \
    && git clone -b $mtcbranch opencp_mtc \
    && git clone -b $ptbbranch opencp_ptb \
    && git clone -b $bassbranch opencp_bass \
    && pushd downloads/packages && git pull && popd \
    && ./xxxxx/src/build/ \
    && popd
# link nightly build scripts
RUN ln -s builds/trunk/xxxxx/src/build/ \
    && ln -s builds/trunk/xxxxx/src/build/ \
    && ln -s builds/trunk/xxxxx/src/build/ \
    && ln -s builds/trunk/xxxxx/src/build/ \
    && ln -s builds/trunk/xxxxx/src/build/
# add MTC
ADD --chown=build mtc.tgz /home/build/CONFIDENTIAL
# use --noredirect when things get tough

RUN cp /tmp/download_build_logs_build/* /home/build/builds/trunk/download_build_logs_build
RUN source scl_source enable devtoolset-8 && ./ --noredirect --notests && cp /tmp/download_build_logs_build/* /home/build/builds/trunk/download_build_logs_build

# build_xxxxx_* succeeds even if the archive isn't produced. Do additional check if all the archives are there
RUN ls /home/build/builds/trunk/archives/xxxxx-{bass,mtc,ptb,sw,time}-*.tar.gz

# copy via custom build outputs `-o outpath`
FROM scratch as export
COPY --from=builder /home/build/builds/trunk/archives/xxxxx-time*gz /archives/
COPY --from=builder /home/build/builds/trunk/archives/xxxxx-mtc*gz /archives/
COPY --from=builder /home/build/builds/trunk/archives/xxxxx-ptb*gz /archives/
COPY --from=builder /home/build/builds/trunk/archives/xxxxx-sw*gz /archives/
COPY --from=builder /home/build/builds/trunk/archives/xxxxx-bass*gz /archives/
COPY --from=builder /home/build/builds/trunk/logs/* /logs/
COPY --from=builder /home/build/builds/trunk/download_build_logs_build/* /download_build_logs/
epasveer commented 11 months ago

Is there a reason you are exporting 10+GB with local exporter?

It's likely the result of the codebase compile/build that we are doing inside the docker.

mzihlmann commented 11 months ago

Hey there, we started hitting this error irregularly over the last few months, im actually happy to see that there is now a new issue opened here. This is a stacktrace of when it happened in our CI build:

[12:49:07] #171 [test] exporting to image
[12:49:50] #171 pushing layers 95.8s done
[12:49:50] #171 CANCELED
[12:49:50] #173 [app] exporting to image
[12:49:50] #173 pushing layers 95.4s done
[12:49:50] #173 CANCELED
[12:49:50] #97 [venv] exporting cache to registry
[12:49:53] WARNING: No output specified for base, venv, build, build-frontend target(s) with docker-container driver. Build result will only remain in the build cache. To push result image into registry use --push or to load image into docker use --load
[12:49:53] ERROR: failed to solve: DeadlineExceeded: context deadline exceeded
[12:49:53] 141 v0.11.2 /usr/local/libexec/docker/cli-plugins/docker-buildx --debug buildx bake -f docker-bake.hcl
[12:49:53] runtime.goexit
[12:49:53]  runtime/asm_amd64.s:1598
[12:49:53] 141 v0.11.2 /usr/local/libexec/docker/cli-plugins/docker-buildx --debug buildx bake -f docker-bake.hcl
[12:49:53] runtime.goexit
[12:49:53]  runtime/asm_amd64.s:1598

we run dind, we have images with pretty large layers building and pushing in parallel. it happens sporadically, but mostly on the servers where the disks are sluggish.

epasveer commented 11 months ago

Hi. I'm happy (maybe not) to see some others having the same problem.

@mzihlmann , what did you do to enable the stacktrace?

We have one of our gihub runners using a newer version of docker. Same occasional error.

[epasveer@ws7-02 ~]$ docker --version
Docker version 24.0.6, build ed223bc

[epasveer@ws7-02 ~]$ ~/Development/neofetch/neofetch/neofetch
               .PLTJ.                  -------------------------------------------
              <><><><>                 OS: CentOS Linux release 7.5.1804 (Core) x86_64
     KKSSV' 4KKK LJ KKKL.'VSSKK        Host: Dell Inc. 09N44V
     KKV' 4KKKKK LJ KKKKAL 'VKK        Kernel: 3.10.0-957.27.2.el7.x86_64
     V' ' 'VKKKK LJ KKKKV' ' 'V        Uptime: 22 hours, 24 mins
     .4MA.' 'VKK LJ KKV' '.4Mb.        Packages: 2640 (rpm)
   . KKKKKA.' 'V LJ V' '.4KKKKK .      Shell: bash 4.2.46
 .4D KKKKKKKA.'' LJ ''.4KKKKKKK FA.    Resolution: 1024x768
<QDD ++++++++++++  ++++++++++++ GFD>   Terminal: /dev/pts/1
 'VD KKKKKKKK'.. LJ ..'KKKKKKKK FV     CPU: Intel Xeon E5-2690 v2 (40) @ 3.600GHz
   ' VKKKKK'. .4 LJ K. .'KKKKKV '      GPU: ASPEED Technology, Inc. ASPEED Graphics Family
      'VK'. .4KK LJ KKA. .'KV'         Memory: 33821MiB / 128875MiB
     A. . .4KKKK LJ KKKKA. . .4

[epasveer@ws7-02 ~]$ findmnt /scratch/
/scratch /dev/sdb1 ext4   rw,relatime,data=ordered
[epasveer@ws7-02 ~]$

We are using an older version of centos, with an older kernel. I'm told we are still using VFS because of this. Not sure if that matters.

mzihlmann commented 11 months ago

i saw @tonistiigi suggesting it before, simple as that:

- docker buildx bake -f docker-bake.hcl
+ docker --debug buildx bake -f docker-bake.hcl
epasveer commented 11 months ago

Hi @tonistiigi ,

Does the below suggest the docker is contacting external sites? Or am I misinterpreting them?


[12:49:50] #97 [venv] exporting cache to registry
[12:49:53] WARNING: No output specified for base, venv, build, build-frontend target(s) with docker-container driver. Build result will only remain in the build cache. To push result image into registry use --push or to load image into docker use --load
[12:49:53] ERROR: failed to solve: DeadlineExceeded: context deadline exceeded
[12:49:53] 141 v0.11.2 /usr/local/libexec/docker/cli-plugins/docker-buildx --debug buildx bake -f docker-bake.hcl
[12:49:53] runtime.goexit
mzihlmann commented 11 months ago

its trying to upload the image/cache to the registry. telemetry is probably just a hook not really used. i think i made some progress today investigating. i stumbled over this

basically their gist is that (filesystem) garbage-collector kicks in at a certain point, which makes everything come to crawl, leading to timeouts like the above.

one option to overcome it is to disable garbage collector in the builder (--buildkitd-flags '--oci-worker-gc=false') and instead perform some manual clean up from time to time (docker buildx prune --filter="until=1h" --force). in our gitlab-ci.yml:

    - docker context create <name>
    - docker buildx create --use --name <name> <name>
    - docker buildx create --buildkitd-flags '--oci-worker-gc=false' --use --name <name> <name>
    - docker buildx bake -f docker-bake.hcl
    - docker buildx prune --filter="until=1h" --force

still need to verify whether the issue is now gone for good though, i can tell you after a few days.

epasveer commented 11 months ago

Thanks for the added info. I'll see if we can try out what you suggest.

cw-sanikachavan commented 11 months ago

I am facing a similar issue, the build fails intermitently with context deadline exceeded. Please let me know if these tweaks are solving the issue for y'all. Thanks.

tonistiigi commented 11 months ago

@epasveer Is this the only stacktrace you see with this error? This is the client side trace but "failed to solve" errors should usually include the daemon-side stacktrace as well.

If this is GC related like @mzihlmann suggests then GC invocations are logged to the daemon log when --buildkitd-flags '--debug' is set.

epasveer commented 11 months ago

Hi @tonistiigi

The stack was included by @mzihlmann . I only included it as a reference.

We've added the '--debug' flag this past Friday. Hopefully we'll see some results tomorrow, which I will post.

epasveer commented 11 months ago

So, with the --debug flag, we did encounter a "deadline exceeded".

#24 DONE 165.7s
ERROR: failed to solve: DeadlineExceeded: context deadline exceeded
3843 v0.11.2 /usr/libexec/docker/cli-plugins/docker-buildx --debug buildx build --build-arg branch2build=OPENCPS-4320-implement-csi-continuous-record-processing-workflow --build-arg bfbranch=dev --build-arg swbranch=master --build-arg mtcbranch=master --build-arg ptbbranch=master --build-arg bassbranch=master --force-rm --secret id=github,src=github_in.txt -o /scratch/test_builds/suzanc/OPENCPS-4320-implement-csi-continuous-record-processing-workflow --no-cache -f ./c7-build-a-branch.docker .*ClientConn).Invoke*controlClient).Solve*Client).solve.func2*Group).Go.func1
epasveer commented 11 months ago

daemon-side stacktrace as well.

To confirm, you mean the dockerd log files?

tonistiigi commented 11 months ago

The errors would be in dockerd log if --buildkitd-flags '--debug', but should also be in the build output if docker --debug buildx build. Eg. for the latter. The GC trace log would only be in the dockerd log.

mzihlmann commented 10 months ago

issue still pops up at my side, will now add the suggested debug flags

mzihlmann commented 10 months ago

it still seems to run garbage collection somehow? i was not yet able to get a stacktrace from the dockerd sidecar. here is a log of the combined dockerd sidecar and the docker client. sidecar logs have a different format so you can distinguish them in raw text too.

2023-10-25T11:15:51+01:00   [10:15:51] #68 [static internal] load build context
2023-10-25T11:15:51+01:00   [10:15:51] #68 transferring context: 590.20MB 17.5s done
2023-10-25T11:15:57+01:00   [10:15:57] #68 ...
2023-10-25T11:15:57+01:00   [10:15:57] 
2023-10-25T11:15:57+01:00   [10:15:57] #85 [app build 4/6] COPY shelf ./shelf
2023-10-25T11:16:20+01:00   time="2023-10-25T10:16:20.871393843Z" level=debug msg="garbage collected" d=4.887757851s
2023-10-25T11:16:22+01:00   [10:16:22] #85 ...
2023-10-25T11:16:22+01:00   [10:16:22] 
2023-10-25T11:16:22+01:00   [10:16:22] #66 [test internal] load build context
2023-10-25T11:16:22+01:00   [10:16:22] #66 DONE 51.8s
2023-10-25T11:16:22+01:00   [10:16:22] 
2023-10-25T11:16:22+01:00   [10:16:22] #85 [app build 4/6] COPY shelf ./shelf
2023-10-25T11:16:22+01:00   [10:16:22] #85 DONE 35.5s
2023-10-25T11:16:22+01:00   [10:16:22] 
2023-10-25T11:16:22+01:00   [10:16:22] #68 [static internal] load build context
2023-10-25T11:16:25+01:00   [10:16:25] #68 DONE 54.5s
2023-10-25T11:16:25+01:00   [10:16:25] 
2023-10-25T11:16:25+01:00   [10:16:25] #65 [build internal] load build context
2023-10-25T11:16:25+01:00   [10:16:25] #65 DONE 54.8s
2023-10-25T11:16:25+01:00   [10:16:25] 
2023-10-25T11:16:25+01:00   [10:16:25] #86 [app build 5/6] RUN /app/ collectstatic --no-input &&     mkdir -p /usr/share/nginx/html/static &&     cp -r static/* /usr/share/nginx/html/static/ &&     rm -rf static/* shelf/dashboard/frontend/*
2023-10-25T11:16:38+01:00   [10:16:38] WARNING: No output specified for base, venv, build, build-frontend target(s) with docker-container driver. Build result will only remain in the build cache. To push result image into registry use --push or to load image into docker use --load
2023-10-25T11:16:38+01:00   time="2023-10-25T10:16:38.909897858Z" level=debug msg="Closing buffered stdin pipe"
2023-10-25T11:16:38+01:00   [10:16:38] ERROR: failed to solve: DeadlineExceeded: context deadline exceeded
2023-10-25T11:16:38+01:00   time="2023-10-25T10:16:38.909976541Z" level=debug msg="attach: stdin: end"
2023-10-25T11:16:38+01:00   [10:16:38] 123 v0.11.2 /usr/local/libexec/docker/cli-plugins/docker-buildx --debug buildx bake -f docker-bake.hcl
2023-10-25T11:16:38+01:00   [10:16:38]
2023-10-25T11:16:38+01:00   [10:16:38]
2023-10-25T11:16:38+01:00   [10:16:38]
2023-10-25T11:16:38+01:00   [10:16:38]
2023-10-25T11:16:38+01:00   [10:16:38]
2023-10-25T11:16:38+01:00   [10:16:38]
2023-10-25T11:16:38+01:00   [10:16:38]
2023-10-25T11:16:38+01:00   [10:16:38]
2023-10-25T11:16:38+01:00   [10:16:38]*ClientConn).Invoke
2023-10-25T11:16:38+01:00   [10:16:38]
2023-10-25T11:16:38+01:00   [10:16:38]*controlClient).Solve
2023-10-25T11:16:38+01:00   [10:16:38]
2023-10-25T11:16:38+01:00   [10:16:38]*Client).solve.func2
2023-10-25T11:16:38+01:00   [10:16:38]
2023-10-25T11:16:38+01:00   [10:16:38]*Group).Go.func1
2023-10-25T11:16:38+01:00   [10:16:38]
2023-10-25T11:16:38+01:00   [10:16:38] runtime.goexit
2023-10-25T11:16:38+01:00   [10:16:38]  runtime/asm_amd64.s:1598
2023-10-25T11:16:38+01:00   [10:16:38] 
2023-10-25T11:16:38+01:00   [10:16:38] 123 v0.11.2 /usr/local/libexec/docker/cli-plugins/docker-buildx --debug buildx bake -f docker-bake.hcl
2023-10-25T11:16:38+01:00   [10:16:38]*Client).solve.func2
2023-10-25T11:16:38+01:00   [10:16:38]
2023-10-25T11:16:38+01:00   [10:16:38]*Group).Go.func1
2023-10-25T11:16:38+01:00   [10:16:38]
2023-10-25T11:16:38+01:00   [10:16:38] runtime.goexit
2023-10-25T11:16:38+01:00   [10:16:38]  runtime/asm_amd64.s:1598
2023-10-25T11:16:38+01:00   [10:16:38] 
2023-10-25T11:16:38+01:00   time="2023-10-25T10:16:38.913060685Z" level=debug msg="event forwarded" ns=moby topic=/tasks/exit
2023-10-25T11:16:38+01:00   time="2023-10-25T10:16:38.913337717Z" level=debug msg=event module=libcontainerd namespace=moby topic=/tasks/exit
2023-10-25T11:16:38+01:00   time="2023-10-25T10:16:38.913492774Z" level=debug msg="attach: stdout: end"
2023-10-25T11:16:38+01:00   time="2023-10-25T10:16:38.913518235Z" level=debug msg="attach: stderr: end"
2023-10-25T11:16:38+01:00   time="2023-10-25T10:16:38.913607579Z" level=debug msg="attach done"

i also saw this issue hinting at a kernel bug we are running debian11 with kernel 5.10.0-26-amd64 so potentially affected, but i couldn't find any associated logs on the host.

mzihlmann commented 10 months ago

here is another log with a different error message

2023-10-25T11:52:20+01:00   [10:52:20] #6 [venv] resolve image config for
2023-10-25T11:52:25+01:00   [10:52:25] #6 DONE 6.6s
2023-10-25T11:52:25+01:00   [10:52:25] 
2023-10-25T11:52:25+01:00   [10:52:25] #11 [build] docker-image://
2023-10-25T11:52:25+01:00   [10:52:25] #11 resolve
2023-10-25T11:52:26+01:00   [10:52:26] #11 resolve 1.0s done
2023-10-25T11:52:26+01:00   [10:52:26] #11 resolve 1.0s done
2023-10-25T11:52:27+01:00   [10:52:27] #11 sha256:9d9c93f4b00be908ab694a4df732570bced3b8a96b7515d70ff93402179ad232 0B / 11.80MB 0.2s
2023-10-25T11:52:28+01:00   [10:52:28] #11 sha256:9d9c93f4b00be908ab694a4df732570bced3b8a96b7515d70ff93402179ad232 2.10MB / 11.80MB 0.5s
2023-10-25T11:52:28+01:00   [10:52:28] #11 sha256:9d9c93f4b00be908ab694a4df732570bced3b8a96b7515d70ff93402179ad232 11.80MB / 11.80MB 0.8s
2023-10-25T11:52:28+01:00   [10:52:28] #11 sha256:9d9c93f4b00be908ab694a4df732570bced3b8a96b7515d70ff93402179ad232 11.80MB / 11.80MB 0.8s done
2023-10-25T11:52:28+01:00   [10:52:28] #11 sha256:9d9c93f4b00be908ab694a4df732570bced3b8a96b7515d70ff93402179ad232 11.80MB / 11.80MB 0.8s done
2023-10-25T11:52:28+01:00   [10:52:28] #11 extracting sha256:9d9c93f4b00be908ab694a4df732570bced3b8a96b7515d70ff93402179ad232
2023-10-25T11:52:29+01:00   [10:52:29] #11 extracting sha256:9d9c93f4b00be908ab694a4df732570bced3b8a96b7515d70ff93402179ad232 1.1s done
2023-10-25T11:52:29+01:00   [10:52:29] #11 DONE 5.1s
2023-10-25T11:52:31+01:00   time="2023-10-25T10:52:31.351870333Z" level=debug msg="garbage collected" d=436.163779ms
2023-10-25T11:55:39+01:00   [10:55:39] WARNING: No output specified for base, venv, build, build-frontend target(s) with docker-container driver. Build result will only remain in the build cache. To push result image into registry use --push or to load image into docker use --load
2023-10-25T11:55:39+01:00   [10:55:39] Dockerfile:1
2023-10-25T11:55:39+01:00   [10:55:39] --------------------
2023-10-25T11:55:39+01:00   [10:55:39]    1 | >>> # syntax = docker/dockerfile:1
2023-10-25T11:55:39+01:00   [10:55:39]    2 |     
2023-10-25T11:55:39+01:00   [10:55:39]    3 |     FROM python:3.11.4-slim-bullseye AS base
2023-10-25T11:55:39+01:00   [10:55:39] --------------------
2023-10-25T11:55:39+01:00   [10:55:39] ERROR: failed to run Build function: frontend grpc server closed unexpectedly
2023-10-25T11:55:39+01:00   [10:55:39] 7 v0.12.3 buildkitd --debug --containerd-worker-gc=false --oci-worker-gc=false
2023-10-25T11:55:39+01:00   [10:55:39]*gatewayFrontend).Solve
2023-10-25T11:55:39+01:00   [10:55:39]  /src/frontend/gateway/gateway.go:311
2023-10-25T11:55:39+01:00   [10:55:39]*provenanceBridge).Solve
2023-10-25T11:55:39+01:00   [10:55:39]  /src/solver/llbsolver/provenance.go:168
2023-10-25T11:55:39+01:00   [10:55:39]*BridgeClient).Solve
2023-10-25T11:55:39+01:00   [10:55:39]  /src/frontend/gateway/forwarder/forward.go:58
2023-10-25T11:55:39+01:00   [10:55:39]
2023-10-25T11:55:39+01:00   [10:55:39]  /src/frontend/dockerfile/builder/build.go:226
2023-10-25T11:55:39+01:00   [10:55:39]
2023-10-25T11:55:39+01:00   [10:55:39]  /src/frontend/dockerfile/builder/build.go:58
2023-10-25T11:55:39+01:00   [10:55:39]*GatewayForwarder).Solve
2023-10-25T11:55:39+01:00   [10:55:39]  /src/frontend/gateway/forwarder/frontend.go:35
2023-10-25T11:55:39+01:00   [10:55:39]*provenanceBridge).Solve
2023-10-25T11:55:39+01:00   [10:55:39]  /src/solver/llbsolver/provenance.go:168
2023-10-25T11:55:39+01:00   [10:55:39]*llbBridgeForwarder).Solve
2023-10-25T11:55:39+01:00   [10:55:39]  /src/frontend/gateway/gateway.go:656
2023-10-25T11:55:39+01:00   [10:55:39]*GatewayForwarder).Solve
2023-10-25T11:55:39+01:00   [10:55:39]  /src/control/gateway/gateway.go:103
2023-10-25T11:55:39+01:00   [10:55:39]
2023-10-25T11:55:39+01:00   [10:55:39]  /src/frontend/gateway/pb/gateway.pb.go:3108
2023-10-25T11:55:39+01:00   [10:55:39]
2023-10-25T11:55:39+01:00   [10:55:39]  /src/vendor/
2023-10-25T11:55:39+01:00   [10:55:39]
2023-10-25T11:55:39+01:00   [10:55:39]  /src/vendor/
2023-10-25T11:55:39+01:00   [10:55:39] main.unaryInterceptor.func1
2023-10-25T11:55:39+01:00   [10:55:39]  /src/cmd/buildkitd/main.go:603
2023-10-25T11:55:39+01:00   [10:55:39]
2023-10-25T11:55:39+01:00   [10:55:39]  /src/vendor/
2023-10-25T11:55:39+01:00   [10:55:39]
2023-10-25T11:55:39+01:00   [10:55:39]  /src/vendor/
2023-10-25T11:55:39+01:00   [10:55:39]
2023-10-25T11:55:39+01:00   [10:55:39]  /src/frontend/gateway/pb/gateway.pb.go:3110
2023-10-25T11:55:39+01:00   [10:55:39]*Server).processUnaryRPC
2023-10-25T11:55:39+01:00   [10:55:39]  /src/vendor/
2023-10-25T11:55:39+01:00   [10:55:39]*Server).handleStream
2023-10-25T11:55:39+01:00   [10:55:39]  /src/vendor/
2023-10-25T11:55:39+01:00   [10:55:39]*Server).serveStreams.func1.2
2023-10-25T11:55:39+01:00   [10:55:39]  /src/vendor/
2023-10-25T11:55:39+01:00   [10:55:39] runtime.goexit
2023-10-25T11:55:39+01:00   [10:55:39]  /usr/local/go/src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1598
2023-10-25T11:55:39+01:00   [10:55:39] 
2023-10-25T11:55:39+01:00   [10:55:39] 140 v0.11.2 /usr/local/libexec/docker/cli-plugins/docker-buildx --debug buildx bake -f docker-bake.hcl
2023-10-25T11:55:39+01:00   [10:55:39]
2023-10-25T11:55:39+01:00   [10:55:39]
2023-10-25T11:55:39+01:00   [10:55:39]
2023-10-25T11:55:39+01:00   [10:55:39]
2023-10-25T11:55:39+01:00   [10:55:39]
2023-10-25T11:55:39+01:00   [10:55:39]
2023-10-25T11:55:39+01:00   [10:55:39]
2023-10-25T11:55:39+01:00   [10:55:39]
2023-10-25T11:55:39+01:00   [10:55:39]*ClientConn).Invoke
2023-10-25T11:55:39+01:00   [10:55:39]
2023-10-25T11:55:39+01:00   [10:55:39]*lLBBridgeClient).Solve
2023-10-25T11:55:39+01:00   [10:55:39]
2023-10-25T11:55:39+01:00   [10:55:39]*gatewayClientForBuild).Solve
2023-10-25T11:55:39+01:00   [10:55:39]
2023-10-25T11:55:39+01:00   [10:55:39]*grpcClient).Solve
2023-10-25T11:55:39+01:00   [10:55:39]
2023-10-25T11:55:39+01:00   [10:55:39]
2023-10-25T11:55:39+01:00   [10:55:39]
2023-10-25T11:55:39+01:00   [10:55:39]*grpcClient).Run
2023-10-25T11:55:39+01:00   [10:55:39]
2023-10-25T11:55:39+01:00   [10:55:39]*Client).Build.func2
2023-10-25T11:55:39+01:00   [10:55:39]
2023-10-25T11:55:39+01:00   [10:55:39]*Client).solve.func3
2023-10-25T11:55:39+01:00   [10:55:39]
2023-10-25T11:55:39+01:00   [10:55:39]*Group).Go.func1
2023-10-25T11:55:39+01:00   [10:55:39]
2023-10-25T11:55:39+01:00   [10:55:39] runtime.goexit
2023-10-25T11:55:39+01:00   [10:55:39]  runtime/asm_amd64.s:1598
2023-10-25T11:55:39+01:00   [10:55:39] 
2023-10-25T11:55:39+01:00   [10:55:39] 140 v0.11.2 /usr/local/libexec/docker/cli-plugins/docker-buildx --debug buildx bake -f docker-bake.hcl
2023-10-25T11:55:39+01:00   [10:55:39]*Client).Build.func2
2023-10-25T11:55:39+01:00   [10:55:39]
2023-10-25T11:55:39+01:00   [10:55:39]*Client).solve.func3
2023-10-25T11:55:39+01:00   [10:55:39]
2023-10-25T11:55:39+01:00   [10:55:39]*Group).Go.func1
2023-10-25T11:55:39+01:00   [10:55:39]
2023-10-25T11:55:39+01:00   [10:55:39] runtime.goexit
2023-10-25T11:55:39+01:00   [10:55:39]  runtime/asm_amd64.s:1598
2023-10-25T11:55:39+01:00   [10:55:39] 
2023-10-25T11:55:39+01:00   time="2023-10-25T10:55:39.188249471Z" level=debug msg="Closing buffered stdin pipe"
2023-10-25T11:55:39+01:00   time="2023-10-25T10:55:39.188386717Z" level=debug msg="attach: stdin: end"
2023-10-25T11:55:39+01:00   time="2023-10-25T10:55:39.212687457Z" level=debug msg="event forwarded" ns=moby topic=/tasks/exit
2023-10-25T11:55:39+01:00   time="2023-10-25T10:55:39.213802939Z" level=debug msg=event module=libcontainerd namespace=moby topic=/tasks/exit
2023-10-25T11:55:39+01:00   time="2023-10-25T10:55:39.214323623Z" level=debug msg="attach: stdout: end"
2023-10-25T11:55:39+01:00   time="2023-10-25T10:55:39.214383066Z" level=debug msg="attach: stderr: end"
2023-10-25T11:55:39+01:00   time="2023-10-25T10:55:39.214422048Z" level=debug msg="attach done"
king-11 commented 10 months ago

I also encountered this error recently when running nerdctl compose up --build with our repository

davhdavh commented 9 months ago

This is really annoying: buildkitd logs says:

time="2023-12-11T09:56:00Z" level=error msg="failed to kill process in container id omkv6ahdy0g1y2dx66ktjtnpx: buildkit-runc did not terminate successfully: exit status 1: container not running\n"
x 1000
time="2023-12-11T09:57:15Z" level=error msg="/moby.buildkit.v1.Control/Solve returned error: rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled"

docker bake logs says: ERROR: failed to solve: DeadlineExceeded: context deadline exceeded both are utterly useless error messages

jedevc commented 9 months ago

While the underlying cause of this error still isn't known, we're making progress to investigating it in - at least with that merged, the error messages from the logs should be more helpful.

davhdavh commented 9 months ago

Super! :) I'm getting rather annoyed having to restart 50% of the builds manually.

rafalr-ntropy commented 9 months ago

I'm facing a similar issue on my Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS servers. My os and docker/builkdit config:

# uname -r
# docker version
Client: Docker Engine - Community
 Version:           24.0.7
 API version:       1.43
 Go version:        go1.20.10
 Git commit:        afdd53b
 Built:             Thu Oct 26 09:08:01 2023
 OS/Arch:           linux/amd64
 Context:           default

Server: Docker Engine - Community
  Version:          24.0.7
  API version:      1.43 (minimum version 1.12)
  Go version:       go1.20.10
  Git commit:       311b9ff
  Built:            Thu Oct 26 09:08:01 2023
  OS/Arch:          linux/amd64
  Experimental:     false
  Version:          1.6.25
  GitCommit:        d8f198a4ed8892c764191ef7b3b06d8a2eeb5c7f
  Version:          1.1.10
  GitCommit:        v1.1.10-0-g18a0cb0
  Version:          0.19.0
  GitCommit:        de40ad0

# docker buildx ls
NAME/NODE                          DRIVER/ENDPOINT             STATUS   BUILDKIT             PLATFORMS
buildx-docker-container-nodejs *   docker-container                                          
  buildx-docker-container-nodejs0  unix:///var/run/docker.sock running  f84cfe3              linux/amd64, linux/amd64/v2, linux/amd64/v3, linux/amd64/v4, linux/386
# docker buildx inspect buildx-docker-container-nodejs
Name:          buildx-docker-container-nodejs
Driver:        docker-container
Last Activity: 2023-12-14 15:15:07 +0000 UTC

Name:           buildx-docker-container-nodejs0
Endpoint:       unix:///var/run/docker.sock
Driver Options: image="moby/buildkit:nightly"
Status:         running
Flags:          --debug --oci-worker-gc=false
Buildkit:       f84cfe3
Platforms:      linux/amd64, linux/amd64/v2, linux/amd64/v3, linux/amd64/v4, linux/386
 org.mobyproject.buildkit.worker.executor:         oci
 org.mobyproject.buildkit.worker.hostname:         277c9036902a          host
 org.mobyproject.buildkit.worker.oci.process-mode: sandbox
 org.mobyproject.buildkit.worker.selinux.enabled:  false
 org.mobyproject.buildkit.worker.snapshotter:      overlayfs

I disabled garbage collection and enabled debug on buildkit level. My Dockerfile:

# syntax=docker/dockerfile:1.6
FROM bitnami/node:${NODE_VERSION} as base

FROM base as npm-packages
COPY npm-packages/package.json npm-packages/package-lock.json npm-packages/.npmrc npm-packages/
COPY npm-packages/utils/package.json npm-packages/utils/package-lock.json npm-packages/utils/.npmrc npm-packages/utils/
WORKDIR /src/npm-packages
RUN npm ci --progress=false --no-audit
WORKDIR /src/npm-packages/utils
RUN npm ci --progress=false --no-audit

# Common builder - ensure same RUN / COPY is included in other Web builds
FROM npm-packages as builder
COPY Some.Application/package.json Some.Application/package-lock.json Some.Application/
WORKDIR /src/Some.Application
RUN npm ci --progress=false --no-audit --ignore-scripts

FROM builder as build
WORKDIR /src/npm-packages
COPY npm-packages/ ./
WORKDIR /src/Some.Application
COPY Some.Application/ ./
RUN npm run build
WORKDIR /src/npm-packages/utils
RUN npm prune --production

FROM scratch as publishresults
COPY --from=build /src/Some.Application/package.json /output/
COPY --from=build /src/Some.Application/node_modules/ /output/node_modules/
COPY --from=build /src/Some.Application/target/Some.Application/ /output/target/
COPY --from=build /src/Some.Application/target/npm-packages/ /output/npm-packages/
COPY --from=build /src/npm-packages/utils/node_modules/ /output/npm-packages/utils/node_modules/

FROM base as final
VOLUME /var/log/someapplication/chat
COPY --from=publishresults --link=true /output/ /app/
CMD [ "node", "target/index.js" ]

I use below command to build it:

docker --debug buildx build --progress=plain --builder buildx-docker-container-nodejs --target publishresults --output type=local,dest=/var/lib/Some.Application_release_1.2 --cache-from type=registry, --file Some.Application/Dockerfile .

Stack trace/error:

16:15:08  #0 building with "buildx-docker-container-nodejs" instance using docker-container driver
16:15:08  #1 [internal] load build definition from Dockerfile                                                                                                                               16:15:08  #1 transferring dockerfile: 1.64kB done                                                                                                                                           
16:15:08  #1 DONE 0.0s                                                                        
16:15:08  #2 resolve image config for                         
16:15:08  #2 DONE 0.2s                                                                        
16:15:08  #3 docker-image://
16:15:08  #3 resolve done                                                           
16:15:08  #3 CACHED
16:15:08  #4 [internal] load metadata for
16:15:08  #4 DONE 0.2s
16:15:08  #5 [internal] load .dockerignore
16:15:08  #5 transferring context: 832B done
16:15:08  #5 DONE 0.0s
16:15:08  #6 [internal] load build context
16:15:08  #6 DONE 0.0s
16:15:08  #7 importing cache manifest from
16:15:08  #7 ...
16:15:08  #8 [auth] someapplicationco/someapplication/buildkit-cache:pull token for
16:15:08  #8 DONE 0.0s
16:15:09  #7 importing cache manifest from
16:15:09  #7 inferred cache manifest type: application/vnd.oci.image.index.v1+json done
16:15:09  #7 DONE 0.9s
16:15:09  #9 [base 1/1] FROM
16:15:09  #9 resolve done
16:15:09  #9 DONE 0.0s
16:15:09  #6 [internal] load build context
16:15:09  #6 transferring context: 14.38kB 0.0s done
16:15:09  #6 DONE 0.0s
16:15:09  #10 [build 3/5] WORKDIR /src/Some.Application
16:15:09  #10 CACHED
16:15:09  #11 [npm-packages 1/7] WORKDIR /src
16:15:09  #11 CACHED
16:15:09  #12 [publishresults 2/6] COPY --from=build /src/Some.Application/node_modules/ /output/node_modules/
16:15:09  #12 CACHED
16:15:09  #13 [npm-packages 3/7] COPY npm-packages/utils/package.json npm-packages/utils/package-lock.json npm-packages/utils/.npmrc npm-packages/utils/
16:15:09  #13 CACHED
16:15:09  #14 [build 1/5] WORKDIR /src/npm-packages
16:15:09  #14 CACHED
16:15:09  #15 [publishresults 1/6] COPY --from=build /src/Some.Application/package.json /output/
16:15:09  #15 CACHED
16:15:09  #16 [publishresults 5/6] COPY --from=build /src/npm-packages/node_modules/ /output/npm-packages/node_modules/
16:15:09  #16 CACHED
16:15:09  #17 [npm-packages 7/7] RUN npm ci --progress=false --no-audit
16:15:09  #17 CACHED
16:15:09  #18 [npm-packages 5/7] RUN npm ci --progress=false --no-audit
16:15:09  #18 CACHED
16:15:09  #19 [build 4/5] COPY Some.Application/ ./
16:15:09  #19 CACHED
16:15:09  #20 [builder 1/4] WORKDIR /src
16:15:09  #20 CACHED
16:15:09  #21 [build 5/5] RUN npm run build
16:15:09  #21 CACHED
16:15:09  #22 [builder 3/4] WORKDIR /src/Some.Application
16:15:09  #22 CACHED
16:15:09  #23 [builder 4/4] RUN npm ci --progress=false --no-audit --ignore-scripts
16:15:09  #23 CACHED
16:15:09  #24 [builder 2/4] COPY Some.Application/package.json Some.Application/package-lock.json Some.Application/
16:15:09  #24 CACHED
16:15:09  #25 [publishresults 3/6] COPY --from=build /src/Some.Application/target/Some.Application/ /output/target/
16:15:09  #25 CACHED
16:15:09  #26 [npm-packages 4/7] WORKDIR /src/npm-packages
16:15:09  #26 CACHED
16:15:09  #27 [build 2/5] COPY npm-packages/ ./
16:15:09  #27 CACHED
16:15:09  #28 [npm-packages 6/7] WORKDIR /src/npm-packages/utils
16:15:09  #28 CACHED
16:15:09  #29 [publishresults 4/6] COPY --from=build /src/Some.Application/target/npm-packages/ /output/npm-packages/
16:15:09  #29 CACHED
16:15:09  #30 [npm-packages 2/7] COPY npm-packages/package.json npm-packages/package-lock.json npm-packages/.npmrc npm-packages/
16:15:09  #30 CACHED
16:15:09  #31 [publishresults 6/6] COPY --from=build /src/npm-packages/utils/node_modules/ /output/npm-packages/utils/node_modules/
16:15:09  #31 CACHED
16:15:09  #32 exporting to client directory
16:15:09  #32 copying files 26B
16:16:48  Cancelling nested steps due to timeout
16:16:48  Sending interrupt signal to process
16:17:00  DEBUG: using config store "/home/jenkins/.docker/buildx" based in "$BUILDX_CONFIG" environment variable
16:17:00  DEBUG: using config store "/home/jenkins/.docker/buildx" based in "$BUILDX_CONFIG" environment variable
16:17:00  DEBUG: using config store "/home/jenkins/.docker/buildx" based in "$BUILDX_CONFIG" environment variable
16:17:00  ERROR: failed to solve: Canceled: context canceled
16:17:00  12809 v0.11.2 /usr/libexec/docker/cli-plugins/docker-buildx --debug buildx build --progress=plain --builder buildx-docker-container-nodejs --target publishresults --output type=>
16:17:00  runtime.goexit
16:17:00        runtime/asm_amd64.s:1598
16:17:00  12809 v0.11.2 /usr/libexec/docker/cli-plugins/docker-buildx --debug buildx build --progress=plain --builder buildx-docker-container-nodejs --target publishresults --output type=>
16:17:00  runtime.goexit
16:17:00        runtime/asm_amd64.s:1598

On buildkit container level I get:

  1 time="2023-12-14T15:15:03Z" level=info msg="auto snapshotter: using overlayfs"
  2 time="2023-12-14T15:15:03Z" level=warning msg="using host network as the default"
  3 time="2023-12-14T15:15:03Z" level=info msg="found worker \"j15zbih8yphnky0k6rxkrt7y1\", labels=map[org.mobyproject.buildkit.worker.executor:oci org.mobyproject.buildkit.worker.hostname:277c9036902a org.mobyproject.buildkit.worker.oci.process-mode:sandbox org.mobyproject.buildkit.worker.selinux.enabled:false org.mobyproject.buil    dkit.worker.snapshotter:overlayfs], platforms=[linux/amd64 linux/amd64/v2 linux/amd64/v3 linux/amd64/v4 linux/386]"
  4 time="2023-12-14T15:15:03Z" level=warning msg="skipping containerd worker, as \"/run/containerd/containerd.sock\" does not exist"
  5 time="2023-12-14T15:15:03Z" level=info msg="found 1 workers, default=\"j15zbih8yphnky0k6rxkrt7y1\""
  6 time="2023-12-14T15:15:03Z" level=warning msg="currently, only the default worker can be used."
  7 time="2023-12-14T15:15:03Z" level=info msg="running server on /run/buildkit/buildkitd.sock"
  8 time="2023-12-14T15:15:03Z" level=debug msg="session started" spanID=ae2c1997099d20cd traceID=91f68e5bdcd180ee13f0079e4900519c
  9 time="2023-12-14T15:15:03Z" level=debug msg="session finished: <nil>" spanID=ae2c1997099d20cd traceID=91f68e5bdcd180ee13f0079e4900519c
 10 time="2023-12-14T15:15:03Z" level=debug msg="session started" spanID=24f672a9b7c04609 traceID=91f68e5bdcd180ee13f0079e4900519c
 11 time="2023-12-14T15:15:03Z" level=debug msg="reusing ref for local: djdi820tpz8jd0decn318qbgi" span="[internal] load build definition from Dockerfile" spanID=9696eba11e679f6c traceID=91f68e5bdcd180ee13f0079e4900519c
 12 time="2023-12-14T15:15:03Z" level=debug msg="diffcopy took: 3.428898ms" span="[internal] load build definition from Dockerfile" spanID=fcda1758417b0573 traceID=91f68e5bdcd180ee13f0079e4900519c
 13 time="2023-12-14T15:15:03Z" level=debug msg=resolving
 14 time="2023-12-14T15:15:03Z" level=debug msg="do request" request.header.accept="application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json, application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.list.v2+json, application/vnd.oci.image.manifest.v1+json, application/vnd.oci.image.index.v1+json, */*" request.header.user-agent=buildkit/v0.0.0+unknown request.method=    HEAD url=""
 15 time="2023-12-14T15:15:03Z" level=debug msg="fetch response received" response.header.content-length=160 response.header.content-type=application/json"Thu, 14 Dec 2023 15:15:03 GMT" response.header.docker-distribution-api-version=registry/2.0 response.header.docker-ratelimit-source= response.header.strict-tran    sport-security="max-age=31536000" response.header.www-authenticate="Bearer realm=\"\",service=\"\",scope=\"repository:docker/dockerfile:pull\"" response.status="401 Unauthorized" url=""
 16 time="2023-12-14T15:15:03Z" level=debug msg=Unauthorized header="Bearer realm=\"\",service=\"\",scope=\"repository:docker/dockerfile:pull\""
 17 time="2023-12-14T15:15:03Z" level=debug msg="do request" request.header.accept="application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json, application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.list.v2+json, application/vnd.oci.image.manifest.v1+json, application/vnd.oci.image.index.v1+json, */*" request.header.user-agent=buildkit/v0.0.0+unknown request.method=    HEAD url=""
 18 time="2023-12-14T15:15:04Z" level=debug msg="fetch response received" response.header.content-length=8404 response.header.content-type=application/vnd.oci.image.index.v1+json"Thu, 14 Dec 2023 15:15:04 GMT" response.header.docker-content-digest="sha256:ac85f380a63b13dfcefa89046420e1781752bab202122f8f50032edf31be0021" response    .header.docker-distribution-api-version=registry/2.0 response.header.docker-ratelimit-source= response.header.etag="\"sha256:ac85f380a63b13dfcefa89046420e1781752bab202122f8f50032edf31be0021\"" response.header.strict-transport-security="max-age=31536000" response.status="200 OK" url=""
 19 time="2023-12-14T15:15:04Z" level=debug msg=resolved desc.digest="sha256:ac85f380a63b13dfcefa89046420e1781752bab202122f8f50032edf31be0021"
 20 time="2023-12-14T15:15:04Z" level=debug msg=fetch digest="sha256:ac85f380a63b13dfcefa89046420e1781752bab202122f8f50032edf31be0021" mediatype=application/vnd.oci.image.index.v1+json size=8404
 21 time="2023-12-14T15:15:04Z" level=debug msg=fetch digest="sha256:657fcc512c7369f4cb3d94ea329150f8daf626bc838b1a1e81f1834c73ecc77e" mediatype=application/vnd.oci.image.manifest.v1+json size=482
 22 time="2023-12-14T15:15:04Z" level=debug msg=fetch digest="sha256:a17ee7fff8f5e97b974f5b48f51647d2cf28d543f2aa6c11aaa0ea431b44bb89" mediatype=application/vnd.oci.image.config.v1+json size=1271
 23 time="2023-12-14T15:15:04Z" level=debug msg=fetch digest="sha256:ac85f380a63b13dfcefa89046420e1781752bab202122f8f50032edf31be0021" mediatype=application/vnd.oci.image.index.v1+json size=8404
 24 time="2023-12-14T15:15:04Z" level=debug msg=fetch digest="sha256:657fcc512c7369f4cb3d94ea329150f8daf626bc838b1a1e81f1834c73ecc77e" mediatype=application/vnd.oci.image.manifest.v1+json size=482
 25 time="2023-12-14T15:15:04Z" level=debug msg=fetch digest="sha256:a17ee7fff8f5e97b974f5b48f51647d2cf28d543f2aa6c11aaa0ea431b44bb89" mediatype=application/vnd.oci.image.config.v1+json size=1271
 26 time="2023-12-14T15:15:04Z" level=debug msg="load cache for docker-image:// with j15zbih8yphnky0k6rxkrt7y1::rfmjjkt9dppczm0jyqyq65s8e"
 27 time="2023-12-14T15:15:04Z" level=debug msg="serving grpc connection" spanID=edda0dcd5efce83e traceID=91f68e5bdcd180ee13f0079e4900519c
 28 time="2023-12-14T15:15:04Z" level=debug msg="> creating yxvjg8oqtn6db6o3u3jkd42e1 [/bin/dockerfile-frontend]" spanID=edda0dcd5efce83e traceID=91f68e5bdcd180ee13f0079e4900519c
 29 time="2023-12-14T15:15:04Z" level=debug msg=resolving
 30 time="2023-12-14T15:15:04Z" level=debug msg="do request" request.header.accept="application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json, application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.list.v2+json, application/vnd.oci.image.manifest.v1+json, application/vnd.oci.image.index.v1+json, */*" request.header.user-agent=buildkit/v0.0.0+unknown request.method=    HEAD url=""
 31 time="2023-12-14T15:15:04Z" level=debug msg="fetch response received" response.header.content-length=155 response.header.content-type=application/json"Thu, 14 Dec 2023 15:15:04 GMT" response.header.docker-distribution-api-version=registry/2.0 response.header.docker-ratelimit-source= response.header.strict-tran    sport-security="max-age=31536000" response.header.www-authenticate="Bearer realm=\"\",service=\"\",scope=\"repository:bitnami/node:pull\"" response.status="401 Unauthorized" url=""
 32 time="2023-12-14T15:15:04Z" level=debug msg=Unauthorized header="Bearer realm=\"\",service=\"\",scope=\"repository:bitnami/node:pull\""
 33 time="2023-12-14T15:15:04Z" level=debug msg="do request" request.header.accept="application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json, application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.list.v2+json, application/vnd.oci.image.manifest.v1+json, application/vnd.oci.image.index.v1+json, */*" request.header.user-agent=buildkit/v0.0.0+unknown request.method=    HEAD url=""
 34 time="2023-12-14T15:15:05Z" level=debug msg="fetch response received" response.header.content-length=529 response.header.content-type=application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.list.v2+json"Thu, 14 Dec 2023 15:15:05 GMT" response.header.docker-content-digest="sha256:479f965ef6bca556db4dcf8cd25a0408a11788c305a149f21f6eaaaba    ae9d0de" response.header.docker-distribution-api-version=registry/2.0 response.header.docker-ratelimit-source= response.header.etag="\"sha256:479f965ef6bca556db4dcf8cd25a0408a11788c305a149f21f6eaaabaae9d0de\"" response.header.strict-transport-security="max-age=31536000" response.status="200 OK" url="    18.2"
 35 time="2023-12-14T15:15:05Z" level=debug msg=resolved desc.digest="sha256:479f965ef6bca556db4dcf8cd25a0408a11788c305a149f21f6eaaabaae9d0de"
 36 time="2023-12-14T15:15:05Z" level=debug msg=fetch digest="sha256:479f965ef6bca556db4dcf8cd25a0408a11788c305a149f21f6eaaabaae9d0de" mediatype=application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.list.v2+json size=529
 37 time="2023-12-14T15:15:05Z" level=debug msg=fetch digest="sha256:11f03f5ed59b289b810a81c6950b28befcc3b8a3bab5696f4d69c4c9a173a15b" mediatype=application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json size=430
 38 time="2023-12-14T15:15:05Z" level=debug msg=fetch digest="sha256:ea8e91735c2ee3f817e14eda616abf114bd43c1cce28fe6f3df2f51688825413" mediatype=application/vnd.docker.container.image.v1+json size=5785
 39 time="2023-12-14T15:15:05Z" level=debug msg="reusing ref for local: d7v9tu0oqeis7nq9o2x2jc44t" span="[internal] load .dockerignore" spanID=d51631720eb41f9f traceID=91f68e5bdcd180ee13f0079e4900519c
 40 time="2023-12-14T15:15:05Z" level=debug msg="diffcopy took: 3.040671ms" span="[internal] load .dockerignore" spanID=6b782e1e27b8b480 traceID=91f68e5bdcd180ee13f0079e4900519c
 41 time="2023-12-14T15:15:05Z" level=debug msg=resolving
 42 time="2023-12-14T15:15:05Z" level=debug msg="do request" request.header.accept="application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json, application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.list.v2+json, application/vnd.oci.image.manifest.v1+json, application/vnd.oci.image.index.v1+json, */*" request.header.user-agent=buildkit/v0.0.0+unknown request.method=H    EAD url=""
 43 time="2023-12-14T15:15:05Z" level=debug msg=fetch digest="sha256:479f965ef6bca556db4dcf8cd25a0408a11788c305a149f21f6eaaabaae9d0de" mediatype=application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.list.v2+json size=529
 44 time="2023-12-14T15:15:05Z" level=debug msg=fetch digest="sha256:11f03f5ed59b289b810a81c6950b28befcc3b8a3bab5696f4d69c4c9a173a15b" mediatype=application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json size=430
 45 time="2023-12-14T15:15:05Z" level=debug msg=fetch digest="sha256:ea8e91735c2ee3f817e14eda616abf114bd43c1cce28fe6f3df2f51688825413" mediatype=application/vnd.docker.container.image.v1+json size=5785
 46 time="2023-12-14T15:15:05Z" level=debug msg="fetch response received" response.header.content-length=200 response.header.content-type=application/json"Thu, 14 Dec 2023 15:15:05 GMT" response.header.docker-distribution-api-version=registry/2.0 response.header.gitlab-lb=haproxy-registry-04-lb-gprd response.header.gitlab-sv=regi    stry-us-east1-c response.header.www-authenticate="Bearer realm=\"\",service=\"container_registry\",scope=\"repository:someapplication/someapplication/buildkit-cache:pull\"" response.header.x-content-type-options=nosniff response.status="401 Unauthorized" url="    /tag"
 47 time="2023-12-14T15:15:05Z" level=debug msg=Unauthorized header="Bearer realm=\"\",service=\"container_registry\",scope=\"repository:someapplication/someapplication/buildkit-cache:pull\""
 48 time="2023-12-14T15:15:05Z" level=debug msg="do request" request.header.accept="application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json, application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.list.v2+json, application/vnd.oci.image.manifest.v1+json, application/vnd.oci.image.index.v1+json, */*" request.header.user-agent=buildkit/v0.0.0+unknown request.method=H    EAD url=""
 49 time="2023-12-14T15:15:05Z" level=debug msg="fetch response received" response.header.content-length=7021 response.header.content-type=application/vnd.oci.image.index.v1+json"Thu, 14 Dec 2023 15:15:05 GMT" response.header.docker-content-digest="sha256:0545f1602be83f3b14ef30e35f9512e408ac873e9ba7d00d2c9571c73f9e74da" response.    header.docker-distribution-api-version=registry/2.0 response.header.etag="\"sha256:0545f1602be83f3b14ef30e35f9512e408ac873e9ba7d00d2c9571c73f9e74da\"" response.header.gitlab-lb=haproxy-registry-04-lb-gprd response.header.gitlab-sv=gke-cny-registry response.header.x-content-type-options=nosniff response.status="200 OK" url="    meapplication/buildkit-cache/manifests/tag"
 50 time="2023-12-14T15:15:05Z" level=debug msg=resolved desc.digest="sha256:0545f1602be83f3b14ef30e35f9512e408ac873e9ba7d00d2c9571c73f9e74da"
 51 time="2023-12-14T15:15:05Z" level=debug msg="do request" digest="sha256:0545f1602be83f3b14ef30e35f9512e408ac873e9ba7d00d2c9571c73f9e74da" request.header.accept="application/vnd.oci.image.index.v1+json, */*" request.header.user-agent=buildkit/v0.0.0+unknown request.method=GET url="    6:0545f1602be83f3b14ef30e35f9512e408ac873e9ba7d00d2c9571c73f9e74da"
 52 time="2023-12-14T15:15:06Z" level=debug msg="fetch response received" digest="sha256:0545f1602be83f3b14ef30e35f9512e408ac873e9ba7d00d2c9571c73f9e74da" response.header.content-length=7021 response.header.content-type=application/vnd.oci.image.index.v1+json"Thu, 14 Dec 2023 15:15:06 GMT" response.header.docker-content-digest="sha256:0545f1602be83f3b14e    f30e35f9512e408ac873e9ba7d00d2c9571c73f9e74da" response.header.docker-distribution-api-version=registry/2.0 response.header.etag="\"sha256:0545f1602be83f3b14ef30e35f9512e408ac873e9ba7d00d2c9571c73f9e74da\"" response.header.gitlab-lb=haproxy-registry-04-lb-gprd response.header.gitlab-sv=registry-us-east1-c response.header.x-content-type-options=nosniff response.status="200     OK" url=""
 53 time="2023-12-14T15:15:06Z" level=debug msg="do request" digest="sha256:7b9724a054658bddaf641b36db0724e9794282f9ffec133d8cd2044e5427ecb1" request.header.accept="application/vnd.buildkit.cacheconfig.v0, */*" request.header.user-agent=buildkit/v0.0.0+unknown request.method=GET url="    9724a054658bddaf641b36db0724e9794282f9ffec133d8cd2044e5427ecb1"
 54 time="2023-12-14T15:15:06Z" level=debug msg="fetch response received" digest="sha256:7b9724a054658bddaf641b36db0724e9794282f9ffec133d8cd2044e5427ecb1" response.header.accept-ranges=bytes response.header.age=2540 response.header.alt-svc="h3=\":443\"; ma=2592000,h3-29=\":443\"; ma=2592000" response.header.cache-control="public,private,max-age=0" response.header.content-leng    th=4038 response.header.content-type=application/octet-stream"Thu, 14 Dec 2023 14:32:46 GMT" response.header.etag="\"963f709af13c33eef316f80032de0274\"" response.header.last-modified="Tue, 12 Dec 2023 14:15:17 GMT" response.header.server=UploadServer response.header.x-goog-generation=1702390517080746 response.header.x-goog-hash="crc32c=3nGTiQ==" resp    onse.header.x-goog-hash.1="md5=lj9wmvE8M+7zFvgAMt4CdA==" response.header.x-goog-metageneration=1 response.header.x-goog-storage-class=STANDARD response.header.x-goog-stored-content-encoding=identity response.header.x-goog-stored-content-length=4038 response.header.x-guploader-uploadid=ABPtcPrWm1Id1vk4wATvUMPPAlZiMIohDJSY4WywuUOxNmQzQ_JubzmKcCoWmk4tL_xn-pqimGzf4rGZKK1UBvOM    Gr0qdw response.status="200 OK" url=""
 55 time="2023-12-14T15:15:06Z" level=debug msg="reusing ref for local: n627qinty2c0vgjq94ry42agc" span="[internal] load build context" spanID=119634fce9f7b9f7 traceID=91f68e5bdcd180ee13f0079e4900519c
 56 time="2023-12-14T15:15:06Z" level=debug msg="diffcopy took: 56.040159ms" span="[internal] load build context" spanID=41b1f7a8d4105b3a traceID=91f68e5bdcd180ee13f0079e4900519c
 57 time="2023-12-14T15:15:06Z" level=debug msg="load cache for [build 5/5] RUN npm run build with j15zbih8yphnky0k6rxkrt7y1::p1kw9x7wdk3509e9yvrq5svdo"
 58 time="2023-12-14T15:15:06Z" level=debug msg="session finished: <nil>" spanID=24f672a9b7c04609 traceID=91f68e5bdcd180ee13f0079e4900519c
 59 time="2023-12-14T15:15:07Z" level=debug msg="session started" spanID=431f901070ee549a traceID=0f0c5a1bf5592b6438e1e71b7fe6b2f2
 60 time="2023-12-14T15:15:07Z" level=debug msg="session finished: <nil>" spanID=431f901070ee549a traceID=0f0c5a1bf5592b6438e1e71b7fe6b2f2
 61 time="2023-12-14T15:15:07Z" level=debug msg="session started" spanID=81692ce987c201fa traceID=0f0c5a1bf5592b6438e1e71b7fe6b2f2
 62 time="2023-12-14T15:15:07Z" level=debug msg="reusing ref for local: djdi820tpz8jd0decn318qbgi" span="[internal] load build definition from Dockerfile" spanID=695e084810c43aeb traceID=0f0c5a1bf5592b6438e1e71b7fe6b2f2
 63 time="2023-12-14T15:15:07Z" level=debug msg="diffcopy took: 2.894857ms" span="[internal] load build definition from Dockerfile" spanID=876690d4c3ca1c78 traceID=0f0c5a1bf5592b6438e1e71b7fe6b2f2
 64 time="2023-12-14T15:15:07Z" level=debug msg=resolving
 65 time="2023-12-14T15:15:07Z" level=debug msg="do request" request.header.accept="application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json, application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.list.v2+json, application/vnd.oci.image.manifest.v1+json, application/vnd.oci.image.index.v1+json, */*" request.header.user-agent=buildkit/v0.0.0+unknown request.method=    HEAD url=""
 66 time="2023-12-14T15:15:08Z" level=debug msg="fetch response received" response.header.content-length=8404 response.header.content-type=application/vnd.oci.image.index.v1+json"Thu, 14 Dec 2023 15:15:08 GMT" response.header.docker-content-digest="sha256:ac85f380a63b13dfcefa89046420e1781752bab202122f8f50032edf31be0021" response    .header.docker-distribution-api-version=registry/2.0 response.header.docker-ratelimit-source= response.header.etag="\"sha256:ac85f380a63b13dfcefa89046420e1781752bab202122f8f50032edf31be0021\"" response.header.strict-transport-security="max-age=31536000" response.status="200 OK" url=""
 67 time="2023-12-14T15:15:08Z" level=debug msg=resolved desc.digest="sha256:ac85f380a63b13dfcefa89046420e1781752bab202122f8f50032edf31be0021"
 68 time="2023-12-14T15:15:08Z" level=debug msg=fetch digest="sha256:ac85f380a63b13dfcefa89046420e1781752bab202122f8f50032edf31be0021" mediatype=application/vnd.oci.image.index.v1+json size=8404
 69 time="2023-12-14T15:15:08Z" level=debug msg=fetch digest="sha256:657fcc512c7369f4cb3d94ea329150f8daf626bc838b1a1e81f1834c73ecc77e" mediatype=application/vnd.oci.image.manifest.v1+json size=482
 70 time="2023-12-14T15:15:08Z" level=debug msg=fetch digest="sha256:a17ee7fff8f5e97b974f5b48f51647d2cf28d543f2aa6c11aaa0ea431b44bb89" mediatype=application/vnd.oci.image.config.v1+json size=1271
 71 time="2023-12-14T15:15:08Z" level=debug msg=fetch digest="sha256:ac85f380a63b13dfcefa89046420e1781752bab202122f8f50032edf31be0021" mediatype=application/vnd.oci.image.index.v1+json size=8404
 72 time="2023-12-14T15:15:08Z" level=debug msg=fetch digest="sha256:657fcc512c7369f4cb3d94ea329150f8daf626bc838b1a1e81f1834c73ecc77e" mediatype=application/vnd.oci.image.manifest.v1+json size=482
 73 time="2023-12-14T15:15:08Z" level=debug msg=fetch digest="sha256:a17ee7fff8f5e97b974f5b48f51647d2cf28d543f2aa6c11aaa0ea431b44bb89" mediatype=application/vnd.oci.image.config.v1+json size=1271
 74 time="2023-12-14T15:15:08Z" level=debug msg="load cache for docker-image:// with j15zbih8yphnky0k6rxkrt7y1::rfmjjkt9dppczm0jyqyq65s8e"
 75 time="2023-12-14T15:15:08Z" level=debug msg="serving grpc connection" spanID=e35d2912927b989a traceID=0f0c5a1bf5592b6438e1e71b7fe6b2f2
 76 time="2023-12-14T15:15:08Z" level=debug msg="> creating pllajphfqkt3j8pzknmm879xz [/bin/dockerfile-frontend]" spanID=e35d2912927b989a traceID=0f0c5a1bf5592b6438e1e71b7fe6b2f2
 77 time="2023-12-14T15:15:08Z" level=debug msg=resolving
 78 time="2023-12-14T15:15:08Z" level=debug msg="do request" request.header.accept="application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json, application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.list.v2+json, application/vnd.oci.image.manifest.v1+json, application/vnd.oci.image.index.v1+json, */*" request.header.user-agent=buildkit/v0.0.0+unknown request.method=    HEAD url=""
 79 time="2023-12-14T15:15:08Z" level=debug msg="fetch response received" response.header.content-length=529 response.header.content-type=application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.list.v2+json"Thu, 14 Dec 2023 15:15:08 GMT" response.header.docker-content-digest="sha256:479f965ef6bca556db4dcf8cd25a0408a11788c305a149f21f6eaaaba    ae9d0de" response.header.docker-distribution-api-version=registry/2.0 response.header.docker-ratelimit-source= response.header.etag="\"sha256:479f965ef6bca556db4dcf8cd25a0408a11788c305a149f21f6eaaabaae9d0de\"" response.header.strict-transport-security="max-age=31536000" response.status="200 OK" url="    18.2"
 80 time="2023-12-14T15:15:08Z" level=debug msg=resolved desc.digest="sha256:479f965ef6bca556db4dcf8cd25a0408a11788c305a149f21f6eaaabaae9d0de"
 81 time="2023-12-14T15:15:08Z" level=debug msg=fetch digest="sha256:479f965ef6bca556db4dcf8cd25a0408a11788c305a149f21f6eaaabaae9d0de" mediatype=application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.list.v2+json size=529
 82 time="2023-12-14T15:15:08Z" level=debug msg=fetch digest="sha256:11f03f5ed59b289b810a81c6950b28befcc3b8a3bab5696f4d69c4c9a173a15b" mediatype=application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json size=430
 83 time="2023-12-14T15:15:08Z" level=debug msg=fetch digest="sha256:ea8e91735c2ee3f817e14eda616abf114bd43c1cce28fe6f3df2f51688825413" mediatype=application/vnd.docker.container.image.v1+json size=5785
 84 time="2023-12-14T15:15:08Z" level=debug msg="reusing ref for local: d7v9tu0oqeis7nq9o2x2jc44t" span="[internal] load .dockerignore" spanID=242db7e332b717ee traceID=0f0c5a1bf5592b6438e1e71b7fe6b2f2
 85 time="2023-12-14T15:15:08Z" level=debug msg="diffcopy took: 3.75032ms" span="[internal] load .dockerignore" spanID=46bfdf9dfe6dd8cc traceID=0f0c5a1bf5592b6438e1e71b7fe6b2f2
 86 time="2023-12-14T15:15:08Z" level=debug msg=resolving
 87 time="2023-12-14T15:15:08Z" level=debug msg="do request" request.header.accept="application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json, application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.list.v2+json, application/vnd.oci.image.manifest.v1+json, application/vnd.oci.image.index.v1+json, */*" request.header.user-agent=buildkit/v0.0.0+unknown request.method=H    EAD url=""
 88 time="2023-12-14T15:15:08Z" level=debug msg="fetch response received" response.header.content-length=200 response.header.content-type=application/json"Thu, 14 Dec 2023 15:15:08 GMT" response.header.docker-distribution-api-version=registry/2.0 response.header.gitlab-lb=haproxy-registry-04-lb-gprd response.header.gitlab-sv=regi    stry-us-east1-c response.header.www-authenticate="Bearer realm=\"\",service=\"container_registry\",scope=\"repository:someapplication/someapplication/buildkit-cache:pull\"" response.header.x-content-type-options=nosniff response.status="401 Unauthorized" url="    /tag"
 89 time="2023-12-14T15:15:08Z" level=debug msg=Unauthorized header="Bearer realm=\"\",service=\"container_registry\",scope=\"repository:someapplication/someapplication/buildkit-cache:pull\""
 90 time="2023-12-14T15:15:08Z" level=debug msg="do request" request.header.accept="application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json, application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.list.v2+json, application/vnd.oci.image.manifest.v1+json, application/vnd.oci.image.index.v1+json, */*" request.header.user-agent=buildkit/v0.0.0+unknown request.method=H    EAD url=""
 91 time="2023-12-14T15:15:09Z" level=debug msg="fetch response received" response.header.content-length=7021 response.header.content-type=application/vnd.oci.image.index.v1+json"Thu, 14 Dec 2023 15:15:09 GMT" response.header.docker-content-digest="sha256:0545f1602be83f3b14ef30e35f9512e408ac873e9ba7d00d2c9571c73f9e74da" response.    header.docker-distribution-api-version=registry/2.0 response.header.etag="\"sha256:0545f1602be83f3b14ef30e35f9512e408ac873e9ba7d00d2c9571c73f9e74da\"" response.header.gitlab-lb=haproxy-registry-04-lb-gprd response.header.gitlab-sv=registry-us-east1-c response.header.x-content-type-options=nosniff response.status="200 OK" url="    /someapplication/buildkit-cache/manifests/tag"
 92 time="2023-12-14T15:15:09Z" level=debug msg=resolved desc.digest="sha256:0545f1602be83f3b14ef30e35f9512e408ac873e9ba7d00d2c9571c73f9e74da"
 93 time="2023-12-14T15:15:09Z" level=debug msg="do request" digest="sha256:0545f1602be83f3b14ef30e35f9512e408ac873e9ba7d00d2c9571c73f9e74da" request.header.accept="application/vnd.oci.image.index.v1+json, */*" request.header.user-agent=buildkit/v0.0.0+unknown request.method=GET url="    6:0545f1602be83f3b14ef30e35f9512e408ac873e9ba7d00d2c9571c73f9e74da"
 94 time="2023-12-14T15:15:09Z" level=debug msg="fetch response received" digest="sha256:0545f1602be83f3b14ef30e35f9512e408ac873e9ba7d00d2c9571c73f9e74da" response.header.content-length=7021 response.header.content-type=application/vnd.oci.image.index.v1+json"Thu, 14 Dec 2023 15:15:09 GMT" response.header.docker-content-digest="sha256:0545f1602be83f3b14e    f30e35f9512e408ac873e9ba7d00d2c9571c73f9e74da" response.header.docker-distribution-api-version=registry/2.0 response.header.etag="\"sha256:0545f1602be83f3b14ef30e35f9512e408ac873e9ba7d00d2c9571c73f9e74da\"" response.header.gitlab-lb=haproxy-registry-04-lb-gprd response.header.gitlab-sv=registry-us-east1-c response.header.x-content-type-options=nosniff response.status="200     OK" url=""
 95 time="2023-12-14T15:15:09Z" level=debug msg="do request" digest="sha256:7b9724a054658bddaf641b36db0724e9794282f9ffec133d8cd2044e5427ecb1" request.header.accept="application/vnd.buildkit.cacheconfig.v0, */*" request.header.user-agent=buildkit/v0.0.0+unknown request.method=GET url="    9724a054658bddaf641b36db0724e9794282f9ffec133d8cd2044e5427ecb1"
 96 time="2023-12-14T15:15:09Z" level=debug msg="fetch response received" digest="sha256:7b9724a054658bddaf641b36db0724e9794282f9ffec133d8cd2044e5427ecb1" response.header.accept-ranges=bytes response.header.age=2543 response.header.alt-svc="h3=\":443\"; ma=2592000,h3-29=\":443\"; ma=2592000" response.header.cache-control="public,private,max-age=0" response.header.content-leng    th=4038 response.header.content-type=application/octet-stream"Thu, 14 Dec 2023 14:32:46 GMT" response.header.etag="\"963f709af13c33eef316f80032de0274\"" response.header.last-modified="Tue, 12 Dec 2023 14:15:17 GMT" response.header.server=UploadServer response.header.x-goog-generation=1702390517080746 response.header.x-goog-hash="crc32c=3nGTiQ==" resp    onse.header.x-goog-hash.1="md5=lj9wmvE8M+7zFvgAMt4CdA==" response.header.x-goog-metageneration=1 response.header.x-goog-storage-class=STANDARD response.header.x-goog-stored-content-encoding=identity response.header.x-goog-stored-content-length=4038 response.header.x-guploader-uploadid=ABPtcPrWm1Id1vk4wATvUMPPAlZiMIohDJSY4WywuUOxNmQzQ_JubzmKcCoWmk4tL_xn-pqimGzf4rGZKK1UBvOM    Gr0qdw response.status="200 OK" url=""
 97 time="2023-12-14T15:15:09Z" level=debug msg=fetch digest="sha256:479f965ef6bca556db4dcf8cd25a0408a11788c305a149f21f6eaaabaae9d0de" mediatype=application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.list.v2+json size=529
 98 time="2023-12-14T15:15:09Z" level=debug msg=fetch digest="sha256:11f03f5ed59b289b810a81c6950b28befcc3b8a3bab5696f4d69c4c9a173a15b" mediatype=application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json size=430
 99 time="2023-12-14T15:15:09Z" level=debug msg=fetch digest="sha256:ea8e91735c2ee3f817e14eda616abf114bd43c1cce28fe6f3df2f51688825413" mediatype=application/vnd.docker.container.image.v1+json size=5785
100 time="2023-12-14T15:15:09Z" level=debug msg="reusing ref for local: n627qinty2c0vgjq94ry42agc" span="[internal] load build context" spanID=ebde5e6ebf0404fe traceID=0f0c5a1bf5592b6438e1e71b7fe6b2f2
101 time="2023-12-14T15:15:09Z" level=debug msg="diffcopy took: 22.524741ms" span="[internal] load build context" spanID=349c7bde32668714 traceID=0f0c5a1bf5592b6438e1e71b7fe6b2f2
102 time="2023-12-14T15:15:09Z" level=debug msg="load cache for [publishresults 6/6] COPY --from=build /src/npm-packages/utils/node_modules/ /output/npm-packages/utils/node_modules/ with j15zbih8yphnky0k6rxkrt7y1::gtbkcolmncytff7u6be9wgxz7"
103 time="2023-12-14T15:16:48Z" level=debug msg="session finished: <nil>" spanID=81692ce987c201fa traceID=0f0c5a1bf5592b6438e1e71b7fe6b2f2

I tried quite a lot of things already:

For us the problem happens when as a result of publishresults step we have > 450MB of data to copy/send, it happens in 98% of such cases. For other apps when we have ~100-200MB of data to transfer this problem on same os/docker/buildkit configuration happens very rarely, for ~2% of cases.

Any hints will be really appreciated! :)

mzihlmann commented 8 months ago

does this relate? just found it when scanning through the other issues.

davhdavh commented 7 months ago

any progress with how to track down these problems? 50% of my builds require a manual restart and then succeed on the 2nd try... it is VERY annoying

davhdavh commented 7 months ago

0.12.5 give the exact same useless error message: ERROR: failed to solve: DeadlineExceeded: context deadline exceeded

shurkanTwo commented 7 months ago

We are encountering the same or a very similar error.

On the client side we get the following error message:

ERROR: failed to solve: DeadlineExceeded: context deadline exceeded

On the serverside we get the following error message:

time="2024-02-07T11:20:35Z" level=error msg="/moby.buildkit.v1.Control/Solve returned error: rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled"
Canceled: context canceled
27 v0.12.4 buildkitd --config /config/buildkitd.toml --addr unix:///run/user/1000/buildkit/buildkitd.sock --addr tcp:// --oci-worker-no-process-sandbox
liamlundy commented 7 months ago

Is this something that can be solved or at least mitigated by modifying the configuration file or providing the instance that buildkitd is running on with additional resources?

felixdesouza commented 7 months ago

Hey there, we started hitting this error irregularly over the last few months, im actually happy to see that there is now a new issue opened here. This is a stacktrace of when it happened in our CI build:

[12:49:07] #171 [test] exporting to image
[12:49:50] #171 pushing layers 95.8s done
[12:49:50] #171 CANCELED
[12:49:50] #173 [app] exporting to image
[12:49:50] #173 pushing layers 95.4s done
[12:49:50] #173 CANCELED
[12:49:50] #97 [venv] exporting cache to registry
[12:49:53] WARNING: No output specified for base, venv, build, build-frontend target(s) with docker-container driver. Build result will only remain in the build cache. To push result image into registry use --push or to load image into docker use --load
[12:49:53] ERROR: failed to solve: DeadlineExceeded: context deadline exceeded
[12:49:53] 141 v0.11.2 /usr/local/libexec/docker/cli-plugins/docker-buildx --debug buildx bake -f docker-bake.hcl
[12:49:53] runtime.goexit
[12:49:53]    runtime/asm_amd64.s:1598
[12:49:53] 141 v0.11.2 /usr/local/libexec/docker/cli-plugins/docker-buildx --debug buildx bake -f docker-bake.hcl
[12:49:53] runtime.goexit
[12:49:53]    runtime/asm_amd64.s:1598

we run dind, we have images with pretty large layers building and pushing in parallel. it happens sporadically, but mostly on the servers where the disks are sluggish.

This was quite insightful, having the same issue, large number of containers, lots of image pulls and disk io, but underlying disk is ebs so throughput limited. 7 different instances per build, there would always be around 2 or so that failed => 0% build success rate. Switched to instance storage, (at least for these big things) and we're back in business.

I've taken on 0.13.0-beta3 to no avail, and this goes all the way back to at least 11.6. Haven't tried anything else atm.

@tonistiigi I am happy to try whatever debug builds necessary to gather anymore information. Granted if you're underprovisioned it's not going to be fun in any case even if this bug is solved.

felixdesouza commented 7 months ago

Is this something that can be solved or at least mitigated by modifying the configuration file or providing the instance that buildkitd is running on with additional resources?

See my above comment, but in any case, I would have a look at the throughput of your disks where buildkit is running. If this is running in ephemeral infra i.e. build nodes, you should see whether you're running on provisioned networked disks e.g. AWS EBS, they will have throughput limits e.g. gp2 min 125 MB/s, scales with size to max 250MB, for gp3 min 128MB, can be independently scaled to 1000MB/s but costs more. With pulling images, building images, transferring context, you reach the low limits quite quickly!

We concluded that there is no point provisioning said disk since we'll throw it away, and instead we just use whatever ephemeral storage exists on the host as that will typically have significantly higher throughput limits at the expense of not being backed up (it's an ephemeral build so we don't care)

mzihlmann commented 7 months ago

we still face the same issue from time to time, but it is mitigated mostly on our side through other measures. We realized that because we use buildx with a docker-container builder, it was not using our override to enable 10gbps networking on our servers, so that explains why uploading was slow in the first place. Also, we fixed our docker builds to rebuild far fewer layers on changes. all in all failure rate went down from 10% -> 0.6% which is okish.

im still convinced its related to this issue here @coryb took the time to actually fix the timeout logs to display useful information and concluded this:

... all of my deadline exceeded errors came from recordBuildHistory ... I am wondering if we should have a shorter timeout and instead of returning the context error, just log that we failed to record build history. It doesn't seem right to return an error for the solve when the solve actually succeeds and we just failed to record it.

nikelborm commented 6 months ago

Hi, i'm having similar error but in different situation I'm trying to create remote builder over ssh, as @jedevc mentioned here, but it always fails no matter what I try

SSH daemon is running on 32 port, so maybe that's the reason, I don't know

I tried creating it like

docker buildx create --name wdsr --driver remote --bootstrap --use ssh://ubuntu@remote_ip_adress:32

I also tried adding my remote host to ssh config, so I can connect freely like ssh wdsr but creating docker builder like

docker buildx create --name wdsr --driver remote --bootstrap --use ssh://wdsr

fails with the same error

[+] Building 20.0s (1/1) FINISHED                                                                                                                             
 => ERROR [internal] waiting for connection             20.0s
 > [internal] waiting for connection:
ERROR: context deadline exceeded

Also I have key only ssh authorization, and maybe i'm overlooking something, but for example if I do builds that require ssh to clone git repo over it, I always have to provide ssh agent socket like this:

docker buildx bake -f ./build-stage.compose.yaml --set *.platform=linux/amd64 --set *.ssh=default=$SSH_AUTH_SOCK --pull --push --progress plain --no-cache

And it seems strange to me that i don't have to do that when creating remote builder over ssh. If this functionality (remote ssh builder) is actually supported It's quite frustrating that there is no documentation on how to use it.

My machine has Docker version 25.0.3, build 4debf411d1 My remote builder machine has Docker version 25.0.3, build 4debf41 Both have buildkit v0.12.5

sozercan commented 6 months ago

Seeing the same failed to solve: DeadlineExceeded: context deadline exceeded error in CI runs frequently during large copy operations (~5gb and larger) to scratch for --output purposes. After upgrading the Azure disk throughput, the frequency of the errors decreased significantly. This is using Docker client/server 25.0.4 and buildkit v0.12.5.

davhdavh commented 5 months ago

Still not solved in 13.1 and still same useless error message:

time="2024-03-29T09:40:16Z" level=error msg="/moby.buildkit.v1.Control/Solve returned error: rpc error: code = DeadlineExceeded desc = context deadline exceeded"

Gooooodman commented 5 months ago

docker buildx build

11 DONE 16.5s

12 exporting to image

12 exporting layers

15 exporting layers 44.2s done

15 exporting manifest sha256:02c5e42e8f7302c96f68d700c576a8841cc1c8ada2172ef7c72c294d5191bba9

15 exporting manifest sha256:02c5e42e8f7302c96f68d700c576a8841cc1c8ada2172ef7c72c294d5191bba9 0.2s done

15 exporting config sha256:f2af2a41b5f41c25b798e215d40cee3058bfd1c4ba72cecdbe2af631599ea6f9

ERROR: failed to solve: DeadlineExceeded: context deadline exceeded

rajeshwar-nu commented 5 months ago

We have been facing this issue for a while now. Our setup includes using pantbuild to build and publish multiple docker image in our monorepo. With high concurrency in-place, we were seeing this issue erratically on our CI runners. After observing that our disk util was hitting 100% when this problem occurs, we bumped the throughput of our disk (EBS). This fixed the issue. Although I would expect that there is some kind of configuration for this deadline (timeout)

Phenix66 commented 5 months ago

Myself and a couple others on my team have experienced this for a bit now. After seeing the reply from @rajeshwar-nu , I took a poll of my team to see how everyone had their VM disks configured. Turns out that only those of us who were using thin-provisioned disks were having the issue. I replaced my disk with a preallocated one and the errors are gone.

radusuciu commented 4 months ago

Same issue -- absolutely no problems locally, but I constantly hit this when running bake in a GHA runner. Based on the reports here and in other issues, I'm guessing that the resource constraints encountered in a GHA runner are to blame.

Is there a timeout value somewhere that could be exposed as configuration? I would expect that when the environment is resource constrained, that the result would be a slower build, not a sporadic error.

tonistiigi commented 4 months ago

Can you get a stacktrace for this error with docker --debug buildx with latest version of buildkit? Latest I see in this thread is from "v0.12.4 buildkitd" that didn't have the timeout cause in stacktraces.

davhdavh commented 4 months ago
time="2024-05-15T04:06:42Z" level=error msg="/moby.buildkit.v1.Control/Solve returned error: rpc error: code = DeadlineExceeded desc = context deadline exceeded"
DeadlineExceeded: context deadline exceeded
31 v0.13.2 buildkitd*Solver).recordBuildHistory.func1
31 v0.13.2 buildkitd
time="2024-05-15T04:06:42Z" level=debug msg="session finished: <nil>" spanID=dd616f1dc041db93 traceID=002a3ba58cb5b62af31e6a9c67465ec5
time="2024-05-15T04:06:42Z" level=debug msg="session finished: <nil>" spanID=6407e6d218b15bee traceID=002a3ba58cb5b62af31e6a9c67465ec5
time="2024-05-15T04:06:42Z" level=debug msg="session finished: <nil>" spanID=2cc905699d624886 traceID=002a3ba58cb5b62af31e6a9c67465ec5
time="2024-05-15T04:06:42Z" level=debug msg="session finished: <nil>" spanID=a4a4a2227f58ed11 traceID=002a3ba58cb5b62af31e6a9c67465ec5
time="2024-05-15T04:06:42Z" level=debug msg="sending sigkill to process in container 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:42Z" level=debug msg="session finished: <nil>" spanID=e9af41026fab4e08 traceID=002a3ba58cb5b62af31e6a9c67465ec5
time="2024-05-15T04:06:42Z" level=debug msg="session finished: <nil>" spanID=a2348732edcd5e78 traceID=002a3ba58cb5b62af31e6a9c67465ec5
time="2024-05-15T04:06:42Z" level=debug msg="session finished: <nil>" spanID=fde546236cd0a41d traceID=002a3ba58cb5b62af31e6a9c67465ec5
time="2024-05-15T04:06:42Z" level=debug msg="session finished: <nil>" spanID=5ec419546dac6425 traceID=002a3ba58cb5b62af31e6a9c67465ec5
time="2024-05-15T04:06:42Z" level=debug msg="session finished: <nil>" spanID=25b1c1a5345b4cfb traceID=002a3ba58cb5b62af31e6a9c67465ec5
time="2024-05-15T04:06:42Z" level=debug msg="sending sigkill to process in container 75ulsrrnim8f8fd8ld7oy9dwp"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:42Z" level=debug msg="session finished: <nil>" spanID=eaa87361f1592f17 traceID=002a3ba58cb5b62af31e6a9c67465ec5
time="2024-05-15T04:06:42Z" level=debug msg="session finished: <nil>" spanID=e79e78076158a13b traceID=002a3ba58cb5b62af31e6a9c67465ec5
time="2024-05-15T04:06:42Z" level=debug msg="sending sigkill to process in container 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:42Z" level=debug msg="sending sigkill to process in container 75ulsrrnim8f8fd8ld7oy9dwp"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:43Z" level=error msg="failed to kill process in container id 75ulsrrnim8f8fd8ld7oy9dwp: buildkit-runc did not terminate successfully: exit status 1: container not running\n"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:43Z" level=error msg="failed to kill process in container id 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5: buildkit-runc did not terminate successfully: exit status 1: container not running\n"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:43Z" level=debug msg="sending sigkill to process in container 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:43Z" level=debug msg="sending sigkill to process in container 75ulsrrnim8f8fd8ld7oy9dwp"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:43Z" level=error msg="failed to kill process in container id 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5: buildkit-runc did not terminate successfully: exit status 1: container not running\n"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:43Z" level=error msg="failed to kill process in container id 75ulsrrnim8f8fd8ld7oy9dwp: buildkit-runc did not terminate successfully: exit status 1: container not running\n"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:43Z" level=debug msg="sending sigkill to process in container 75ulsrrnim8f8fd8ld7oy9dwp"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:43Z" level=debug msg="sending sigkill to process in container 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:43Z" level=error msg="failed to kill process in container id 75ulsrrnim8f8fd8ld7oy9dwp: buildkit-runc did not terminate successfully: exit status 1: container not running\n"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:43Z" level=error msg="failed to kill process in container id 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5: buildkit-runc did not terminate successfully: exit status 1: container not running\n"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:43Z" level=debug msg="sending sigkill to process in container 75ulsrrnim8f8fd8ld7oy9dwp"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:43Z" level=debug msg="sending sigkill to process in container 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:43Z" level=error msg="failed to kill process in container id 75ulsrrnim8f8fd8ld7oy9dwp: buildkit-runc did not terminate successfully: exit status 1: container not running\n"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:43Z" level=error msg="failed to kill process in container id 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5: buildkit-runc did not terminate successfully: exit status 1: container not running\n"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:43Z" level=debug msg="sending sigkill to process in container 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:43Z" level=debug msg="sending sigkill to process in container 75ulsrrnim8f8fd8ld7oy9dwp"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:43Z" level=error msg="failed to kill process in container id 75ulsrrnim8f8fd8ld7oy9dwp: buildkit-runc did not terminate successfully: exit status 1: container not running\n"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:43Z" level=error msg="failed to kill process in container id 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5: buildkit-runc did not terminate successfully: exit status 1: container not running\n"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:43Z" level=debug msg="sending sigkill to process in container 75ulsrrnim8f8fd8ld7oy9dwp"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:43Z" level=debug msg="sending sigkill to process in container 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:43Z" level=error msg="failed to kill process in container id 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5: buildkit-runc did not terminate successfully: exit status 1: container not running\n"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:43Z" level=error msg="failed to kill process in container id 75ulsrrnim8f8fd8ld7oy9dwp: buildkit-runc did not terminate successfully: exit status 1: container not running\n"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:43Z" level=debug msg="sending sigkill to process in container 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:43Z" level=debug msg="sending sigkill to process in container 75ulsrrnim8f8fd8ld7oy9dwp"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:43Z" level=error msg="failed to kill process in container id 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5: buildkit-runc did not terminate successfully: exit status 1: container not running\n"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:44Z" level=error msg="failed to kill process in container id 75ulsrrnim8f8fd8ld7oy9dwp: buildkit-runc did not terminate successfully: exit status 1: container not running\n"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:44Z" level=debug msg="sending sigkill to process in container 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:44Z" level=debug msg="sending sigkill to process in container 75ulsrrnim8f8fd8ld7oy9dwp"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:44Z" level=error msg="failed to kill process in container id 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5: buildkit-runc did not terminate successfully: exit status 1: container not running\n"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:44Z" level=error msg="failed to kill process in container id 75ulsrrnim8f8fd8ld7oy9dwp: buildkit-runc did not terminate successfully: exit status 1: container not running\n"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:44Z" level=debug msg="sending sigkill to process in container 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:44Z" level=debug msg="sending sigkill to process in container 75ulsrrnim8f8fd8ld7oy9dwp"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:44Z" level=error msg="failed to kill process in container id 75ulsrrnim8f8fd8ld7oy9dwp: buildkit-runc did not terminate successfully: exit status 1: container not running\n"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:44Z" level=error msg="failed to kill process in container id 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5: buildkit-runc did not terminate successfully: exit status 1: container not running\n"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:44Z" level=debug msg="sending sigkill to process in container 75ulsrrnim8f8fd8ld7oy9dwp"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:44Z" level=debug msg="sending sigkill to process in container 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:44Z" level=error msg="failed to kill process in container id 75ulsrrnim8f8fd8ld7oy9dwp: buildkit-runc did not terminate successfully: exit status 1: container not running\n"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:44Z" level=error msg="failed to kill process in container id 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5: buildkit-runc did not terminate successfully: exit status 1: container not running\n"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:44Z" level=debug msg="sending sigkill to process in container 75ulsrrnim8f8fd8ld7oy9dwp"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:44Z" level=debug msg="sending sigkill to process in container 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:44Z" level=error msg="failed to kill process in container id 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5: buildkit-runc did not terminate successfully: exit status 1: container not running\n"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:44Z" level=error msg="failed to kill process in container id 75ulsrrnim8f8fd8ld7oy9dwp: buildkit-runc did not terminate successfully: exit status 1: container not running\n"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:44Z" level=debug msg="sending sigkill to process in container 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:44Z" level=debug msg="sending sigkill to process in container 75ulsrrnim8f8fd8ld7oy9dwp"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:44Z" level=error msg="failed to kill process in container id 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5: buildkit-runc did not terminate successfully: exit status 1: container not running\n"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:44Z" level=error msg="failed to kill process in container id 75ulsrrnim8f8fd8ld7oy9dwp: buildkit-runc did not terminate successfully: exit status 1: container not running\n"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:44Z" level=debug msg="sending sigkill to process in container 75ulsrrnim8f8fd8ld7oy9dwp"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:44Z" level=debug msg="sending sigkill to process in container 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:44Z" level=error msg="failed to kill process in container id 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5: buildkit-runc did not terminate successfully: exit status 1: container not running\n"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:44Z" level=error msg="failed to kill process in container id 75ulsrrnim8f8fd8ld7oy9dwp: buildkit-runc did not terminate successfully: exit status 1: container not running\n"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:44Z" level=debug msg="sending sigkill to process in container 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:44Z" level=debug msg="sending sigkill to process in container 75ulsrrnim8f8fd8ld7oy9dwp"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:44Z" level=error msg="failed to kill process in container id 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5: buildkit-runc did not terminate successfully: exit status 1: container not running\n"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:44Z" level=error msg="failed to kill process in container id 75ulsrrnim8f8fd8ld7oy9dwp: buildkit-runc did not terminate successfully: exit status 1: container not running\n"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:44Z" level=debug msg="sending sigkill to process in container 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:44Z" level=debug msg="sending sigkill to process in container 75ulsrrnim8f8fd8ld7oy9dwp"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:45Z" level=error msg="failed to kill process in container id 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5: buildkit-runc did not terminate successfully: exit status 1: container not running\n"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:45Z" level=error msg="failed to kill process in container id 75ulsrrnim8f8fd8ld7oy9dwp: buildkit-runc did not terminate successfully: exit status 1: container not running\n"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:45Z" level=debug msg="sending sigkill to process in container 75ulsrrnim8f8fd8ld7oy9dwp"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:45Z" level=debug msg="sending sigkill to process in container 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:45Z" level=error msg="failed to kill process in container id 75ulsrrnim8f8fd8ld7oy9dwp: buildkit-runc did not terminate successfully: exit status 1: container not running\n"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:45Z" level=error msg="failed to kill process in container id 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5: buildkit-runc did not terminate successfully: exit status 1: container not running\n"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:45Z" level=debug msg="sending sigkill to process in container 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:45Z" level=debug msg="sending sigkill to process in container 75ulsrrnim8f8fd8ld7oy9dwp"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:45Z" level=error msg="failed to kill process in container id 75ulsrrnim8f8fd8ld7oy9dwp: buildkit-runc did not terminate successfully: exit status 1: container not running\n"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:45Z" level=error msg="failed to kill process in container id 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5: buildkit-runc did not terminate successfully: exit status 1: container not running\n"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:45Z" level=debug msg="sending sigkill to process in container 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:45Z" level=debug msg="sending sigkill to process in container 75ulsrrnim8f8fd8ld7oy9dwp"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:45Z" level=error msg="failed to kill process in container id 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5: buildkit-runc did not terminate successfully: exit status 1: container not running\n"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:45Z" level=error msg="failed to kill process in container id 75ulsrrnim8f8fd8ld7oy9dwp: buildkit-runc did not terminate successfully: exit status 1: container not running\n"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:45Z" level=debug msg="sending sigkill to process in container 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:45Z" level=error msg="failed to kill process in container id 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5: buildkit-runc did not terminate successfully: exit status 1: container not running\n"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:45Z" level=debug msg="sending sigkill to process in container 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:45Z" level=error msg="failed to kill process in container id 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5: buildkit-runc did not terminate successfully: exit status 1: container not running\n"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:45Z" level=debug msg="sending sigkill to process in container 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:45Z" level=error msg="failed to kill process in container id 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5: buildkit-runc did not terminate successfully: exit status 1: container not running\n"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:45Z" level=debug msg="sending sigkill to process in container 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:45Z" level=error msg="failed to kill process in container id 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5: buildkit-runc did not terminate successfully: exit status 1: container not running\n"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:45Z" level=debug msg="sending sigkill to process in container 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:45Z" level=error msg="failed to kill process in container id 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5: buildkit-runc did not terminate successfully: exit status 1: container not running\n"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:45Z" level=debug msg="sending sigkill to process in container 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:45Z" level=error msg="failed to kill process in container id 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5: buildkit-runc did not terminate successfully: exit status 1: container not running\n"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:45Z" level=debug msg="sending sigkill to process in container 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:45Z" level=error msg="failed to kill process in container id 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5: buildkit-runc did not terminate successfully: exit status 1: container not running\n"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:45Z" level=debug msg="sending sigkill to process in container 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:45Z" level=error msg="failed to kill process in container id 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5: buildkit-runc did not terminate successfully: exit status 1: container not running\n"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:45Z" level=debug msg="sending sigkill to process in container 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:45Z" level=error msg="failed to kill process in container id 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5: buildkit-runc did not terminate successfully: exit status 1: container not running\n"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:46Z" level=debug msg="sending sigkill to process in container 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:46Z" level=error msg="failed to kill process in container id 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5: buildkit-runc did not terminate successfully: exit status 1: container not running\n"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:46Z" level=error msg="/moby.buildkit.v1.Control/Solve returned error: rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled"
Canceled: context canceled
31 v0.13.2 buildkitd
time="2024-05-15T04:06:46Z" level=debug msg="sending sigkill to process in container 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:46Z" level=error msg="failed to kill process in container id 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5: buildkit-runc did not terminate successfully: exit status 1: container not running\n"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:46Z" level=debug msg="sending sigkill to process in container 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:46Z" level=error msg="failed to kill process in container id 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5: buildkit-runc did not terminate successfully: exit status 1: container not running\n"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:46Z" level=debug msg="sending sigkill to process in container 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:46Z" level=error msg="failed to kill process in container id 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5: buildkit-runc did not terminate successfully: exit status 1: container not running\n"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:46Z" level=debug msg="sending sigkill to process in container 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:46Z" level=error msg="failed to kill process in container id 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5: buildkit-runc did not terminate successfully: exit status 1: container not running\n"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:46Z" level=debug msg="sending sigkill to process in container 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:46Z" level=error msg="failed to kill process in container id 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5: buildkit-runc did not terminate successfully: exit status 1: container not running\n"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:46Z" level=debug msg="sending sigkill to process in container 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:46Z" level=error msg="/moby.buildkit.v1.Control/Solve returned error: rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled"
Canceled: context canceled
31 v0.13.2 buildkitd
time="2024-05-15T04:06:46Z" level=error msg="failed to kill process in container id 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5: buildkit-runc did not terminate successfully: exit status 1: container not running\n"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:46Z" level=debug msg="sending sigkill to process in container 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:46Z" level=error msg="failed to kill process in container id 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5: buildkit-runc did not terminate successfully: exit status 1: container not running\n"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:46Z" level=debug msg="sending sigkill to process in container 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:46Z" level=error msg="failed to kill process in container id 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5: buildkit-runc did not terminate successfully: exit status 1: container not running\n"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:46Z" level=debug msg="sending sigkill to process in container 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:46Z" level=error msg="failed to kill process in container id 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5: buildkit-runc did not terminate successfully: exit status 1: container not running\n"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:46Z" level=error msg="/moby.buildkit.v1.Control/Solve returned error: rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled"
Canceled: context canceled
31 v0.13.2 buildkitd
time="2024-05-15T04:06:46Z" level=debug msg="sending sigkill to process in container 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:46Z" level=error msg="failed to kill process in container id 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5: buildkit-runc did not terminate successfully: exit status 1: container not running\n"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:46Z" level=debug msg="sending sigkill to process in container 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:46Z" level=error msg="failed to kill process in container id 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5: buildkit-runc did not terminate successfully: exit status 1: container not running\n"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:46Z" level=debug msg="sending sigkill to process in container 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:46Z" level=error msg="failed to kill process in container id 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5: buildkit-runc did not terminate successfully: exit status 1: container not running\n"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:47Z" level=debug msg="sending sigkill to process in container 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:47Z" level=error msg="failed to kill process in container id 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5: buildkit-runc did not terminate successfully: exit status 1: container not running\n"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:47Z" level=debug msg="sending sigkill to process in container 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:47Z" level=error msg="failed to kill process in container id 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5: buildkit-runc did not terminate successfully: exit status 1: container not running\n"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:47Z" level=debug msg="sending sigkill to process in container 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:47Z" level=error msg="failed to kill process in container id 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5: buildkit-runc did not terminate successfully: exit status 1: container not running\n"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:47Z" level=debug msg="sending sigkill to process in container 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:47Z" level=error msg="failed to kill process in container id 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5: buildkit-runc did not terminate successfully: exit status 1: container not running\n"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:47Z" level=debug msg="sending sigkill to process in container 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:47Z" level=error msg="/moby.buildkit.v1.Control/Solve returned error: rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled"
Canceled: context canceled
31 v0.13.2 buildkitd
time="2024-05-15T04:06:47Z" level=error msg="failed to kill process in container id 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5: buildkit-runc did not terminate successfully: exit status 1: container not running\n"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:47Z" level=debug msg="sending sigkill to process in container 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:47Z" level=error msg="failed to kill process in container id 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5: buildkit-runc did not terminate successfully: exit status 1: container not running\n"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:47Z" level=debug msg="sending sigkill to process in container 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:47Z" level=error msg="failed to kill process in container id 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5: buildkit-runc did not terminate successfully: exit status 1: container not running\n"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:47Z" level=debug msg="sending sigkill to process in container 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:47Z" level=error msg="failed to kill process in container id 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5: buildkit-runc did not terminate successfully: exit status 1: container not running\n"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:47Z" level=debug msg="sending sigkill to process in container 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:47Z" level=error msg="failed to kill process in container id 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5: buildkit-runc did not terminate successfully: exit status 1: container not running\n"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:48Z" level=debug msg="sending sigkill to process in container 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:48Z" level=error msg="failed to kill process in container id 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5: buildkit-runc did not terminate successfully: exit status 1: container not running\n"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:48Z" level=debug msg="sending sigkill to process in container 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:48Z" level=error msg="failed to kill process in container id 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5: buildkit-runc did not terminate successfully: exit status 1: container not running\n"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:48Z" level=debug msg="sending sigkill to process in container 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:48Z" level=error msg="failed to kill process in container id 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5: buildkit-runc did not terminate successfully: exit status 1: container not running\n"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:48Z" level=debug msg="sending sigkill to process in container 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:48Z" level=error msg="failed to kill process in container id 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5: buildkit-runc did not terminate successfully: exit status 1: container not running\n"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:48Z" level=debug msg="sending sigkill to process in container 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:48Z" level=error msg="failed to kill process in container id 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5: buildkit-runc did not terminate successfully: exit status 1: container not running\n"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:48Z" level=debug msg="sending sigkill to process in container 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:48Z" level=error msg="failed to kill process in container id 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5: buildkit-runc did not terminate successfully: exit status 1: container not running\n"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:48Z" level=debug msg="sending sigkill to process in container 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:48Z" level=error msg="failed to kill process in container id 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5: buildkit-runc did not terminate successfully: exit status 1: container not running\n"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:48Z" level=debug msg="sending sigkill to process in container 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:48Z" level=error msg="failed to kill process in container id 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5: buildkit-runc did not terminate successfully: exit status 1: container not running\n"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:48Z" level=debug msg="sending sigkill to process in container 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:48Z" level=error msg="failed to kill process in container id 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5: buildkit-runc did not terminate successfully: exit status 1: container not running\n"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:49Z" level=debug msg="sending sigkill to process in container 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:49Z" level=error msg="failed to kill process in container id 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5: buildkit-runc did not terminate successfully: exit status 1: container not running\n"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:49Z" level=debug msg="sending sigkill to process in container 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:49Z" level=error msg="failed to kill process in container id 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5: buildkit-runc did not terminate successfully: exit status 1: container not running\n"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:49Z" level=debug msg="sending sigkill to process in container 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:49Z" level=error msg="failed to kill process in container id 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5: buildkit-runc did not terminate successfully: exit status 1: container not running\n"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:49Z" level=debug msg="sending sigkill to process in container 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:49Z" level=error msg="failed to kill process in container id 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5: buildkit-runc did not terminate successfully: exit status 1: container not running\n"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:49Z" level=debug msg="sending sigkill to process in container 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:49Z" level=error msg="failed to kill process in container id 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5: buildkit-runc did not terminate successfully: exit status 1: container not running\n"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:49Z" level=debug msg="sending sigkill to process in container 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:49Z" level=error msg="failed to kill process in container id 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5: buildkit-runc did not terminate successfully: exit status 1: container not running\n"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:49Z" level=debug msg="sending sigkill to process in container 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:49Z" level=error msg="failed to kill process in container id 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5: buildkit-runc did not terminate successfully: exit status 1: container not running\n"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:49Z" level=debug msg="sending sigkill to process in container 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:49Z" level=error msg="failed to kill process in container id 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5: buildkit-runc did not terminate successfully: exit status 1: container not running\n"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:50Z" level=debug msg="sending sigkill to process in container 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:50Z" level=error msg="failed to kill process in container id 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5: buildkit-runc did not terminate successfully: exit status 1: container not running\n"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:50Z" level=debug msg="sending sigkill to process in container 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:50Z" level=error msg="failed to kill process in container id 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5: buildkit-runc did not terminate successfully: exit status 1: container not running\n"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:50Z" level=debug msg="sending sigkill to process in container 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:50Z" level=error msg="failed to kill process in container id 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5: buildkit-runc did not terminate successfully: exit status 1: container not running\n"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:50Z" level=debug msg="sending sigkill to process in container 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:50Z" level=error msg="failed to kill process in container id 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5: buildkit-runc did not terminate successfully: exit status 1: container not running\n"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:50Z" level=debug msg="sending sigkill to process in container 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:50Z" level=error msg="failed to kill process in container id 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5: buildkit-runc did not terminate successfully: exit status 1: container not running\n"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:50Z" level=debug msg="sending sigkill to process in container 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:50Z" level=error msg="failed to kill process in container id 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5: buildkit-runc did not terminate successfully: exit status 1: container not running\n"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:50Z" level=debug msg="sending sigkill to process in container 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:50Z" level=error msg="failed to kill process in container id 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5: buildkit-runc did not terminate successfully: exit status 1: container not running\n"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:50Z" level=debug msg="sending sigkill to process in container 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:50Z" level=error msg="failed to kill process in container id 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5: buildkit-runc did not terminate successfully: exit status 1: container not running\n"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:50Z" level=debug msg="sending sigkill to process in container 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:50Z" level=error msg="failed to kill process in container id 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5: buildkit-runc did not terminate successfully: exit status 1: container not running\n"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:50Z" level=debug msg="sending sigkill to process in container 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:50Z" level=error msg="failed to kill process in container id 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5: buildkit-runc did not terminate successfully: exit status 1: container not running\n"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:50Z" level=debug msg="sending sigkill to process in container 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:50Z" level=error msg="failed to kill process in container id 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5: buildkit-runc did not terminate successfully: exit status 1: container not running\n"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:50Z" level=debug msg="sending sigkill to process in container 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:50Z" level=error msg="failed to kill process in container id 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5: buildkit-runc did not terminate successfully: exit status 1: container not running\n"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:51Z" level=debug msg="sending sigkill to process in container 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:51Z" level=error msg="failed to kill process in container id 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5: buildkit-runc did not terminate successfully: exit status 1: container not running\n"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:51Z" level=debug msg="sending sigkill to process in container 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:51Z" level=error msg="failed to kill process in container id 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5: buildkit-runc did not terminate successfully: exit status 1: container not running\n"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:51Z" level=debug msg="sending sigkill to process in container 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:51Z" level=error msg="failed to kill process in container id 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5: buildkit-runc did not terminate successfully: exit status 1: container not running\n"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:51Z" level=debug msg="sending sigkill to process in container 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:51Z" level=error msg="failed to kill process in container id 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5: buildkit-runc did not terminate successfully: exit status 1: container not running\n"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:51Z" level=debug msg="sending sigkill to process in container 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:51Z" level=error msg="failed to kill process in container id 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5: buildkit-runc did not terminate successfully: exit status 1: container not running\n"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:51Z" level=debug msg="sending sigkill to process in container 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:51Z" level=error msg="failed to kill process in container id 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5: buildkit-runc did not terminate successfully: exit status 1: container not running\n"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:51Z" level=debug msg="sending sigkill to process in container 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:51Z" level=error msg="failed to kill process in container id 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5: buildkit-runc did not terminate successfully: exit status 1: container not running\n"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:51Z" level=debug msg="sending sigkill to process in container 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:51Z" level=error msg="failed to kill process in container id 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5: buildkit-runc did not terminate successfully: exit status 1: container not running\n"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:51Z" level=debug msg="sending sigkill to process in container 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:51Z" level=error msg="failed to kill process in container id 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5: buildkit-runc did not terminate successfully: exit status 1: container not running\n"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:51Z" level=debug msg="sending sigkill to process in container 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:51Z" level=error msg="failed to kill process in container id 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5: buildkit-runc did not terminate successfully: exit status 1: container not running\n"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:52Z" level=debug msg="sending sigkill to process in container 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:52Z" level=error msg="failed to kill process in container id 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5: buildkit-runc did not terminate successfully: exit status 1: container not running\n"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:52Z" level=debug msg="sending sigkill to process in container 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:52Z" level=error msg="failed to kill process in container id 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5: buildkit-runc did not terminate successfully: exit status 1: container not running\n"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:52Z" level=error msg="/moby.buildkit.v1.Control/Solve returned error: rpc error: code = DeadlineExceeded desc = context deadline exceeded"
DeadlineExceeded: context deadline exceeded
31 v0.13.2 buildkitd*Solver).recordBuildHistory.func1
31 v0.13.2 buildkitd
time="2024-05-15T04:06:52Z" level=debug msg="sending sigkill to process in container 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:52Z" level=error msg="failed to kill process in container id 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5: buildkit-runc did not terminate successfully: exit status 1: container not running\n"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:52Z" level=debug msg="sending sigkill to process in container 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:52Z" level=error msg="failed to kill process in container id 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5: buildkit-runc did not terminate successfully: exit status 1: container not running\n"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:52Z" level=debug msg="sending sigkill to process in container 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:52Z" level=error msg="failed to kill process in container id 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5: buildkit-runc did not terminate successfully: exit status 1: container not running\n"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:52Z" level=debug msg="sending sigkill to process in container 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:52Z" level=error msg="failed to kill process in container id 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5: buildkit-runc did not terminate successfully: exit status 1: container not running\n"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:52Z" level=debug msg="sending sigkill to process in container 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:52Z" level=error msg="failed to kill process in container id 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5: buildkit-runc did not terminate successfully: exit status 1: container not running\n"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:52Z" level=error msg="/moby.buildkit.v1.Control/Solve returned error: rpc error: code = DeadlineExceeded desc = context deadline exceeded"
DeadlineExceeded: context deadline exceeded
31 v0.13.2 buildkitd*Solver).recordBuildHistory.func1
31 v0.13.2 buildkitd
time="2024-05-15T04:06:52Z" level=debug msg="sending sigkill to process in container 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:52Z" level=error msg="failed to kill process in container id 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5: buildkit-runc did not terminate successfully: exit status 1: container not running\n"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:52Z" level=debug msg="sending sigkill to process in container 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:52Z" level=error msg="failed to kill process in container id 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5: buildkit-runc did not terminate successfully: exit status 1: container not running\n"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:52Z" level=debug msg="sending sigkill to process in container 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:53Z" level=error msg="failed to kill process in container id 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5: buildkit-runc did not terminate successfully: exit status 1: container not running\n"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:53Z" level=debug msg="sending sigkill to process in container 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:53Z" level=error msg="failed to kill process in container id 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5: buildkit-runc did not terminate successfully: exit status 1: container not running\n"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:53Z" level=debug msg="sending sigkill to process in container 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:53Z" level=error msg="failed to kill process in container id 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5: buildkit-runc did not terminate successfully: exit status 1: container not running\n"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:53Z" level=debug msg="sending sigkill to process in container 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:53Z" level=error msg="failed to kill process in container id 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5: buildkit-runc did not terminate successfully: exit status 1: container not running\n"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:53Z" level=debug msg="session finished: <nil>" spanID=5f001f15a0b4ae7c traceID=b8266f5155f57fe39c7acf2ff40c76f5
time="2024-05-15T04:06:53Z" level=debug msg="sending sigkill to process in container 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:53Z" level=error msg="failed to kill process in container id 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5: buildkit-runc did not terminate successfully: exit status 1: container not running\n"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:53Z" level=debug msg="sending sigkill to process in container 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:53Z" level=error msg="failed to kill process in container id 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5: buildkit-runc did not terminate successfully: exit status 1: container not running\n"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:53Z" level=debug msg="sending sigkill to process in container 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5"
time="2024-05-15T04:06:53Z" level=error msg="failed to kill process in container id 30xwu9ke7444ggs2l00whoot5: buildkit-runc did not terminate successfully: exit status 1: container not running\n"

It keeps going with the failed to kill process in container for about 10000 times before it gives up.

tonistiigi commented 4 months ago

@davhdavh This is a timeout on saving the build history record. Build has already completed by that point, including the export (what may point to some other reports in here being different). Normally, saving this record should take maybe 0.1 sec at most so not entirely obvious why it reaches 20 sec timeout (during that time you would see you build progress complete but the process is not returning). If you can debug this more, during that time of 20 sec when the process is waiting can you capture the stactrace of the process via SIGQUIT or --debug-addr as described in .

For the "failed to kill process in container id" do you have steps that reproduce this? Is this happening before the first timeout? Not sure if the two are related.

davhdavh commented 4 months ago

Well, there is several factors here:

So I think what ends up happening is that the read/write activity of the other build causes the final write of the other build to stall so much you end up with a write timeout. This is also consistent with the reporting of other that say the error rate drops massively when they provision faster drives.

20 sec stall on an old hdd that is double virtualized is not unexpected. Nor is 20s write on a low-tier cloud environment drive unexpected.

I would recommend the quick fix of just setting the timeout to 3-5 minutes instead of 20 sec.

For the "failed to kill process in container id" do you have steps that reproduce this?

It highly correlates with the context deadline exceeded, but I think it is a separate issue. And ultimately it's just annoying with the massive log dump of trying the same thing over 10000 times and not giving up or having some kind of delay between retries.

As for the cause, I think it is dotnets built-in build-server that somehow manages to resist a kill command when running inside a container in nonroot buildkitd container.