moby / buildkit

concurrent, cache-efficient, and Dockerfile-agnostic builder toolkit
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archutil: update riscv binary #5069

Closed tonistiigi closed 5 days ago

tonistiigi commented 1 week ago

Binary broke, probably because of debian package update.

Another commit fixes the Dockerfile for arm64 because there are still no loong packages. Don't really like these hacks so if this doesn't change in distros we probably should revert the support.

Here is the diff. 🤷‍♂️

old.bin:     file format elf64-littleriscv            | new.bin:     file format elf64-littleriscv

Disassembly of section .text:                   Disassembly of section .text:

00000000000100e8 <.text>:                   00000000000100e8 <.text>:
   100e8:   00000513            addi    x10,x0,0       100e8:   00000513            addi    x10,x0,0
   100ec:   05d00893            addi    x17,x0,93      100ec:   05d00893            addi    x17,x0,93
   100f0:   00000073            ecall              100f0:   00000073            ecall

Disassembly of section .riscv.attributes:           Disassembly of section .riscv.attributes:

0000000000000000 <.riscv.attributes>:               0000000000000000 <.riscv.attributes>:
   0:   3641                    .insn   2, 0x3641         |    0:   4941                    .insn   2, 0x4941
   2:   0000                    .insn   2, 0x              2:   0000                    .insn   2, 0x
   4:   7200                    .insn   2, 0x7200          4:   7200                    .insn   2, 0x7200
   6:   7369                    .insn   2, 0x7369          6:   7369                    .insn   2, 0x7369
   8:   01007663            bgeu    x0,x16,0x14        8:   01007663            bgeu    x0,x16,0x14
   c:   002c                    .insn   2, 0x002c         |    c:   0000003f 36767205   .insn   8, 0x367672050000003f
   e:   0000                    .insn   2, 0x             <
  10:   7205                    .insn   2, 0x7205         <
  12:   3676                    .insn   2, 0x3676         <
  14:   6934                    .insn   2, 0x6934         14:   6934                    .insn   2, 0x6934
  16:   7032                    .insn   2, 0x7032         16:   7032                    .insn   2, 0x7032
  18:   5f30                    .insn   2, 0x5f30         18:   5f30                    .insn   2, 0x5f30
  1a:   326d                    .insn   2, 0x326d         1a:   326d                    .insn   2, 0x326d
  1c:   3070                    .insn   2, 0x3070         1c:   3070                    .insn   2, 0x3070
  1e:   615f 7032 5f30          .insn   6, 0x5f307032615f     1e:   615f 7032 5f30          .insn   6, 0x5f307032615f
  24:   3266                    .insn   2, 0x3266         24:   3266                    .insn   2, 0x3266
  26:   3070                    .insn   2, 0x3070         26:   3070                    .insn   2, 0x3070
  28:   645f 7032 5f30          .insn   6, 0x5f307032645f     28:   645f 7032 5f30          .insn   6, 0x5f307032645f
  2e:   6d7a                    .insn   2, 0x6d7a         2e:   6d7a                    .insn   2, 0x6d7a
  30:   756d                    .insn   2, 0x756d         30:   756d                    .insn   2, 0x756d
  32:   316c                    .insn   2, 0x316c         32:   316c                    .insn   2, 0x316c
  34:   3070                    .insn   2, 0x3070         34:   3070                    .insn   2, 0x3070
    ...                           |   36:   7a5f 6161 6f6d          .insn   6, 0x6f6d61617a5f
                                  >   3c:   7031                    .insn   2, 0x7031
                                  >   3e:   5f30                    .insn   2, 0x5f30
                                  >   40:   617a                    .insn   2, 0x617a
                                  >   42:   726c                    .insn   2, 0x726c
                                  >   44:   70316373            csrrsi  x6,0x703,2
                                  >   48:   0030                    .insn   2, 0x0030
tonistiigi commented 1 week ago

Will rebase this after #5068 to only keep the arm commit.

crazy-max commented 6 days ago

Binary broke, probably because of debian package update.

Yes indeed, could be due to updates in the compiler, linker, or additional build-time metadata being included in the newer binary.