moby / buildkit

concurrent, cache-efficient, and Dockerfile-agnostic builder toolkit
Apache License 2.0
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Exclude Windows OS when adding bind mount types #5077

Open billywr opened 1 week ago

billywr commented 1 week ago
- Added a check to exclude Windows OS when adding bind mount types to container image bundle.
- Bind types apply to Linux OS; hcsshim accepts empty bind types for Windows container creation.
[#4892 ](

More info, what I was trying to achieve

  1. I attempted to build a custom Docker frontend image(resides in using the following Dockerfile:

    FROM AS release
    LABEL moby.buildkit.frontend.caps="moby.buildkit.frontend.inputs,moby.buildkit.frontend.subrequests,moby.buildkit.frontend.contexts"
    COPY /dockerfile-frontend.exe /bin/dockerfile-frontend.exe
    ENTRYPOINT ["/bin/dockerfile-frontend.exe"]
    FROM release

    The dockerfile-frontend.exe was built from buildkit/frontend/dockerfile/cmd/dockerfile-frontend.

  2. I created another Dockerfile referencing the custom frontend image:

  3. I ran the following command:

    buildctl build --frontend=dockerfile.v0 --local context=path_to_dockerfile_in_step_2 --local dockerfile=path_to_dockerfile_in_step_2 --output type=image,name=testimage,push=false

    This resulted in an error during container creation in hcsshim:

    error: failed to solve: failed to create shim task: invalid OCI spec - Type 'bind' not supported: unknown
  4. I made changes in BuildKit to fix the error in step 3 and ran buildctl again.

    Container creation stage passes,

    I am getting a new error shown below when building the custom dockerfile frontend as in step 2.

    error: failed to solve: exit code: 2

This commit fixes the error in step 3. @tonistiigi I am seeking ideas and comments.