moby / swarmkit

A toolkit for orchestrating distributed systems at any scale. It includes primitives for node discovery, raft-based consensus, task scheduling and more.
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Support for executing into a task #1895

Open aluzzardi opened 7 years ago

aluzzardi commented 7 years ago

Similar to docker exec, swarmkit should provide a way to execute commands inside a task, mostly for debugging purposes.

stevvooe commented 7 years ago

I'm not sure I understand the use case. I could see the point of attach but exec'ing other processes seems ripe for abuse. Is it just cause docker exec exists?

hairyhenderson commented 7 years ago

@stevvooe for me, the use case is exactly the same as docker exec - for debugging and troubleshooting. It can be difficult to access a swarm node where a specific task is running to do a local docker exec, and downright impossible if the container only runs for a few seconds and then dies, only to be rescheduled to a different worker. Imagine doing this on a swarm with dozens or hundreds of workers...

IMO it'd be very useful to be able to docker service exec myservice.1 foo or something similar.

stevvooe commented 7 years ago

@hairyhenderson You can already docker exec into a task container, even after exiting. The only challenge is getting to that node. Short-lived containers will be around until the manager instructs nodes to clean them up (i think we keep five for service instance).

I am not sure if this works, but it would be good if we could get to something like this:

ssh $(docker service ps <task-id> | awk '{print $4}' | grep -v NODE) docker exec <task-container-id> 

Ideally, we'd like to automate this, but if you need to debug, this may help as a workaround, as long as the node names will resolve with ssh.

hairyhenderson commented 7 years ago

The only challenge is getting to that node.

That's exactly my point 🙂

The problem with your discover-node-then-ssh approach (which I do use on occasion) is that it presumes the host is reachable via SSH. There's no strict requirement for SSH to be available on swarm workers otherwise, so that's where some sort of docker service exec command would be useful.

I have no pressing requirement for this right now, but I hope this helps convince you that this is a legitimate use-case 🙂

stevvooe commented 7 years ago

The problem with your discover-node-then-ssh approach (which I do use on occasion) is that it presumes the host is reachable via SSH. There's no strict requirement for SSH to be available on swarm workers otherwise, so that's where some sort of docker service exec command would be useful.

This is just a suggested possible workaround and basically what needs to be built it.

sylvainmouquet commented 7 years ago

+1 docker service exec

pnickolov commented 7 years ago

+1 docker service exec Not sure if this is one or two different features: one is to be able to run the command on a specific task; the other one is to run it on all tasks of a service. Having at least the first one will be great!

pnickolov commented 7 years ago

I would love to see this working, especially now that 17.05.0-ce has service logs (I also think service signal, pause/unpause and top may provide a good closure, too).

In the meantime, check out this swarm-exec tool on github or use the ready container.

Essentially, it provides the equivalent of the desired docker service exec <task> <cmd> [<args>...] using the following command executed on the swarm manager node:

docker run -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
    datagridsys/skopos-plugin-swarm-exec \
    task-exec <taskID> <command> [<arguments>...]

For details, how it works and current limitations, see the project on github

duro commented 7 years ago

I too have a use case for this. I have a swarm (via Docker Cloud) that I use to deploy feature branches too using a CI server. I need a way to trigger some cleanup tasks that can only be ran from inside the container when a branch is deleted.

My flow looks like this:

Delete Branch -> Github Webhook -> Cleanup CI Job Executed -> docker service exec '.bin/'

This is just my use case, but I'm certain there will be increasingly more of solid use cases for this feature.

rdxmb commented 6 years ago

As a multiple tasks/containers can belong to one service, it would be more explicit to have a docker task exec

With having docker service exec which task/container will be used?

That doesn't matter? Randomly? Ok, if it will defined and designed like this, no problem.

//edited: When we talk about use cases, this can also be Backups (like database-dumps) triggered by cron on the Docker Hosts, as there is usually no cron in the official docker images.

RehanSaeed commented 6 years ago

I'd be happy with docker service exec entering a random container. Getting into a short lived container for trouble shooting is a nightmare at the moment.

duro commented 6 years ago

I tend to agree that a random container would be fine. I need this to run things like crons and cleanup scripts before teardown, so any of the containers would suffice.

Alternatively, you could pass one of the IDs of the running processes that show up when running docker service ps <service_name>

rdxmb commented 6 years ago

just wrote a workaround through ssh and bash for that. Maybe it is helpful for somebody.

cypx commented 6 years ago

Thanks @rdxmb

I make a less sophisticated but very similar one a few days ago ;-)

westfood commented 4 years ago

Hmm... I would like to see

docker task exec to run in defined task, ideally with multiple task ids (if it does not break expectations regarding cli behavior)

and docker service exec to run across all service tasks

anthony-o commented 3 years ago

As I said here, the simpliest command I found to docker exec into a swarm node (with a swarm manager at $SWARM_MANAGER_HOST) running the service $SERVICE_NAME (for example mystack_myservice) is the following:

SERVICE_JSON=$(ssh $SWARM_MANAGER_HOST "docker service ps $SERVICE_NAME --no-trunc --format '{{ json . }}' -f desired-state=running")
ssh -t $(echo $SERVICE_JSON | jq -r '.Node') "docker exec -it $(echo $SERVICE_JSON | jq -r '.Name').$(echo $SERVICE_JSON | jq -r '.ID') bash"

This asserts that you have ssh access to $SWARM_MANAGER_HOST as well as the swarm node currently running the service task.

This also asserts that you have jq installed (apt install jq), but if you can't or don't want to install it and you have python installed you can create the following alias (based on this answer):

alias jq="python3 -c 'import sys, json; print(json.load(sys.stdin)[sys.argv[2].partition(\".\")[-1]])'"
aduzsardi commented 2 years ago

nothing simple about that @anthony-o , maybe from a sysadmin's perspective is simple enough but for developers not so much

it would be great to have docker task|service exec commands , for the same reasons we have docker container exec this would work great with the docker contexts and giving developers the option to connect to remote docker swarm services/tasks for debugging without hopping from host to host

s4ke commented 1 year ago

Just to add my 2 cents here.

Right now I think arguably the best way to achieve this behaviour without changing moby/swarmkit is described here.

I think if this were to be added to moby/swarmkit, the barrier between moby/moby and moby/swarmkit needs to be torn down to some extent. I feel like a swarmkit native way to access the docker api of other nodes in the cluster would allow for quite a lot of useful features added in either docker cli plugins or the docker cli itself.

So rather than add a specific usecase to moby/swarmkit to exec into a service I think adding a more generic way could be a better solution? WDYT @dperny @neersighted @thaJeztah ?

snth commented 1 year ago


I just started working on creating a bash script that would make working with services in stacks on Docker Swarm easier. You can find it here:

At the moment it makes exec'ing into a container and fetching the logs easier. I also want to add easier deployments that take environment variable substitutions into account like in docker-compose.

LMK if it works for you or if you encounter any problems.