moby / vpnkit

A toolkit for embedding VPN capabilities in your application
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Consider adopting chipmk/docker-mac-net-connect strategy to provide host to container access #564

Open kelvich opened 2 years ago

kelvich commented 2 years ago


Over a course of few last years I've quite often run into a lot of inconveniences caused by lack of host to container access on macOS (compared to linux where you can ping container ip address right away). Usually it is a problems in a setups where some services of a distributed app run on host and some in a containers, so service should know whether it is running on host on in container to select a proper addresses (direct ones or localhost ones).

There are few crutches/workarounds with different level of invasiveness:

Recently @petuhovskiy brought to my attention That is wireguard-based solution that tunnels traffic from tun interface on the host to the docker vm wireguard. Also it has a service to listen for a docker events to automatically manage routing table on a host.

Any possibility to adopt that approach in a docker for mac? Any possibility that PR on that matter will be reviewed and potentially merged? It seems to be minimalist and robust, without any new services (if merged). So far docker mac networking page ( states right away that Docker Desktop for Mac can’t route traffic to containers. and such approach can solve that problem in a nice way.

cc @stephen-turner @gregnr @djs55