mochi-mqtt / server

The fully compliant, embeddable high-performance Go MQTT v5 server for IoT, smarthome, and pubsub
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An Issue with Client Connection in Dart Language 一个非常奇怪的bug #331

Closed OpenJarvisAI closed 1 month ago

OpenJarvisAI commented 10 months ago

Hello,最近使用 flutter的client,连接服务。用的是mqtt5_client这个lib。


time=2023-11-20T22:05:39.822+08:00 level=INFO msg=unsubscribed hook=my-custom-events-hook client=android_client_iDxic_usrItug3Lj2c5 filters=[]
time=2023-11-20T22:05:39.822+08:00 level=WARN msg="" listener=t1 error=EOF
time=2023-11-20T22:05:42.144+08:00 level=WARN msg="client keepalive is below minimum recommended value and may exhibit connection instability" client="" keepalive=0 recommended=5
time=2023-11-20T22:05:42.144+08:00 level=INFO msg="--> client connected" hook=my-custom-events-hook client=android_client_iDxic_usrItug3Lj2c5
time=2023-11-20T22:05:42.147+08:00 level=WARN msg="client keepalive is below minimum recommended value and may exhibit connection instability" client="" keepalive=0 recommended=5
time=2023-11-20T22:05:42.147+08:00 level=INFO msg="--> client connected" hook=my-custom-events-hook client=android_client_iDxic_usrItug3Lj2c5
time=2023-11-20T22:05:42.147+08:00 level=INFO msg="--> client disconnected" hook=my-custom-events-hook client=android_client_iDxic_usrItug3Lj2c5 expire=true error="read tcp> use of closed network connection"
time=2023-11-20T22:05:42.147+08:00 level=WARN msg="" listener=t1 error="read tcp> use of closed network connection"


现在不知道是客户端还是服务端的问题? 是什么原因导致的呢?

werbenhu commented 10 months ago


OpenJarvisAI commented 10 months ago


OpenJarvisAI commented 10 months ago


werbenhu commented 10 months ago

client keepalive is below minimum recommended value and may exhibit connection instability 从服务端的日志来看,你客户端传上来的就是小于5秒,那个日志才会打出来。你不会是设置成2秒吧,那个单位是秒哦,不是分钟,2分钟就是120才对。

IshanDaga commented 10 months ago

Could also be a problem of creating multiple connections using the same client_id / client_name information - this was the an issue in my environment. This could also be the client attempting to connect after already establishing a connection / opening a new connection without closing an existing one

Suggestions for flutter:

werbenhu commented 10 months ago


OpenJarvisAI commented 10 months ago

@werbenhu 非常感谢大佬分析和回答。

我用的是这个库:mqtt5_client. flutter.


  Future<bool> connect(
      {required host,
      required String username,
      required String password,
      String? clientId,
      int? port}) async {
    if (!connectLock) {
      String cid = clientId ?? getClientId()!;
      _clientId = cid;
      if (useWebsocket) {
        host = "ws://" + host;
      _client =
          // MqttServerClient.withPort(host, cid, 1883, maxConnectionAttempts: 3);
          MqttServerClient.withPort("", cid, 1883,
              maxConnectionAttempts: 3);
          '!!!! ------------> [conn] connect with $host, $port, $username, $password, ${_clientId} $_client');

      _client!.logging(on: true);
      // _client!.logging(on: false);
      _client!.onConnected = onConnected;
      _client!.onDisconnected = onDisconnected;
      _client!.onUnsubscribed = onUnsubscribed;
      _client!.onSubscribed = onSubscribed;
      _client!.onSubscribeFail = onSubscribeFail;
      _client!.onAutoReconnect = onAutoReconnect;
      _client!.pongCallback = pong;
      _client!.keepAlivePeriod = 60 * 3;
      _client!.autoReconnect = false;
      _client!.useWebSocket = useWebsocket;

      final connMessage = MqttConnectMessage()
          .authenticateAs(username, password)
          // .withWillTopic('lastwills')
          // .withWillMessage('Will message')
      // .withProtocolName("MQTT")
      // .withProtocolVersion(4)
      // .withSessionExpiryInterval(interval)
      // .withWillQos(MqttQos.atLeastOnce);
      _client!.connectionMessage = connMessage;

      connectLock = true;
      try {
        //_messagesController =  StreamController.broadcast();
        await _client!.connect();
        // only after connected?

        connectLock = false;
        return true;
      } catch (e) {
        kLog('Exception: $e');
        if (_client != null) _client!.disconnect();

        connectLock = false;
        return false;
    } else {
      kLog("!!!!xxx connect is locked ! do not repeat connect");
      return false;



  1. 上面说的时间,是keepAlive吗这里的?我也不太确定这个库的作者有没有真的把这个值传上去,但是服务端没有收到(0),实际上已经设置;
  2. 至今不知道为什么会connect两次,我改成了mosquitto的server,也是一样,似乎不是服务器的问题。而是客户端的问题,但是完全不知道为什么。我应该没有重复connect。
werbenhu commented 10 months ago

用这个.keepAliveFor(120), 连接两次是不是因为keepalive太短,导致服务端断开客户端连接后,客户端又自动重连了.

You can use .keepAliveFor(120) to set the keep-alive. The reason for two connections might be that the client's keep-alive setting is too short, causing the server to disconnect the client, and then the client automatically reconnects?

final connMessage = MqttConnectMessage()
          .authenticateAs(username, password)
      _client!.connectionMessage = connMessage;
OpenJarvisAI commented 10 months ago

@werbenhu hi, what's the properly keepalive time for a chating mobile app?

using 120 means every 2 miniutes it needs to re-connect if no packet send.

Will it consume many battery life?

what's this value set to normally ?

werbenhu commented 10 months ago

About keep alive, you can refer to MQTT spec Keep Alive.

The line _client!.keepAlivePeriod = 60 * 3; here sets the interval for client pings. If you have set your client's keep-alive time to 120s, you might also need to set this to a value less than or equal to 120s.

werbenhu commented 9 months ago

@OpenJarvisAI Has there been any progress on this issue? Can it be closed now?

OpenJarvisAI commented 7 months ago

@werbenhu 这个问题至今仍未解决,我现在服务端的log大概是这样:

4-02-07T17:07:11.066+08:00 level=INFO msg="--> client connected [auth]" hook=my-auth-hook client=android_client_6g6jh_usrHQ3w4bIjN7
INFO[880882] >>>>>[v2] login, username: 15x1xxx23x0, client: android_client_6g6jh_usrHQ3w4bIjN7
INFO[880882] ------> publish IdArchives: archivesmyid/android_client_6g6jh_usrHQ3w4bIjN7
time=2024-02-07T17:07:11.072+08:00 level=INFO msg="--> received from inline client " hook=my-hook topic=archivesmyid/android_client_6g6jh_usrHQ3w4bIjN7
time=2024-02-07T17:07:11.072+08:00 level=INFO msg="--> published to inline client" hook=my-hook
time=2024-02-07T17:07:11.072+08:00 level=INFO msg="--> client disconnected" hook=my-hook client=android_client_6g6jh_usrHQ3w4bIjN7 expire=false error="read tcp> use of closed network connection"
time=2024-02-07T17:07:11.073+08:00 level=WARN msg="" listener=t1 error="read tcp> use of closed network connection"
time=2024-02-07T17:07:11.083+08:00 level=INFO msg="subscribed qos=[1]" hook=my-hook client=android_client_6g6jh_usrHQ3w4bIjN7 filters="[{ShareName:[] Filter:archivesrooms/android_client_6g6jh_usrHQ3w4bIjN7 Identifier:0 Identifiers:map[] RetainHandling:0 Qos:1 RetainAsPublished:true NoLocal:false FwdRetainedFlag:false}]"
time=2024-02-07T17:07:11.092+08:00 level=INFO msg="subscribed qos=[1]" hook=my-hook client=android_client_6g6jh_usrHQ3w4bIjN7 filters="[{ShareName:[] Filter:archivesmessages/android_client_6g6jh_usrHQ3w4bIjN7 Identifier:0 Identifiers:map[] RetainHandling:0 Qos:1 RetainAsPublished:true NoLocal:false FwdRetainedFlag:false}]"
time=2024-02-07T17:07:11.092+08:00 level=INFO msg="subscribed qos=[1]" hook=my-hook client=android_client_6g6jh_usrHQ3w4bIjN7 filters="[{ShareName:[] Filter:archivesrooms/new/android_client_6g6jh_usrHQ3w4bIjN7 Identifier:0 Identifiers:map[] RetainHandling:0 Qos:1 RetainAsPublished:true NoLocal:false FwdRetainedFlag:false}]"
time=2024-02-07T17:07:11.092+08:00 level=INFO msg="subscribed qos=[1]" hook=my-hook client=android_client_6g6jh_usrHQ3w4bIjN7 filters="[{ShareName:[] Filter:personalmyid/android_client_6g6jh_usrHQ3w4bIjN7 Identifier:0 Identifiers:map[] RetainHandling:0 Qos:1 RetainAsPublished:true NoLocal:false FwdRetainedFlag:false}]"
time=2024-02-07T17:07:11.101+08:00 level=INFO msg="--> client connected" hook=my-hook client=android_client_6g6jh_usrHQ3w4bIjN7
time=2024-02-07T17:07:11.101+08:00 level=INFO msg="--> client connected [auth]" hook=my-auth-hook client=android_client_6g6jh_usrHQ3w4bIjN7
INFO[880882] >>>>>[v2] login, username: 15116123160, client: android_client_6g6jh_usrHQ3w4bIjN7
INFO[880882] ------> publish IdArchives: archivesmyid/android_client_6g6jh_usrHQ3w4bIjN7
time=2024-02-07T17:07:11.107+08:00 level=INFO msg="--> received from inline client " hook=my-hook topic=archivesmyid/android_client_6g6jh_usrHQ3w4bIjN7
time=2024-02-07T17:07:11.107+08:00 level=INFO msg="--> published to inline client" hook=my-hook
time=2024-02-07T17:07:11.108+08:00 level=INFO msg="--> client disconnected" hook=my-hook client=android_client_6g6jh_usrHQ3w4bIjN7 expire=false error="read tcp> use of closed network connection"
time=2024-02-07T17:07:11.108+08:00 level=WARN msg="" listener=t1 error="read tcp> use of closed network connection"


@IshanDaga 感觉跟这个用户的现象是一致的。



但这也不能说是客户端的库有问题, 这个问题导致的原因是因为 手机休眠机制。

实际上应用退到后台(不是退出),我估计被系统杀死了,没有一句话发出去。 然后回到前台,由于客户端开启了自动连接,他就自动连接了。但是不管你怎么连接,你的判断都是错的,因为你掉线了,但是服务器并不知道,于是无论如何都要重练,也无论如何都会被服务器 先连接上然后断开。


werbenhu commented 7 months ago

但是不管你怎么连接,你的判断都是错的,因为你掉线了,但是服务器并不知道,于是无论如何都要重练,也无论如何都会被服务器 先连接上然后断开。


OnDisconnect那里可以判断是否是重连的,这个代码就是:cl.StopCause() == packets.ErrSessionTakenOver ,你可以参考下这里的代码

// OnDisconnect removes a client from the store if they were using a clean session.
func (h *Hook) OnDisconnect(cl *mqtt.Client, _ error, expire bool) {
    if h.db == nil {
        h.Log.Error("", "error", storage.ErrDBFileNotOpen)

    if !expire {

    // 如果是重连,不清除数据库里的连接数据
    if cl.StopCause() == packets.ErrSessionTakenOver {

    err := h.db.HDel(h.ctx, h.hKey(storage.ClientKey), clientKey(cl)).Err()
    if err != nil {
        h.Log.Error("failed to delete client", "error", err, "id", clientKey(cl))
werbenhu commented 7 months ago

@OpenJarvisAI 客户端主动关闭连接的服务端是可以马上知道的,因为客户端给服务端发送了一个disconnect或者直接关闭了连接,但是如果客户端是拔网线,关机类似这种情况,服务端只能通过keepalive心跳包来自己判断,你可以随便找一个PC mqtt客户端,连上后拔掉网线,你可以看看服务端是不是 1.5 * keepalive后才会触发disconnect。这些都在mqtt标准协议里面有说到的。

IshanDaga commented 7 months ago

@OpenJarvisAI one approach here could be to run your MQTT Client in a flutter isolate (background process), to ensure that it keeps running despite the app being put to sleep by the phone. Some docs are available here.

Ofcouse, as @werbenhu suggested, you could also have a very short keepalive setting, where the client must send out heartbeats every 1-2 seconds, failing which the connection is automatically closed, and the client must be responsible to open a new connection using the onDisconnect hook on the client side library.

OpenJarvisAI commented 7 months ago

@werbenhu 对的,这个逻辑服务端没有问题。


@IshanDaga isolate 之前试过,好像也不行,有可以work的例子吗? 因为整个mqttlclient 有一些数据库的操作,跑isolate代码改动较大。

我尝试一下吧keepAlive 改为1s试一下。 但是这样的话,会不会增加手机功耗

OpenJarvisAI commented 7 months ago

我试了一下吧keepAlive 改为 1s 不行, 感觉还是mqtt_client这个client写的有问题,或者是使用有问题。 我如果监听app是否切换到了后台,主动disconnect,然后回来再connect,好像就没有问题。但是这样,又导致调用image picker的时候会有问题。 无法发图片了

OpenJarvisAI commented 7 months ago

为什么客户端设置了keepAliveFor 1s ,客户端会1s中掉线一次?

  _client!.logging(on: false);
      _client!.onConnected = onConnected;
      _client!.onDisconnected = onDisconnected;
      _client!.onUnsubscribed = onUnsubscribed;
      _client!.onSubscribed = onSubscribed;
      _client!.onSubscribeFail = onSubscribeFail;
      _client!.onAutoReconnect = onAutoReconnect;
      _client!.onAutoReconnected = onAutoReconnected;
      _client!.pongCallback = pong;
      _client!.keepAlivePeriod =
          1; // short enough in case client can not notify server offline
      _client!.autoReconnect = true;
      _client!.useWebSocket = useWebsocket;

      _host = host;
      _userName = username;
      _password = password;

      final connMessage = MqttConnectMessage()
          .authenticateAs(username, password)
          .withSessionExpiryInterval(3600 * 24 * 14) // last for 7 days
          // .withWillTopic('lastwills')
          // .withWillMessage('Will message')
      // .withProtocolName("MQTT")
      // .withProtocolVersion(4)
      // .withSessionExpiryInterval(interval)
      // .withWillQos(MqttQos.atLeastOnce);
      _client!.connectionMessage = connMessage;


werbenhu commented 7 months ago

@OpenJarvisAI keepalive推荐至少60s以上

werbenhu commented 7 months ago

用这个.keepAliveFor(120), 连接两次是不是因为keepalive太短,导致服务端断开客户端连接后,客户端又自动重连了.

You can use .keepAliveFor(120) to set the keep-alive. The reason for two connections might be that the client's keep-alive setting is too short, causing the server to disconnect the client, and then the client automatically reconnects?

final connMessage = MqttConnectMessage()
          .authenticateAs(username, password)
      _client!.connectionMessage = connMessage;


OpenJarvisAI commented 7 months ago

@werbenhu 大佬,我有点看不懂了,刚才不是说,不如把时间设置成1s吗?我之前就是设置的很大,依旧会有这个问题,刚才设置了1s,也是一样。


OpenJarvisAI commented 7 months ago



werbenhu commented 7 months ago

我记得我之前帮你查过这个客户端的代码:keepAliveFor(120),这个才是设置keepalive。你按我这个配置来: keepAliveFor(120)

client!.keepAlivePeriod = 60, 你换成这两个配置试试看。

你要先搞清楚keepalive是干嘛的, keepalive是服务端保存客户端存活时间的,也就是如果keepalive是60秒,服务端如果60秒没有收到客户端的心跳包就认为客户端掉线了,你觉得设置成1秒是合理的吗?

OpenJarvisAI commented 7 months ago

@werbenhu 我咋感觉这个指标单传给服务器是不合理的,客户端他必然得根据这个值法心跳,不然设置个蛋。

我现在改成了 120,最新代码:

_client!.logging(on: false);
      _client!.onConnected = onConnected;
      _client!.onDisconnected = onDisconnected;
      _client!.onUnsubscribed = onUnsubscribed;
      _client!.onSubscribed = onSubscribed;
      _client!.onSubscribeFail = onSubscribeFail;
      _client!.onAutoReconnect = onAutoReconnect;
      _client!.onAutoReconnected = onAutoReconnected;
      _client!.pongCallback = pong;
      // _client!.keepAlivePeriod =
      //     1; // short enough in case client can not notify server offline
      _client!.autoReconnect = true;
      _client!.useWebSocket = useWebsocket;

      _host = host;
      _userName = username;
      _password = password;

      final connMessage = MqttConnectMessage()
          .authenticateAs(username, password)
          .withSessionExpiryInterval(3600 * 24 * 14) // last for 7 days
          // .withWillTopic('lastwills')
          // .withWillMessage('Will message')



我感觉本质原因还是,回来的时候,客户端其实已经断了,被系统杀死了,服务器不知道,而AutoReconnect还是沿用的原来的连接,就肯定被服务器断开,说 用了一个已经断开的连接

我已经在flutter app里面,监控了appLifeCycle,在detach的时候手动的disconnect,无奈,没吊用。


werbenhu commented 7 months ago

_client!.keepAlivePeriod = 60 ,这个就是那个客户端的心跳间隔时间。就是它,我之前稍微看了下那个客户端的代码。你吧这个也带上去。心跳间隔时间最少也应该是一个keepalive。这里设置成60秒,相当于一个keepalive之内,客户端会发送两个心跳。


// processPingreq processes a Pingreq packet.
func (s *Server) processPingreq(cl *Client, _ packets.Packet) error {
    return cl.WritePacket(packets.Packet{
        FixedHeader: packets.FixedHeader{
            Type: packets.Pingresp, // [MQTT-3.12.4-1]


werbenhu commented 1 month ago

As the issue is non-reproducible and no feedback has been received for a long time, it is now closed. If further problems arise, please reopen it.