mochi / mochiweb

MochiWeb is an Erlang library for building lightweight HTTP servers.
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mochiweb_html: parse exception #89

Open helllamer opened 11 years ago

helllamer commented 11 years ago

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Download and unpack
$ wget
$ bunzip2 error.html.bz2
  1. In erlang console:
{ok, Data} = file:read_file("error.html"),

** exception error: no case clause matching <<"<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN\" \""...>>
     in function  mochiweb_html:find_qgt/2 
     in call from mochiweb_html:tokenize/2 
     in call from mochiweb_html:tokens/3 
     in call from mochiweb_html:parse/1 

but HTML source code looks valid.

doubleyou commented 11 years ago
<ul><li><a href=''>Warning: Cannot modify header information</a></li><li><a href=''><? echo(base64_decode("</a></li><li><a href=''>ЧПУ в wordpress</a></li><li><a href=''>интернет магазин на wordpress</a></li><li><a href=''>шаблоны газет</a></li><li><a href=''>Hello Dolly wordpress</a></li><li><a href=''>дизайн wordpress</a></li><li><a href=''>ватермарк</a></li></ul></li>

In particular, this part (most likely, crappy WP code chunk):

<? echo(base64_decode("

Piece of advice: next time, just find the problem line using binary search and analyze it (generally, syntax highlighting is enough for that).

etrepum commented 11 years ago

Even if it's "invalid HTML", it should still parse to something.

helllamer commented 11 years ago

So sorry about crappy html, but it is unclear for me, that exception

no case clause matching <<"<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-// ....

is somehow connected with inlined php-tags. My first idea was problems with DOCTYPE.

etrepum commented 11 years ago

Yeah, Erlang's error reporting for failed pattern matches on binaries could use some work. That's not the failure mode mochiweb_html is supposed to have, so this is a bug either way.

doubleyou commented 11 years ago
find_qgt(Bin, S=#decoder{offset=O}) ->
    case Bin of
        <<_:O/binary, "?>", _/binary>> ->
            ?ADV_COL(S, 2);
        <<_:O/binary, ">", _/binary>> ->
            ?ADV_COL(S, 1);
        <<_:O/binary, "/>", _/binary>> ->
            ?ADV_COL(S, 2);
        %% tokenize_attributes takes care of this state:
        %% <<_:O/binary, C, _/binary>> ->
        %%     find_qgt(Bin, ?INC_CHAR(S, C));
        <<_:O/binary>> ->
        _ ->

(Just added the last clause actually). This handles the current case, but in case of, say, an incomplete tag, it may purge all the contents after the corrupted part.

@etrepum From my experience of sanitizing HTML, there's no ultimately good way of doing it. At Echo, we just tested several approaches and ended up with the one that was statistically the most accurate for us.

Personally, I've been always thinking of mochiweb_html as something like mochijson/mochijson2, and they fail when they meet incorrect format.

etrepum commented 11 years ago

Ideally it would follow the HTML5 recommendations for how HTML parsing should work, but I think this code predates that spec. It wasn't supposed to be a brittle parser, it was supposed to be relatively forgiving... but it was never used to parse crazy stuff in the wild so the parser was never adapted to be as robust as it was intended to be.

helllamer commented 11 years ago

So... I understood the mochihtml aims, and I will sanitize crazy-HTML and patch find_qgt/2. Should one close this bug or ...?

etrepum commented 11 years ago

The bug shouldn't be closed until it's fixed in the repo