mockingbirdnest / Principia

𝑛-Body and Extended Body Gravitation for Kerbal Space Program
MIT License
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Navball issues with flight plans #1550

Open wingertge opened 7 years ago

wingertge commented 7 years ago

Probably an incompatibility issue with one of my mods, so I uploaded a list of my installed mods here: I spent quite a while typing all 116 Mods with their version so you can CTRL+F them so hope it helps.

The issue always occurs when creating a flight plan and showing it on the NavBall. The burn time is calculated properly in the flight plan, but the NavBall shows either 0 or n/a. When I do actually burn, the dV value keeps resetting to the total (flickering between total and total-0.1) so I can't actually use that either.

There are no related errors in the logs, but here they are regardless. last ERROR log - warning and info are identical.

I'd look for the issue in the code myself, but my C++ is more than a little rusty so I doubt I'd get far. Also a potentially related issue is the fact that the "Warp to ManNode" button shows up, but when warping to it Principia completely crashes, followed by a game freeze a few seconds later. FATAL log here:

System specs (shouldn't matter apart from OS, but it won't hurt I suppose) Windows 10 (freshly installed yesterday) Intel i7 4770K nVidia GTX 1080 Ti ASUS ROG Hero VI MB 32GB Kingston HyperX Low Profile RAM Game runs off a 256GB SanDisk SSD Sound Blaster ZxR Sound Card Other specs don't interact with the game in any way.

If I forgot any info please do ask, I'll be happy to provide it.

eggrobin commented 7 years ago

Thanks for the report. There are two separate issues here. The first part is that the stock Δv counter does not count down as you burn, which is known and documented, see the relevant section of the concepts page.

The second one is a crash that seems similar to #1549; as mentioned in the FAQ, we need the full INFO log, so please provide that. This is because it starts with additional information not contained in the FATAL log; without it the stack trace is useless.

eggrobin commented 7 years ago

A common element between this and #1549 seems to be the fact that you have KIS installed; can you provide details as to how you used KIS in the game where you encountered that crash?

pleroy commented 7 years ago

Looking into this further we are no longer sure that it is related to #1549. We'll definitely need logs as explained by @eggrobin above.

wingertge commented 7 years ago

Yes, apologies. I thought I saw the file sizes being identical, but that was actually the file extension name, not the size. I'm an idiot. I also completely missed that part about the dV counter not going down - my bad on that as well.

Here's the INFO log for the crash period (this time on, it's 32KB too large for pastebin):

I'm also not sure if I should open a separate issue about the time to cutoff not being shown on the stock navball (as a feature request), since that would allow for automated burns by MechJeb and Co. I like to use those for things like RemoteTech satellite positioning and stuff, so it'd be nice to have support for them.

Edit: I wasn't using KIS at all during the crash - I simply pressed the "warp to ManNode" button. I've only ever used KIS/KAS on Kerbin so far so I don't think it was directly implicated in this particular crash.

pleroy commented 7 years ago

For our reference, decoded stack trace:

ksp_plugin/vessel.cpp:115 ksp_plugin/plugin.cpp:484 ksp_plugin/interface.cpp:356