mockingbirdnest / Principia

𝑛-Body and Extended Body Gravitation for Kerbal Space Program
MIT License
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Can't load Principia on NixOS #4024

Open sio-k opened 3 weeks ago

sio-k commented 3 weeks ago

Honestly unclear on what exactly I'm fucking up here, but I can't get KSP to load Principia correctly on NixOS. I've installed libc++ 17, libc++abi 17, libunwind 17 and have made all available in the same folder as Principia, then gotten ld to actually look in that folder using LD_LIBRARY_PATH. But I still get a generic error message telling me that could not be loaded.

Is there a way to access the exact error message, or better yet, actually show it in the GUI widget telling me there is a problem?

pleroy commented 3 weeks ago

There is no exact message to show, the loader of your system cannot find the file. Maybe strace can tell you where it's looking and why it's unhappy. Or maybe not, it's the first time I hear about NixOS.