mockko / livereload

LiveReload applies CSS/JS changes to Safari or Chrome w/o reloading the page (and autoreloads the page when HTML changes)
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Reverting a version (of browser extension)? #23

Closed orlin closed 13 years ago

orlin commented 14 years ago

I know there are a couple of other issues about problems with 1.4 and I don't mean to create extra heat, but is there a way to revert back to 1.3?

I guess Chrome auto-upgraded and asked me to update the gem. After installing RubyCocoa, I started getting eventmachine-0.12.10/lib/eventmachine.rb:572:in `start_tcp_server': no acceptor (RuntimeError). I'm guessing that's the "rvm error"? Anyway, I uninstalled 1.4. 1.3 livereload server says "Browser connected." - but Chrome doesn't reload. I'm guessing because it's using version 1.4 (the extension). Is there a way to switch back to an older extension and have it stay that way (until this is fixed)?

bitboxer commented 14 years ago

I would say that the problem should be fixed. Make a ticket for that and don't go the "easy" way around that problem. Other people could get into the same problem as you did.

orlin commented 14 years ago

I bet the problem will be fixed. All I'm asking is if there is a way to still use livereload (while it's being fixed). It seems there are already 2 other tickets for this issue. Has everyone stopped using it?

dottedmag commented 14 years ago

The easy way to get older extension is to clone git repo, check out v1.3 tag and install extension from LiveReload.chromeextension directory.

orlin commented 14 years ago

Thank you. This works well for now. With Chrome (at least).

dottedmag commented 14 years ago

Nice. Closing the issue then.

dottedmag commented 14 years ago

Reopen and tag as 'known-issue'

tgraham commented 14 years ago

So when is a fix for this supposed to be ready? Seems harsh that we have to clone the 1.3 branch and wait.

dottedmag commented 14 years ago

Who knows? As free time permits to. It's not a simple "fix", it's a rewrite.

tgraham commented 14 years ago

So 1.4 was a complete rewrite of 1.3? Hope you find it soon, LR is awesome sauce.

dottedmag commented 14 years ago

Yep, 1.4 gem uses completely different file watching backend which solved lot of problems (and introduced some). Fixing this issue means rewriting OS X support once again, but at least Windows and Linux code work fine.

NV commented 13 years ago

Closing it. Dup of #26 RubyCocoa is not reliable, get rid of using it (osx/foundation issues etc).