mockko / livereload

LiveReload applies CSS/JS changes to Safari or Chrome w/o reloading the page (and autoreloads the page when HTML changes)
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RubyCocoa is not reliable, get rid of using it (osx/foundation issues etc) #26

Open dottedmag opened 14 years ago

dottedmag commented 14 years ago

RubyCocoa is giving a headache to many. Let's just drop it.

This bug is created to merge several bugreports created after 1.4 release.

dottedmag commented 14 years ago

Revert to 1.3 (both plugin and gem) until we fix the problem. There's instruction in open tickets.

kouky commented 13 years ago

im having this issue as well under plain old ruby 1.8.7 on mac osx

kouky commented 13 years ago

can't seem to use the 1.3 gem instead - can't find the compatible chrome extension.

flov commented 13 years ago

same problem as mkoukoullis... I can't find the 1.3. extension. Anybody out there who can provide us with this?

zef commented 13 years ago

I have a copy of 1.3, you can download it here.

I'll probably delete that file once the issue is resolved...

flov commented 13 years ago

@zef, thanks, do you also have the plugin for Chrome in 1.3?

zef commented 13 years ago

No, sorry. Just the Safari extension...

harmon commented 13 years ago

Here's the error I get on Mac OSX with the latest livereload (v1.4): git://

chrispederick commented 13 years ago

Running these commands solved the problem for me:

flov commented 13 years ago

A thousand thumbs up!!! I got it working that way. Thanks @chrispederick!

ionas commented 13 years ago

Thank you very much chrispederick [ ] your gist solved it!

ionas commented 13 years ago

Does 1.5 fix the RubyCocoa dependency (e.g. removes it?)

ionas commented 13 years ago

At least 1.5 runs well (though I did not undo the above GIST)

bitboxer commented 13 years ago

Nope, on 1.5 it still needs RubyCocoa :( . Please remove that dependency.

NV commented 13 years ago

guard-livereload does not require RubyCocoa and works well with the latest version of LR extension.

ionas commented 13 years ago

Now that one looks promising (Guard one)

fbehrens commented 13 years ago

I run into this bug, and found that osx/foundation is part of system ruby, and its working fine with my system ruby

$ rvm use system

$ sudo gem install livereload

$ livereload

bitboxer commented 13 years ago

But I am using ruby 1.9.2, as everybody should. And after installing that (hopefully you do via rvm ;) ), osx/foundation is not available anymore. I could go into the trouble to install it, but it is totally unnecessary. It can be replaced with other solutions. Just look at other projects how they deal with file system notifications under mac os.

frankel commented 12 years ago

In Mac (got this info from ), you can download a standalone livereload app to work around this issue.,