mockko / livereload

LiveReload applies CSS/JS changes to Safari or Chrome w/o reloading the page (and autoreloads the page when HTML changes)
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Mac OS X GUI app rather than command-line tool #51

Open NV opened 13 years ago

NV commented 13 years ago

The whole idea is to eliminate any user interactions with command-line tool, ruby and rubygems. It scare the shit out of some HTML/CSS guys.

LiveReload in Mac OS X menu bar

Livereload app starts on system load. It listens on 35729 port (as it works now), but it does not monitor any files yet. It start monitoring when you turn on LiveReload browser extension. Browser sends URL of current page to the LR app. When it matches some of user-defined rules then it starts monitoring files.

The rules file might looks like:

match('') {

When user turn off browser extension then LR app stops monitor the files.