mockko / livereload

LiveReload applies CSS/JS changes to Safari or Chrome w/o reloading the page (and autoreloads the page when HTML changes)
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Remove an option to disable apply_css_live #55

Closed NV closed 13 years ago

NV commented 13 years ago

I'm going to remove apply_css_live option from a .livereload config file. appply_css_live works so smooth. I don't see the reason to disable it.

Is there someone who turns it off? If so, why?

It brings unnecessary complexity to the code and makes harder to implement things like #53.

gunn commented 13 years ago

Livereload wasn't around when I was doing it, but I have written code where css rules were read in and acted on by javascript.

Someone making a web-based css editor or analyser would want this.

Of course this case might not be common enough to justify keeping the feature.

Would it be possible to make it more generic? config.apply_live_exts = ['css', 'js']

NV commented 13 years ago

I see your case, but it seems rare to me.

I like the generic approach. However, there is a problem: when LR will support new extensions then they won't be applied live by default. LiveReload will reload images in the next version and I would like to do it live by default.

It makes sense to invert the logic, e.g.:

config.dont_apply_live = ['js']
gunn commented 13 years ago

Yep, I think config.dont_apply_live is great solution.

So that livereload can help people deal with lots of weird edge-case uses, without polluting its code with exceptions, we could expose some hooks where users can add their own rules.

A user could then disable live css reloading where they need to like so: config.apply_live_filter = proc do |url, file, extension| return ext=="css" if url===/weird_page.html$/ true end

And there would be a corresponding config.reload_filter or similar. An even more flexible and generic system could have the user specify a proc which returns :reload, :apply_live depending on what action should be taken or nil to do nothing.

Something like this: config.action_filter = proc do |url, file, ext, default| case url when /weird_page.html$/ if %w[css js].include? ext :reload else :apply_live end when /\/admin\/.*/ (ext=="js")? :apply_live : :reload else

If none of our edge cases have been met,

    # fall back to the default provided by livereload's
    # more simple huesistics:

The proc is provided with the url of the livereload enabled window, the file that has changed and its extension (for convenience) and what livereload's default behaviour would be.

This would enable people to fix issues like #53 for themselves.