mockko / livereload

LiveReload applies CSS/JS changes to Safari or Chrome w/o reloading the page (and autoreloads the page when HTML changes)
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Chrome - Extension stops monitoring for changes #99

Closed cujojp closed 4 years ago

cujojp commented 12 years ago

This occurs when upgrading to the GUI application Livereload 2.0, and upgrading the Google Chrome extension to Livereload 2.0.1.

I set the application to listen to a specific directory, this runs fine and it begins listening for changes. However, when the browser connects (Google Chrome 16.0.912.0 dev) and a change occurs in the directory LR is listening to, the browser will reload the page then afterwards any further changes the browser will not reload and the extension is disabled (icon goes to disabled). The GUI application however, is still logging changes.

No matter how many times I click the icon to try to enable livereload, it will not enable.

Wish it sent me some errors, so I could log them to you guys, but the application just seems dead.

Currently on

OSX 10.6.8
Google Chrome 16.0.912.0 dev
Livereload v2.0a8
Livereload Extension 2.0.1