moconn68 / depic_app

Upcoming children's game for Android and iOS
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Monetization (ads) Strategy #13

Open moconn68 opened 3 years ago

moconn68 commented 3 years ago

Need to add monetization via ads to the app. This is done via code, but we need to finalize the strategy we want to go with. Ie, do we want banner ads only, interstitial ads only, or a mix of the two? When and where do we want to show ads, and how often? Do we want an IaP option to remove ads, or do we want to go with two separate app versions where one is free with ads as a "lite" version, and a $0.99 version with no ads? Or do we not give a no-ads option at all?

moconn68 commented 3 years ago

Also, we need to decide which ad network we want to use (FacebookAds or Google AdMob). There shouldn't be a big difference between them, but there might be so it's worth doing a bit of research to see the pros and cons to help us make a decision.

moconn68 commented 3 years ago

We already talked about this a while ago and decided to just do ads in a free app for now. We also chose to use Google AdMob. However, since this is a kid's app, there are additional considerations we need to look into, especially for the Apple App Store. See link paste here for a bunch of stuff I found on this: