moconn68 / depic_app

Upcoming children's game for Android and iOS
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Change Found Words Implementation to Match New Design #3

Closed moconn68 closed 3 years ago

moconn68 commented 4 years ago


The found words list as-is simply displays a paired list of letters and respective words that the player found throughout the game. This should be updated to reflect the changes in the new design.


In the new design, it should be a displayed as a 5x5 (+1 at the end for Z) grid of the alphabet, in order. When each letter is pressed, a modal should pop up saying the pairing. If certain letters were not reached in the game or were skipped, they should be greyed out and disabled.

moconn68 commented 4 years ago

Initial implementation complete on foundGrid branch - see ca736aa5150f097528b43b9e3834d9b65e2c1556. @jhuang1998, please pull this code down and try it out to make sure it looks good to you. Also, I noticed that the image you made for the letter I looks kind of strange, maybe we could make a new one for that?

To pull the code you need to checkout the branch on git. You can do this on your command line in the project like so:

git fetch
git pull
git checkout foundGrid

See this article for a clear and simple explanation on how branches work because we will be using them semi-frequently.

If this doesn't work or you have other problems getting the code to work, let me know.

moconn68 commented 4 years ago

Just had this thought before sleeping - I think if you made all of the images for the letters the same size (ie something like 300x300px) by keeping the letters as close to the same size as you can and padding the rest out with the transparent background, it would fix the blurriness and strange scaling issues I'm seeing especially with 'I'. If you do that, name the files "*_filled.png", and upload them to the drive or replace them in the assets/art/letters folder, I think we should be good to go on this (pending your feedback from what I've got so far).

jhuang1998 commented 4 years ago

I just updated the letters with a higher resolution and they are all the same size with transparent background. Hopefully this solves the issue. I also wonder if the "L" still looks strange from your end, because the letter looks fine to me. If it still holds true, I would like some more clarification. Thank you for your work!!

jhuang1998 commented 4 years ago

After I switch to the foundgrid branch, I was trying to use git pull. I kept getting this following error. Can you help me with what I have to do to fix it?

There is no tracking information for the current branch. Please specify which branch you want to merge with. See git-pull(1) for details.

git pull <remote> <branch>

If you wish to set tracking information for this branch you can do so with:

git branch --set-upstream-to=<remote>/<branch> origin/foundgrid
moconn68 commented 4 years ago

I'm guessing this has something to do with the git problem you're having. A much simpler alternative to what you were trying to do is to just do a git fetch and git pull and finally git checkout foundGrid. However, that doesn't always work, so try that and if that doesn't work, try what I typed below.

When git suggests you a command to use, you can basically just type it in and run it and it should work. So in this case it gave you git branch --set-upstream-to=<remote>/<branch> origin/foundgrid and replace to the repository url and to the name of the branch on GitHub, which in this case is foundGrid. So your full command would look like git branch --set-upstream-to= origin/foundGrid.