modded-factorio / SeaBlock

Factorio mod pack Sea Block
MIT License
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Better balance for obtaining Rubyte Crystals #313

Closed TheSnoozer closed 6 months ago

TheSnoozer commented 6 months ago

Hello, thanks for the great mod collection. In case this is the wrong spot to file an issue like this, please direct me to the right place :-)

I now finally managed to arrive at more complicated Recipies and for me it just feels that obtaining Rubyte Crystals (red) is unbalanced. The main culprit IMHO seems that obtaining Nitric Acid is not balanced, and that obtaining it through other means is just too cumbersome.

Consider the available Recipies


In summary we can say that 5 Sodium Nitrate produce at most 60 Nitric Acid. Since we need 100 Nitric Waste Water to produce 1 Sodium Nitrate we need to "make" 20 Rubyte Chunks to gain the 500 Nitric Waste Water for the 5 Sodium Nitrate. However that 5 Sodium Nitrate would only produce 60 Nitric Acid that we could use to convert 12 Rubyte Chunks into Rubyte Crystals. We still would have 8 Rubyte Chunks left (a lack of Nitric Acid to convert them).

The only other Recipie available to gain Nitric Acid seems Brown Liquor Recycling. However here the user is left with Cellulose Pulp which can't be converted into anything that can be (can't be clarified/flared/burned).

Possible solutions:

As a side note: This issue seems to only effect Rubyte Crystals. For Saphirite Crystals (dark blue), Stritatite Crystals (light blue), Bobmonium Crystals (brown) we need Sulfer (easily obtainable through waste waster, in case needed one can add lime air filtration) For Crontium Crystals (white) we need Sodium Cloride (Salt) that is essentially just an Salination Plant For Jivolite Chunks (yellow) we need Hydrofloric Acid (easily obtainable through florite ore - jivolite chunks + ferros powder)

Thank you for your time and consideration.

TheSnoozer commented 6 months ago

Seems related to