model-checking / kani

Kani Rust Verifier
Apache License 2.0
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Unexpected failure when `modifies` attribute points to a ZST #3181

Open celinval opened 1 month ago

celinval commented 1 month ago

I tried this code:

    #[requires(assert_valid_ptr(dst) && has_valid_value(dst))]
    pub unsafe fn replace<T>(dst: *mut T, src: T) -> T {
        std::ptr::replace(dst, src)

    /// This one fails in the builtin-library
    pub fn check_replace_unit() {

    /// This one succeeds
    pub fn check_replace_char() {

    fn check_replace_impl<T: kani::Arbitrary + Eq + Clone>() {
        let mut dst = T::any();
        let orig = dst.clone();
        let src = T::any();
        let ret = unsafe { contracts::replace(&mut dst, src.clone()) };
        assert_eq!(ret, orig);
        assert_eq!(dst, src);

using the following command line invocation:


with Kani version: 0.51.0-dev (

I expected to see this happen: verification succeeds

Instead, this happened: Verification failed with the following failure:

 ** 1 of 1485 failed (3 unreachable)
Failed Checks: ptr NULL or writable up to size
 File: "<builtin-library-__CPROVER_contracts_library>", line 162, in __CPROVER_contracts_car_set_insert
remi-delmas-3000 commented 1 month ago


Does this mean that 1) the function modifies the contents of the location pointed to by dst or 2) the contents of dst ?

Assuming 1), this should be translated to __CPROVER_assigns(*dst) and CBMC will check that *dst is a valid location of size 0. Which may not be the case depending on how pointers to ZSTs are initialised in Rust.

celinval commented 1 month ago

In Rust, a 0 sized access is valid for any pointer, and the address of a ZST variable can be anything. changed Kani to implement that.

I believe CBMC still expects the pointer to point to a valid allocation, which is likely the reason why this is failing. If that's the case, we need to omit the assigns clause.