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Tutorial should cover `tangram predict` CLI command #29

Closed simonw closed 2 years ago

simonw commented 2 years ago

I was following the tutorial, and I got to this page:

I ran tangram train --file heart_disease.csv --target diagnosis and generated my heart_disease.tangram model file - then I clicked the "Next: Make a Prediction. >" link at the bottom of the page and it took me here:

I'm not quite ready to spin up a development environment for one of those languages! I was hoping that I'd be able to use the CLI tool to make a prediction.

It looks like I can, with tangram predict -m heart_disease.tangram - but in order to use that I need to feed the tool a CSV file with new data in it, and the tutorial doesn't provide me with one of those.

Instead, I have to manually create a CSV from the examples in the different languages, e.g. here:

It would be great if the first page of the "Make a Prediction" documentation (this page here) gave me a copy-and-paste CLI example using tangram predict, so that I could try that out before digging into the programming language demos.

simonw commented 2 years ago

This worked for me:

echo 'age,gender,chest_pain,resting_blood_pressure,cholesterol,fasting_blood_sugar_greater_than_120,resting_ecg_result,exercise_max_heart_rate,exercise_induced_angina,exercise_st_depression,exercise_st_slope,fluoroscopy_vessels_colored,thallium_stress_test
63,male,typical angina,145,233,true,probable or definite left ventricular hypertrophy,150,no,2.3,downsloping,0,fixed defect' \
   | tangram predict -m heart_disease.tangram 

Output was:

nitsky commented 2 years ago

Hey @simonw thanks so much for giving tangram a try. This is a great suggestion. I added a page at that covers this.