Open max-privato opened 3 years ago
Yes, or a similar approach as is used for some other devices there where is an inner config
component which opens the device and the other read/write blocks can use it as outer
I agree that it would be a nice feature. However, I'm not very knowledgeable regarding serial port programming, particularly on the Windows side. So I guess it would take me quite some time to get things running for both platforms. If somebody would provide a solid Windows implementation I'd be fine with trying for Linux :)
To use serial communication is very useful to be able to send and receive data from the same COM port. Unfortunately, this seems impossible with the current version of Modelica_DeviceDrivers, since the SW tries to open the same port twice.
See for example the following model (change txt into mo before using): RXTXissue.txt
This comes from the choice to have separate serialPortSend and serialPortReceive, which both open (or try to open) their ports. Maybe one should add a serialPortSendReceive with two connectors one to send, the other to receive?