modelica / ModelicaSpecification

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State variables with equality constraints #3249

Closed MarkusOlssonModelon closed 1 year ago

MarkusOlssonModelon commented 2 years ago

Is the following model allowed?

model Example
    constant Real eps = ...;
    Real x(start = 0, fixed = true);
    Real y(start = 0, fixed = true);
    der(x) = time;
    der(y) = time;
    assert(noEvent(abs(x - y) < eps), "some message");
end Example;

Many solvers will estimate the derivatives in the jacobian by evaluating the equations with perturbations applied to the state variables. Dependent on the choices of eps and the perturbation, this can cause the assert to fail.

henrikt-ma commented 2 years ago

I don't think that the assert should be evaluated at such intermediate points of an integration method. However, while it seems easy enough to avoid for the model given here, I can imagine that you could come up with a variation of it where the assert is in the body of a function which needs to be evaluated in the vicinity of the true solution trajectory. In such a situation, I'd blame the model for lack of robustness.

HansOlsson commented 2 years ago

Many solvers will estimate the derivatives in the jacobian by evaluating the equations with perturbations applied to the state variables. Dependent on the choices of eps and the perturbation, this can cause the assert to fail.

It's always difficult to reason about models without underlying reason for them: in this case the reason for the assert. Is it for regression-checking - or is there some actual modeling reason?

MarkusOlssonModelon commented 2 years ago

It's always difficult to reason about models without underlying reason for them: in this case the reason for the assert. Is it for regression-checking - or is there some actual modeling reason?

The original model had an overconstrained connection graph with multiple roots. (I know that can be fixed by using Connections.potentialRoot)

HansOlsson commented 2 years ago

It's always difficult to reason about models without underlying reason for them: in this case the reason for the assert. Is it for regression-checking - or is there some actual modeling reason?

The original model had an overconstrained connection graph with multiple roots. (I know that can be fixed by using Connections.potentialRoot)

There seems to be some steps missing here. Do you mean that the graph was handled by introducing these asserts to ensure some condition for the non-selected roots (or for the equalityConstraints)?

MarkusOlssonModelon commented 2 years ago

It's always difficult to reason about models without underlying reason for them: in this case the reason for the assert. Is it for regression-checking - or is there some actual modeling reason?

The original model had an overconstrained connection graph with multiple roots. (I know that can be fixed by using Connections.potentialRoot)

There seems to be some steps missing here. Do you mean that the graph was handled by introducing these asserts to ensure some condition for the non-selected roots (or for the equalityConstraints)?

Here is a minimal example:

model Example
    type Angle
        extends Real;
        function equalityConstraint
            input Angle theta1;
            input Angle theta2;
            output Real residue[0];
            assert(abs(theta1 - theta2) < 1.e-10 , "Consistent angles");
        end equalityConstraint;
    end Angle;

    connector Plug
        Angle theta;
    end Plug;

    model Source
        Plug plug(theta(start = 0, fixed = true));
        der(plug.theta) = time;
    end Source;

    Source s1;
    Source s2;
    connect(s1.plug, s2.plug);
end Example;
HansOlsson commented 2 years ago

Ah, overconstrained connection graphs in that domain - not multibody.

HansOlsson commented 1 year ago

The problem is that if they are different states with the same derivative we cannot guarantee that they proceed exactly in sync (even ignoring the Jacobian-computation). Note that this is used as an example in the specification.

An alternative would be to rewrite: der(p.theta) = 2*Modelica.Constants.pi*50 // 50 Hz; as: p.theta = 2*Modelica.Constants.pi*50*time+startPhase; // 50 Hz

HansOlsson commented 1 year ago

Design meeting: Two parts:

  1. Use the alternative rewriting in example and push it to MSL. (And check if works in user-examples).
  2. Should assertions be valid during Jacobian-evaluation or only on the trajectory?

Arguments for only evaluating assertions on the trajectory:

Arguments for evaluating the assertions also for Jacobian and during intermediate steps in iterative solvers:

HansOlsson commented 1 year ago

Phone meeting: Cannot easily disable for Jacobians, since for FMUs it is just model calls. (Unless providing directional derivatives.) Propose PR for spec and MSL. ( @HansOlsson ) Check if Buildings library, and git annotate. (Just remove from spec)

eshmoylova commented 1 year ago

Here is an example from the Buildings library: ACACTransformerFull. The equations with der on lines 87-88:

  theRef = PhaseSystem_p.thetaRef(terminal_p.theta);
  omega = der(theRef);

define der(terminal_p.theta[1]). theta is defined as a ReferenceAngle with equalityConstraint, essentially of the form given in PartialPhaseSystem after some inheritance with modification on constants.:

  type ReferenceAngle "Reference angle for connector"
    extends Modelica.Units.SI.Angle;

    function equalityConstraint "Assert that angles are equal"
      extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
      input ReferenceAngle theta1[:];
      input ReferenceAngle theta2[:];
      output Real residue[0];
      for i in 1:size(theta1, 1) loop
        assert(abs(theta1[i] - theta2[i]) < Modelica.Constants.eps,
          "Angles theta1 and theta2 are not equal over the connection.");
      end for;
    end equalityConstraint;
    annotation (Documentation(info="<html>
This type defines the voltage angle (used by the phasorial approach) for a specific connector that extends
<a href=\"modelica://Buildings.Electrical.PhaseSystems.PartialPhaseSystem\">
  end ReferenceAngle;

Unlike in the example in the specification , however, it looks like der is used to define omega as a helper variable to compute some other quantities, instead of an equation to be solved for theta. But I am not familiar enough with the application to be certain about it.

HansOlsson commented 1 year ago

Looking more it seems that Buildings-library doesn't have the corresponding problem.

Consider Buildings.Electrical.AC.OnePhase.Sources.FixedVoltage where PhaseSystem.thetaRef(terminal.theta) = 2*Modelica.Constants.pi*f*time; so there's no state and thus no problem of equality constraints for state-variables. That also corresponds to the proposed idea for MSL.