Closed modelica-trac-importer closed 6 years ago
Modified by stefanv on 7 Sep 2010 18:50 UTC
Modified by dietmarw on 7 Sep 2010 19:05 UTC
Comment by HansOlsson on 8 Sep 2010 07:08 UTC I would propose to do it properly and introduce:
(function name function_call_args | expression ) [ "," function_arguments ]
| named_arguments
named_argument: IDENT "=" (function name function_call_args | expression )
Or even:
function_argument [ "," function_arguments ]
| named_arguments
named_argument: IDENT "=" function_argument
function_argument: function name function_call_args | expression
Comment by stefanv on 8 Sep 2010 12:38 UTC I would agree, but I would then further factor out the new type of expression.
Comment by stefanv on 8 Sep 2010 12:51 UTC Further to my last comment, I propose:
function_argument [ "," function_arguments | 'for' for_indices ]
| named_arguments
named_argument [ "," named_arguments ]
IDENT "=" function_argument
'function' component_reference "(" [ named_arguments ] ")"
| expression
Besides factoring out 'function_argument' into its own production for clarity, there are two other differences from what Hans wrote above:
I used 'component_reference' instead of 'name'. My reading of suggests to me that that is what is intended.
Instead of 'function_call_arguments', I used '"(" [ named_arguments ] ")"'. Again, suggests that only named arguments are permitted when creating a partial function application.
Comment by HansOlsson on 8 Sep 2010 14:18 UTC My main point was to not have it in the general primary and it is good that we agree on that.
I also agree that it should only be named_arguments.
However, I don't see what lead to the conclusion that it should be a general component-reference as refers to a func_name and other function calls in expressions now use name (it was previously (=Modelica 2.2) component_reference in the grammar with a semantic rule, since we had to left-factoring the grammar to make acceptable to LL-parser; looking at the grammar there seems to be some minor items left of the old style).
Comment by stefanv on 8 Sep 2010 14:46 UTC 12.4.2 specifically says:
A functional argument can be provided in one of the following forms to be passed to a formal parameter of function type in a function call:
a) as a function name [Parabola example below],
b) as a function partial application (Section below),
c) as a function that is a component,
d) as a function partial application of a function that is a component (example in Section below).
Parts (c) and (d) suggest to me that a component_reference is allowed. The following (contrived yet seemingly valid) example illustrate this (ignore the fact that this model isn't balanced):
partial function Integrand
input Real x;
output Real y;
end Integrand;
function Integrate
input Real x1, x2;
input Integrand integrand;
output Real integral;
integral := (x2-x1) * (integrand(x1) + integrand(x2)) / 2;
end Integrate;
function IntegrateSelectedFunction
input Real x1, x2;
input Integrand integrands[:];
input Integer funcSel;
output Real integral;
integral := Integrate(x1,x2,function integrands[funcSel]())
end IntegrateSelectedFunction;
function IntegrateTheFirstOfThese
input Real x1, x2;
input Integrand integrand1, integrand2;
output Real integral;
integral := IntegrateSelectedFunction(1,x1,x2,{integrand1,integrand2})
end IntegrateTheFirstOfThese;
function Power
input Real x, p;
output Real y;
y := x^p;
end Power;
model M
Real from, to, y;
y = IntegrateTheFirstOfThese(from,to,
function Power(p=2),
function Power(p=3));
end M;
Comment by dietmarw on 10 Sep 2010 07:27 UTC Replying to [comment:5 stefanv]:
I added the updated version of the MoParser and the Grammar.html provided by Stefan Vorkoetter in r4152 to the tools/MoParser
Comment by HansOlsson on 13 Sep 2010 16:25 UTC The example from Stefan relies on making array of function pointers.
As far as I see we have not added rules for expressions involving functions pointers (like making arrays, if-expressions); and the corresponding typing rules. Some such rules are probably good for the future, but for the first step it does not seem needed and thus name should suffice.
Comment by HansOlsson on 15 Sep 2010 13:39 UTC From design meeting:
function_argument [ "," function_arguments | 'for' for_indices ]
| named_arguments
named_argument [ "," named_arguments ]
IDENT "=" function_argument
'function' name "(" [ named_arguments ] ")"
| expression
The current intention is to only allow an argument of function type to be called and used as arguments to other functions, i.e. not inside if-expressions or in arrays.
Therefore add 'scalar' in some places in 12.4.2 to make this clearer.
Modified by HansOlsson on 15 Sep 2010 13:53 UTC
Comment by dietmarw on 15 Sep 2010 23:48 UTC
Note: A new version of Maplesoft's MoParser (based on the outcome of this ticket) has been added to the repo in r4184 and the grammar definitions from the provided Grammar.html
have been updated in r4186 for ModelicaReference.ModelicaGrammar
Reported by stefanv on 7 Sep 2010 18:08 UTC Section of the Modelica 3.2 specification describes the use of "function partial application", however the grammar was not updated to reflect this. The simplest change to the grammar to allow this would be to add the following line to the 'primary' production:
We should make this change immediately so the grammar is at least correct, but we should discuss at the upcoming design meeting whether there should be a separate 'function_partial_application' production instead.