Closed t-sommer closed 4 months ago
One option would be to use single quotes e.g. 'org.fmi-standard.fmi-ls-xcp.UDPPort'
Option 1: We say that "-" is replaced by "_", as we already did in fmi-ls-xcp and fmi-ls-bus. Option 2: Use 'org.fmi-standard'.'fmi-ls-xcp'.UDPPort Option 3: 'org.fmi-standard.fmi-ls-xcp.UDPPort' (use single quotes) Option 4: 'org.fmi-standard.fmi-ls-xcp'.UDPPort
Additionally for 3.0.2 we should comment on reserving this names on variables.
Option 1: Benedikt, Markus, Christian, Matthias, Masoud, Klaus Option 2: Nikolai, Klaus Option 3: Otto, Karl Option 4: Nikolai, Christian, Otto, Karl, Masoud
Christian: If there are further arguments please comment. We will talk about it in the Steering Committee next week (with respect on consequences to the release of the fmi-ls-xcp standard)
IMHO, the variables should be marked using an annotation or a separate XML file.
The dot notation does also not play well with variableNamingConvention="structured"
as it moves the parameter to the third sub-level:
IMHO, the variables should be marked using an annotation or a separate XML file.
I do nto undstand how this would help. We want to define fixesd variable names of that we want to use in a layered standard. So the FMU must have exactly the predefined names. Just marking them with an annotation or putting them in a separate XML file does mot help.
The proposals Option 1-4 provide names that avoid name-clashes. (in a bugfix relesae we cannot forbid their usage in a different way, but give a strong recommendation, but it is very unlikele. In the end it is up to the exporting tool to avoid name-clashes, if it wants to support the corresponding layered standard)
The dot notation does also not play well with variableNamingConvention="structured" as it moves the parameter to the third sub-level: Option 4 wold avoid this, all parameters of the layered standard would be grouped. on the first sub-level. However, personally I do not consider this too important.
We must decide on this issue before the release of FMI-LS-XCP . (Any solution other than the option 1 will delay the release) @ all : Please give your opinions and arguments here in this issue. (@pmai , @andreas-junghanns , ....)
We will then discuss how to proceed in next weeks steering committee meeting
Why would it be necessary to require a fixed name for these variables? They can be identified by the respective annotation, e.g.
<UInt16 name="UDPPort" valueReference="8" causality="parameter" variability="fixed" initial="exact" start="5555">
<Annotation type="org.fmi-standard.fmi-ls-xcp.UDPPort"/>
Would the name "UDPPort" be predefined, or could you also have a different variable name?
<Float64 name="myUDP" valueReference="8" causality="parameter" variability="fixed" initial="exact" start="5555">
<Annotation type="org.fmi-standard.fmi-ls-xcp.UDPPort"/>
The variable could have any name.
Why would it be necessary to require a fixed name for these variables? They can be identified by the respective annotation, e.g.
<UInt16 name="UDPPort" valueReference="8" causality="parameter" variability="fixed" initial="exact" start="5555"> <Annotations> <Annotation type="org.fmi-standard.fmi-ls-xcp.UDPPort"/> </Annotations> </UInt16>
I agree with Torsten that this is the cleaner solution for layered standards.
Why would it be necessary to require a fixed name for these variables? They can be identified by the respective annotation, e.g.
<UInt16 name="UDPPort" valueReference="8" causality="parameter" variability="fixed" initial="exact" start="5555"> <Annotations> <Annotation type="org.fmi-standard.fmi-ls-xcp.UDPPort"/> </Annotations> </UInt16>
This is a nice idea that would have been worth discussing a year ago when we did not have any release candidates for LS XCP and when exactly this topic was discussed and decided on (s. There has already been a poll about the naming of the variables and almost all the participants of the F2F Design Meeting voted for the current naming.
Using annotations has other drawbacks. For instance, it is more complex to search for the variables as the information you are looking for is part of an element in an element list under the variable. Layered standards might also be defined for FMI 2.0 (like it is the case for LS XCP) and in FMI 2.0 the annotations were considered as additional information for specific tools. Due to this the annotation requires a "Tool" element, which is also not "pretty".
Besides that most tools will probably not display annotations but variable names. Using the fmi-ls prefix in the variable name will make it clearer for the user where those variables belong. Additionally, people indeed might prefer the structured variable depiction because the variables are grouped by layered standards, which makes it clearer if the FMU contains several layered standards.
I believe both variants have their drawbacks and it is a matter of preference. Since tool vendors have already invested significant effort in implementing and pushing LS XCP, we should not further postpone the release, especially because we already have reached the RC4 milestone. Changes to the implementation (which this would be) should only be made if absolutely necessary and not based on preferences.
(cc) @adriantirea @andreas-junghanns @jan-ribbe @pmai @chrbertsch
FMI Steering Committee:
FMI Design Meeting:
Pierre: we could after the release of LS-XCP give a recommendation in the FMI Guide how to write a layered standard ...
FMI Design Webmeeting: Torsten: with the current solution this is no longer relvant, as we went away from fixed variables names
because the hyphen (
) clashes with the naming conventionstructured
.see also