modelica / ssp-ls-traceability

Prototyping of an SSP Traceability Layered Standard
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Finalize Specification Documentation #52

Open peter-lobner opened 1 year ago

peter-lobner commented 1 year ago

The SSP Traceability Specification should be finalized.

These parts need imho some work:

Generally the SSP Traceability Specification should be self-explanatory and independently usable from the workflow guide , i.e. that the CDP and the CSP should be introduced and explained sufficently together with the format details.

The workflow guide then addresses all aspects on how to apply SSP Traceability in practice, focusing on the workflow aspects and business aspects without the format details.

tabbertpeter commented 11 months ago

• Include Credible Decision Process => teilweise erledigt, Schema liegt mir noch nicht vor • Add more explanation for DerivagtionChain => Offen und zu klären, welche Informationen noch fehlen? • Unnecessary links within the specification should be reduced (Currently we have 54 links like "For the details of [...] see chapter [...]"). Generally it would be better to directly include the links for the attributes in the tables and not create empty chapters for them => Erledigt • The semantics of the LifeCycleInformationTypes should be detailed ( => Erledigt • The semantics of the StepType and the specific steps should be detailed ( => Erledigt • LinkType attributes should be explained in more detail ( => Offen, Details klären z.B. Verweis auf W3C => Pierre? • We have 17 mentions spec of "Text fehlt noch" => Offen, Details klären z.B. Verweis auf W3C => Pierre • The correlation of CSP and STMD and CDP and DTMD should be clarified=> Erledigt • The semantics of the ParticleType and the specific particles should be detailed ( => Erledigt • The usage and benefits of SRMD should be detailed the different forms of integration (standalone or inline) ( Generally SRMD should be explained as an independently usable part of SSP Traceability=> teilweise erledigt • The explanation how to include SRMD as annotation in SSP ( should be removed because there will be official support in SSP 2.0 coming soon => Offen, Details klären (z.B, Umfang der Löschung) => Pierre? • The resource kinds should be named and explained ( => teilweise erledigt => Pierre?

Anmerkungen/Fragen/Issues Ta: Siehe auch gelbe Textmarkierungen im Dokument • Bei den Lifecycle informations lassen wir mehrere Statuseinträge zu, obwohl wir generell sagen dass ein GlueParticle nur ein Snapscot ist und keine Historie enthält. Könnte das als ein Widerspruch bzw. konzeptionelle Inkonsistent wahrgenommen werden?