modelleicher / FS19_realManualTransmission

Manual Transmission/Gearbox for FS19
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Multiple motor configuration issue. #63

Open Farmboy1539 opened 4 years ago

Farmboy1539 commented 4 years ago

I've been going through all my tractor mods and adding in the transmission configs to all of them but ran into a snag with Custom Modding's 8R mod. In the file they have five or six different motor configs giving us essentially the the entire 8R tractor family. Unfortunately the smaller tractors in that series have the 16 speed powershift transmission while the larger ones have the 23 speed transmission. I got the 23 speed in the xml file and working good. Then I tried to call for a specific motor configuration using name="8400R" similarly to how you guys used the configFile= to call the base game equipment but it still showed for every tractor not just the 8400. Any ideas on how I can add both the 16 and 23 speed transmission configurations in the same xml and get them assigned to the correct tractors?

Overall I'm really enjoying your mod so far! Mogli's Gearbox Addon was the main thing keeping me on Fs17. As soon as I heard about yours I made the switch to 19 and I'm glad I did.

modelleicher commented 4 years ago

I'm not sure what you are trying to say with this

Then I tried to call for a specific motor configuration using name="8400R"

But I can't think of any way this would work. You can have multiple realManualTransmissionConfigurations, and multiple motorConfigurations, but you can't link them. (yet at least) You could do this with configSets, but that would mean that the tractor wouldn't load without RMT active so I'm not sure if thats a good idea ;)

Farmboy1539 commented 4 years ago

Well I was hopeing it would recognize the script calling for a specific motorConfig and assign the transmission to it similarly to how the base config assigns the transmission to the base game tractor. Then I realized your script probably wasn't written to do that so dumb try on my part just a shot in the dark lol.

You can have multiple realManualTransmissionConfigurations, and multiple motorConfigurations, but you can't link them. (yet at least)

Ok that's essentially what I was wondering. I take it you might have plans to link them??

modelleicher commented 4 years ago

I do have plans to implement a way to link a certain gearbox config to a certain motor config so that when you select a motor config it changes the gearbox accordingly. But I can't have multiple gearbox configs per motor config and changing depending on the motor config, because I can't change those things "live" while the shop-screen is loaded. At least I don't think I can..

So in other words: motorConfig 1 has transmissionConfig 2 motorConfig 2 has transmissionConfig 1 ^ thats the plan

motorConfig 1 has transmissionConfig 2, 3 and 4 motorConfig 1 has transmissionConfig 1 and 2 ^ that doesn't work