modelleicher / FS19_simpleIC

New Interactive Control Script for FS19
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AttacherControl animation initial state not centered. #92

Open ScootersWorkbench opened 3 years ago

ScootersWorkbench commented 3 years ago

Hi! Farming Simulator 19 2_26_2021 12_23_49 AM_LI Farming Simulator 19 2_26_2021 12_20_13 AM_LI

When buying the tractor from the store or reloading a saved game, the attacherControl animation takes the state of the attacher (raised or lowered) and the animation doesn't reset to center until the raise or lower action is completed once. Then it works fine. So my animation is:

              <attacherControl attacherIndex="1" >
            <leverAnimation animationName="leverAnimationHyOut" doNotSynch="false" returnToCenter="true" />
            <!-- <insideTrigger triggerPoint="sic_attacherBack_insideTrigger" triggerPointSize="0.04" /> -->
            <!-- <outsideTrigger triggerPoint="sic_attacherBack_outsideTrigger" triggerPointSize="0.04" /> -->
      <animation name="leverAnimationHyOut">
            <part node="hyOut" startTime="0" endTime="0.5" startRot="20 0 0" endRot="-20 0 0"/>

but the game will not perform the "returnToCenter" for the initial state and the lever is at "-20 0 0" when showing in the store. It's not a big problem, but I'm using a CharacterTargetNodeModifier and the farmer's hand will stay stuck to the lever until it returns to 0 0 0. It looks funny for the guy to ride around like that. Plus I'm using motorStart animations for a pushbutton starter and his hand won't hit the button target anymore.

      <characterTargetNodeModifier node="player_rightHand" transitionTime="0.01" >
            <!-- <state node="RightHandThrottleTarget" referenceNode="HandThrottle" /> -->
            <state node="hyInRightHandTarget" referenceNode="hyIn"/>
            <state node="hyMidRightHandTarget" referenceNode="hyMid"/>
            <state node="playerRHStartTarget" referenceNode="starterButton"/>
            <state node="hyOutRightHandTarget" referenceNode="hyOut"/>


Thanks for you time, Scooter

modelleicher commented 3 years ago

Hi, seems like I forgot to add centering of the animation upon startup.. added to the bug-list. But I don't know why it won't hit the startButton?

ScootersWorkbench commented 3 years ago

:) His hand will still move forward like he's trying to hit the button, but it's taking the action from the Lever position and not his normal resting position.

Aluha74rus commented 3 years ago

hi, when will you be able to add the alignment of the lever animation?and could you do something else to lift the trailer?

modelleicher commented 3 years ago

Hi, sorry I didn't have any time or motivation to do any modding/scripting over the last weeks. I'm trying to get back into it but due to backed up projects I can't say any timeline..

A function to tip trailers is planned ;)