modelscope / ms-swift

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GLM4V运行时报错 #1611

Closed det-tu closed 2 weeks ago

det-tu commented 1 month ago

Describe the bug What the bug is, and how to reproduce, better with screenshots(描述bug以及复现过程,最好有截图) 命令:CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 swift infer --model_type glm4v-9b-chat --model_id_or_path ../MLLM/GLM4V-9b --template_type glm4v 报错:AssertionError: failed to match chat template, please explicit set chat_template_config image

Your hardware and system info Write your system info like CUDA version/system/GPU/torch version here(在这里给出硬件信息和系统信息,如CUDA版本,系统,GPU型号和torch版本等)


Additional context Add any other context about the problem here(在这里补充其他信息)

Jintao-Huang commented 1 month ago


det-tu commented 1 month ago



det-tu commented 1 month ago



demoninpiano commented 1 month ago

我用swift2.4.0.dev0, lmdeploy=0.5.3也没办法跑通glm4v 的lmdeploy inference代码

问题是AttributeError: 'AsyncEngine' object has no attribute 'vl_encoder' 看了下lmdeploy代码, 应该是lmdeploy没有成功建立vlAsyncEngine这个类

Jintao-Huang commented 3 weeks ago

Describe the bug What the bug is, and how to reproduce, better with screenshots(描述bug以及复现过程,最好有截图) 命令:CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 swift infer --model_type glm4v-9b-chat --model_id_or_path ../MLLM/GLM4V-9b --template_type glm4v 报错:AssertionError: failed to match chat template, please explicit set chat_template_config image

Your hardware and system info Write your system info like CUDA version/system/GPU/torch version here(在这里给出硬件信息和系统信息,如CUDA版本,系统,GPU型号和torch版本等)


Additional context Add any other context about the problem here(在这里补充其他信息)
