modernatx / seqlike

Unified biological sequence manipulation in Python
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simplify SeqLike.__getitem__() to ignore the AA sequence when accessing/slicing the NT sequence #72

Open ndousis opened 1 year ago

ndousis commented 1 year ago

As currently implemented, slicing a SeqLike that contains AA and NT records yields:

  1. a simple behavior when the AA record is primary, and
  2. a slow and less robust behavior when the NT record is primary (e.g., if the slice is not a triplet, SeqLike returns a "Partial codon" warning)

In particular, the computational overhead of translating the NT sequence during each __getitem__() call can be very tedious (e.g., when applying a long sliding window over an entire sequence).

I propose that we eliminate the second behavior (attempting to slice the AA record when NT is primary)-- i.e., when slicing the NT SeqLike, all bets are off with respect to the AA record, and the user must explicitly translate the SeqLike to yield a new AA record.

Alternatively, we could add a flag to optionally retain the AA record when True (default False; similar to how BioPython already addresses this for SeqRecord.reverse_complement()), though I don't know how to implement this properly in __getitem__().

andrewgiessel commented 1 year ago

Thanks for opening @ndousis !

Keeping the AA and NT records in sync (if we can) is a core design tenant of SeqLike and I am very hesitant to change that. I do appreciate how it adds a lot of overhead, so I've explored a couple of options below.

Your flag idea could potentially work. Optional arguments to __getitem__ are possible, but you can't pass them in unless you call the method directly rather than use the [] syntax. i.e.:

s = SeqLike('aaacccgggttt', seq_type="NT")

# the following are the same
s.__getitem__(slice(0, 3, None))

# assuming the following signature,
#     def __getitem__(self, index, safe=True) -> "SeqLike":
# then the following statement works and `safe` is False within `__getitem__`

s.__getitem__(slice(0, 3, None), safe=False)

I've implemented this on my machine (but with behavior preserving defaults) as well as not translating if the NT slice is not a triplet. The latter check is a good suggestion regardless. But you can see that the code is a bit verbose because you have to manually make a slice object.

That said, I do not think the flag is worth implementing unless there is a compelling reason you must use SeqLikes for these sections of your workflow. I would suggest instead to explore using the underlying NT SeqRecord and then remaking any SeqLikes if needed afterwards. This would be especially do-able if you don't need the resulting sequence but only a calculated value on sliding windows. I feel like this is your best option here.

Another alternative would be to subclass SeqLike for your specific use case and override __getitem__ there.

Let me know your thoughts

ndousis commented 1 year ago

If the intended behavior is to keep AA and NT in sync, then perhaps we should implement that behavior more directly rather than relying on a re-translation step. As __getitem__() is implemented currently, a sliding NT window with a single nucleotide stride would yield many out-of-frame AA sequences-- so the AA sequence is practically no longer synchronized. Instead, what if __getitem()__ applied a modulo operation to maintain the codon-AA correspondence using "X" or similar at the 5' and 3' flanks?