moderndive / ModernDive_book

Statistical Inference via Data Science: A ModernDive into R and the Tidyverse
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Correction to Solution LC 9.15 #447

Closed rudeboybert closed 2 years ago

rudeboybert commented 2 years ago

From Don H. by email (LC9.15) Test your data wrangling knowledge and EDA skills:

Use dplyr and tidyr to create the necessary data frame focused on only action and romance movies (but not both) from the movies data frame in the ggplot2movies package. Make a boxplot and a faceted histogram of this population data comparing ratings of action and romance movies from IMDb. Discuss how these plots compare to the similar plots produced for the movies_sample data.


Use dplyr and tidyr to create the necessary data frame focused on only action and romance movies (but not both) from the movies data frame in the ggplot2movies package.

action_romance <- movies %>%
  filter(Action == 1 & Romance == 1)

My solution:

action_romance <- movies %>%
  select(title, year, rating, Action, Romance) %>%
  filter((Action == 1 | Romance == 1) & 
           !(Action == 1 & Romance == 1)) %>%
  pivot_longer(names_to = 'genre',
               cols = c(Action, Romance)) %>%
  filter(value == 1) %>%