modernham / ProxBlocks

A tool for automatic blacklisting IP lists via Proxmox Firewall.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Overwritten existing firewall groups #1

Open mangelot opened 7 months ago

mangelot commented 7 months ago

When using the script the [IPSET Blacklist] section is added (append) to cluster.fw But if the [IPSET blacklist] is in the middle of the cluster.fw and the other rules [management] if below that those are overwritten with this script.

Is it possible to first remove the old [IPSET Blacklist] data with a regex remove everything between [IPSET Blacklist] ip-addresses and next [firewall group]

After that add and confirm the [IPSET Blacklist] is appended to bottom of the cluster.fw file en that append the new blacklist ip-adresses?

modernham commented 7 months ago

I'll take a look at this and see if I can get it fixed tonight.

mangelot commented 7 months ago

Hi, can you take a look at following code en verify this works correctly? (I'm no python coder)

Best regards, Marco

from urllib.request import urlopen from datetime import datetime

author = "ModernHam" license = "GPLv3" FILEPATH = "/etc/pve/firewall/cluster.fw.test"

header = """[IPSET blacklist] """

def writeFile(): data = urlopen('').read() # bytes body = data.decode('utf-8') file_data = header + body

newfile = []  # Reset newfile for each execution

with open(FILEPATH, 'r+') as file:
    lines = file.readlines()  # Move the file pointer to the beginning

    ipset_found = False
    for line in lines:
        if line.__contains__("[IPSET blacklist]"):
            ipset_found = True
        elif ipset_found and line.startswith("["):
            ipset_found = False
            if not ipset_found:

    if not ipset_found:

    file.writelines(newfile)  # Write the updated content

print(str( + ": " + "Updated cluster.fw with " + str(len(body.split("\n"))) + " entries.")
